
You should now be familiar with how to create high-quality authentication and authorization experiences. We started by going over the importance of completing and documenting high-level UX design of our entire app so that we can properly design a great conditional navigation experience. We created a reusable UI service so that we can conveniently inject alerts into the flow-control logic of our app.

We covered the fundamentals of token-based authentication and JWTs so that you don't leak any critical user information. We learned that caching and HTTP interceptors are necessary so that users don't have to input their login information with every request. Finally, we covered router guards to prevent users from stumbling onto screens they are not authorized to use, and we reaffirmed the point that the real security of your application should be implemented on the server side.

In the next chapter, we will go over a comprehensive list of Angular recipes to complete the implementation of our line-of-business app—LemonMart.

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