
Deploying on Zeit Now is very easy:

  1. Change your working directory to now and execute the command:
$ now --docker --public
  1. In the Terminal window, the tool will report its progress and the URL from which you can access your now published app:
> Deploying C:devlocal-weather-appweb-app
ow under duluca
> Ready! [3s]
> Initializing...
> Building
> ▲ docker build
Sending build context to Docker daemon 2.048 kBkB
> Step 1 : FROM duluca/localcast-weather
> latest: Pulling from duluca/localcast-weather
> Deployment complete!
  1. Navigate to the URL listed on the second line and verify the publication of your app.

Note that if you've made a configuration error along the way, your browser may display an error saying This page is trying to load unsafe scripts, allow and reload to see your app.

You can explore Zeit Now's paid features, which allow for advanced features such as automated scaling for your application.

Congratulations, you are app is live on the internet!

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