

absolute paths, 147

action, 35

action safe guides, 2–5, 328

Actions panel, 12, 13

ActionScript, 313–318. See also code; scripts

adding animation with, 313–318

adding to Flash files, 12–13

advantages of, 130–131, 313

basics, 12–13, 134–141

case sensitivity, 149

classes. See classes

code coloring, 138

considerations, 129, 132

creating new document, 142

keywords, 137–138

navigating to frame labels, 6

navigating to scenes, 10

objects in, 134

operators, 138–141

planning phase, 131–133

resources, 129, 142, 224

saving documents, 142, 143

settings, 147

statements, 137–138

typing, 152–153

versions, 12

vs. JSFL, 228

vs. Timeline, 130–131, 313

ActionScript mask, 240

ActionScript-to-JSFL interactions, 259–267

addChild method, 300

addNewPrimitiveRectangle command, 247

Adobe (company), v

Adobe Extension Manager, 122, 269

After Effects, 328

AIFF files, 20

alert box, 248, 252, 259

alert method, 248, 249, 252

alphaMultiplier property, 180

animated preloaders, 287–291

animatics, 46–48, 93

animation. See also character animation

ActionScript vs. Timeline, 313

adding with ActionScript, 313–318

cutout, 53–54

digital portfolio, 274–291

dynamic, 330–333

exporting to PNG sequences, 328–330

publishing for broadcast, 325–333

publishing to mobile/desktop, 333–334

resources, 50, 111

sharing via web, 274–325

stop-motion, 53–54

traditional, 50–51

animation classes, 313–318. See also classes

Animation Tasks panel, 260–267

AnimSlider, 127

anti-aliasing, 284


considerations, 170–171, 237, 260

described, 137, 228

syntax, 137, 139

arithmetic operators, 139

armatures, 104–110

arrays, 137, 139, 230

arrow keys, 39, 41, 196, 199, 216, 224

artwork. See also sketches

collecting for site content, 292

converting to symbols, 57–58, 110–111, 148

creating for Flash files, 276–281

hiding/showing, 8

locking layers, 5, 12

for preloaders, 287–291

previewing, 7

repository for, 11–12

scaling, 321

synchronizing audio with, 22–23

vector, 159, 275

as keyword, 171

aspect ratio, 326

audio. See sound

authoring environment, 227

auto-completion, code, 146

automating repetitive tasks. See workflow automation


backups, 328

Bandwidth Profiler, 310–312

base class, 155


button, 57, 318–321

controlling sound with, 22–23

edge, 200–206

graphics, 57–58

movie clip, 57

start, 22

stop, 22

stream, 22

symbol, 57–58

Bitmap object, 159, 161, 172, 174

bitmap smoothing, 249–252

BitmapData object, 172–174

blocking, 32

blur, motion, 18, 181–191

Bone tool, 90, 104–110

bones, 104–110

Boolean properties, 164

boundaries property, 200

BoundedMover class, 201–206

braces { }, 139, 152

brackets [ ], 139, 230

branching narrative, 29

breakApart() command, 241

Brush tool, 47, 61–62, 83–84, 93

Button symbols, 57


behaviors, 57, 318–321

menu, 281, 297

in panels, 263

states, 57



perspective angle, 37–39

stop-motion animation, 53

techniques, 13–20

camera shots, 36–37, 328

cartoon characters. See characters

case sensitivity, 149

CD, included with book, viii

cel animation, 50

character animation, 49–128. See also animation; characters

adding dialogue, 110–128

animating manually, 90–103

animating with inverse kinematics, 104–110

bones, 104–110

building characters, 56–89

cel animation, 50

conceptualization, 55–56

creating armatures, 104–110

creating joints, 90–92

cutout animation, 53–54

designing characters, 29–31, 54–56

doodling, 55

drawing on ones, 51

drawing on twos, 51

driver character. See driver character

flour sack exercise, 50

hand-drawn, 50–51

lip syncing, 110–128

resources, 50

run/walk cycle, 92–103, 217–224

screen edge behavior, 200–206

stop-motion, 53–54

synchronizing sound to, 22–23

techniques, 50–54

traditional, 50–51

tweening. See tweening; tweens

wandering around screen, 206–216

character control classes, 191–224

character design, 29–31, 54–56


animating. See character animation

bones, 104–110

building in Flash, 56–89

cleaning up sketches, 56

converting to symbols, 88–89

designing, 29–31, 54–56

driver. See driver character

joints, 90–92

lip syncing, 110–128

mouth symbol/shapes, 111–118

checkEdges method, 202–206, 219

class examples

character control, 191–224

visual effects, 156–191

classes, 129–224. See also specific classes

access control attributes, 161

attaching to Library items, 151–154

author of, 146

base, 155

basic structure, 143

within classes, 161

composition, 161

creating, 141–145, 155–224

document class, 141–149, 296–310

empty, 154

encapsulation, 160

event, 154–155

examples. See class examples

extending, 135, 155, 160

helper, 161

importing, 147–148, 315

inheritance, 134, 135

instantiating, 141

names, 142, 145

from other sources, 224

overview, 134–137

polymorphism, 155–156

purpose of, 134

reusable, 136, 155–224

subclasses, 135, 155, 156

superclasses, 155, 156

user-created, 135

web addresses, 146

classpaths, 145–147

clearCanvasOnUpate property, 164, 170, 179, 190

code. See also ActionScript

auto-completion options, 146

case sensitivity, 149

color in, 138

comments, 139

indenting, 152

code blocks, 139

Code Editor, 138, 142–147, 153, 163

code hinting, 146

code snippets, 13

coding. See scripting

colon (:), 152


animating for broadcast and, 326

in code, 138

ColorTransform object, 180

fills, 61, 63, 65, 172, 232, 240

ColorTransform object, 180


deleting, 267

managing, 260, 267

renaming, 267

running, 238

saving scripts as, 233, 237–238

shortcuts, 247–248

Commands directory, 237

commands list, 260

Commands menu, 234, 237, 248, 260, 267

comments, 139

compiler, 140–141

compiler errors, 143, 144, 146

composition, 161

compression, 332

conceptualization, 55–56

conditional statements, 171

configFile properties, 297

Configuration directory, 237–238

confirm method, 248–249, 251, 252

constructor method, 143, 163, 164


collecting artwork for, 292

dynamic, 293–296

guided, 4–5

loading/unloading, 297, 300, 303–305

preparing for web, 292

title/action safe areas for, 2

content directory, 292

content layers, 4, 279

contentLoader property, 297, 304

contentLoaderInfo property, 304

coordinate system, 193

CSS, styling text with, 312–313

CSS files, 312–313

CSS properties, 312

curly braces { }, 139, 152

cutout animation, 53–54


debugging, 249

Deco tool, 159

design patterns, 150

desktop computers, publishing to, 333–334

dialog boxes, advanced, 258–259

dialogue, adding, 110–128

dispose method, 166, 174

document class, 141–149

Document Object Model (DOM), 229–231

documents. See also files; Flash files

compacting, 12

creating new blank, 59–60, 142

help, 236, 237, 270

saving, 142, 143

templates. See templates

DOM (Document Object Model), 229–231

doodling, 55

dot syntax, 230

DOWN conditional, 221

download speeds, 310–312

driver character

animating manually, 90–103

animating with inverse kinematics, 104–110

building, 59–89

converting to symbol, 88–89

run/walk cycle, 92–103

working with imported sketch, 59–63

driver character, components

bones, 104–110

eyes, 63–66

hat, 66–70

joints, 90–92

limbs, 83–89

mustache/hair, 71–76

torso, 77–83

dynamic animation, 330–333

dynamic content, 293–296

dynamic text, 283–284


ease, 319

easing, 314

ECMAScript, 228

edge behavior, 200–206

elements, 229–230

else statement, 171

else-if statements, 171, 196, 220

encapsulation, 160

ENTER_FRAME event, 166

envelope, sound, 23–24


compiler, 143, 144, 146

strict typing and, 153

try-catch statements, 305

Unhandled ioError, 299

Event behavior, 22

event classes, 154–155

event listeners, 152, 162, 195, 319


dispatching, 155

keyboard, 196

mouse, 154

overview, 154–155

sounds, 22


animations to PNG sequences, 328–330

dynamic animation, 330–333

to QuickTime, 330–333

video for Flash output, 325–333

to video sharing sites, 274, 333

Extensible Markup Language. See XML

Extension Manager, 122, 269


FrameSync, 122–128, 227

included on CD, viii

managing, 122, 269

MotionSketch, 177

packaging for distribution, 257–268

resources, 270–271

SmartMouth, 127


fade method, 179–180

fadeAmount property, 179, 181, 190

file formats, 56

files. See also documents; Flash files

AIFF, 20

CSS, 312–313

FLA, 328

GIF, 292

HTML, 322–325

JPEG, 292

MP3, 20

MXI, 268–269

PNG, 292

SWF, 292

SWZ, 285

WAV, 20

XML, 258–259, 293–296, 299

fills, 61, 63, 65, 172, 232, 240

FLA files, 328


advanced techniques, 257–268

forums, 270–271

help documents, 236, 237, 270

popularity of, 54

resources, viii, 270–271

Flash Code Editor, 138, 142–147, 153, 163

Flash coordinate system, 193

Flash DOM, 229–231

Flash extensions. See extensions

Flash files. See also documents; files

action safe/title safe guides, 2–5, 328

creating artwork for, 276–281

displaying on web, 276–291

exporting to video, 325–333

organizing in Library, 11–12

saving/compacting, 12

setting up for video output, 326–328

setting up for web output, 277

setup tips, 2–13

templates. See templates

Flash panels, 259–267

Flash Player, 276, 331

flashbacks, 28–29

flashContent element, 324

flour sack exercise, 50

fl.trace method, 249


ActionScript, 147

expanding/collapsing, 11

layer, 9

organizing in Library, 11

subfolders, 146

font embedding, 283–284

for loop, 300

forums, 270–271

frame labels, 5–6, 7

frame notes, 6

frame rates, 51, 327–328

frames. See also keyframes

adding, 6, 15, 21

adding ActionScript to, 12, 15

copying, 16, 210, 279

cutting, 75, 99

layers and, 229

pasting, 16, 76, 88, 100

selecting, 16

size of, 6, 7

skipping, 219

FrameSync extension, 122–128, 227

framing, 32

FTP (File Transfer Protocol), 322, 325

functions, 137, 149, 228

FutureSplash Animator, v


Gap Size setting, 69

generateMenu method, 299–300

get method, 185

getBitmap method, 166

getCanvas method, 163

getters, 185

GIF files, 292

GIF format, 56

globalToLocal method, 172

gradients, 157, 282–283, 287

Graphic symbols

considerations, 326, 328

described, 57

lip syncing via, 111, 114–118

uses for, 57–58

graphics tablets, 59, 314, 315

guide layers, 4–5, 328

guides, 2–5, 328


help documents, 236, 237, 270

helper class, 161

hideSymbol property, 164, 179

History panel, 232–234

hover state, 312

HTML files, 322–325

htmlText property, 302


if statement, 171

IK (inverse kinematics), 104–110

Illustrator, 56


ActionScript classes, 147–148

audio, 119–120

classes, 147–148, 315

index property, 301

inheritance, 134, 135, 170

init method, 164–166, 190, 297–298

initBitmap method, 171–173

initialization methods, 164

instance names, 279

instances, 57–59, 110–111, 134

instantiation, 134, 141

int (integer data type), 193

integer data type (int), 193

internal keyword, 161

interpolation, 51–52. See also tweening

inverse kinematics (IK), 104–110


JavaScript, 229, 233

JavaScript Flash. See JSFL

JPEG files, 292

JPEG format, 56

JSFL (JavaScript Flash)

ActionScript-to-JSFL interactions, 259–267

advantages of, 228–229

basics, 227–231

custom tools, 268

extensions in, 227

Flash DOM and, 229–231

help documents, 236, 237, 270

objects in, 229

panels, 259–267

resources, 270–271

vs. ActionScript, 228

JSFL scripts, 228, 232–257


key poses. See keyframes


moving object with, 192–200

shortcuts, 247–248

keyboard events, 196

keyCode property, 196

keyDown method, 196, 214–215

keyframes. See also frames

considerations, 57, 93

creating, 125

described, 51

frame labels, 5–6

inserting, 21, 115

keyUp method, 196, 221

keywords, 137–138


labels, 5–6, 7, 254, 256

lastX property, 182, 183

lastY property, 182, 183

layer folders, 9


content, 4, 279

displaying as outlines, 8

frames on, 229

guide, 4–5, 328

height, 8–9

hiding/showing, 9

labels, 5–6, 126

locking/unlocking, 5, 12, 278

names, 8

properties, 8–9

sketch, 63, 89

title, 281

Library, organizing items in, 11–12

library folders, 11

Library items, 150, 151–154, 249–253

linear narrative, 28–29

lines, constraining, 70

links, 295, 298, 303, 312

lip syncing, 110–128

loadContent method, 303–304

loadItem method, 302

logical operators, 139

loops, 137, 228


Mac OS X, 237, 247, 324

Macromedia, v

masks, 177, 238–239, 240

Math.min method, 289

matte script, 238–247

Media Playback templates, 60

memory issues, 166, 174, 328, 333

menu buttons, 281, 297

menuItemStart property, 297

Merge Drawing model, 239

methods, 134, 137, 228

MMExecute() function, 259–260, 266

mobile devices, publishing to, 333–334

model sheets, 30–31, 56

motion blur, 18, 180–191

motion tweens, 4, 15, 16, 18, 52

MotionBlurClip class, 181–189

MotionBlurTrail class, 190–191

MotionBrush class, 159–168

MotionSketch extension, 177

MotionTrail class, 177–181

mouse click listeners, 152, 264, 300

mouse clicks, 111, 229, 240, 242, 264

MouseEvent object, 152

mouth shapes, 115–118

mouth symbol, creating, 111–115

mouth symbol script, 252–257

Mover class, 192–200

Movie Clip symbols, 57

Movie Clip Timeline, 326

MovieClip class, 135

movies. See also video

action safe/title safe areas, 2–5, 328

adding sound to, 20–27

testing, 144, 266

MP3 files, 20

MXI files, 268–269


naming conventions, 11–12

narrative, 27–29


described, 58

lip syncing via, 111, 121–128

symbols, 58–59

new keyword, 166

nonlinear narrative, 28–29

notes, frame, 6

NTSC format, 326, 327


Object class, 134–135

Object Drawing mode, 112, 238, 240, 245

object-oriented design patterns, 150

object-oriented programming (OOP), 150

objects. See also specific objects

in ActionScript, 134

bitmap, 159, 161, 172, 174

instances, 57

in JSFL, 229

moving with keyboard, 192–200

primitive, 247

on Stage. See Stage

offset property, 169

onAddedToStage method, 162, 201

onClick function, 152–153

onContentLoadProgress method, 304

onContentLoadStarted method, 304

onDataLoaded method, 298

onFrame method, 163, 179

Onion Skin feature, 93, 115–118

onMenuItemClick method, 319–320

onRemovedFromStage method, 163

OOP (object-oriented programming), 150

operators, ActionScript, 138–139

Optimize Curves dialog box, 73

Oval tool, 66, 213

override keyword, 161, 179


package paths, 146

packages, 143, 145–147

PAL format, 326, 327

panels, 259–267

panning, 13, 14–18

parallax scrolling, 17–18

parameters, 137, 228

parentheses ( ), 139–140

paths, 145–147

perspective angle, 37–39

phonemes, 115, 121

Photoshop, 56

playhead, 6, 10, 57, 226, 255

plot, 35

plug-ins. See extensions

PNG files, 292

PNG format, 56

PNG sequences, 328–330

points, 172

polymorphism, 155–156

portfolio, digital, 274–325

preloaders, 40, 287–291

Preview modes, 7

primitive objects, 247

private keyword, 161, 168

programming. See ActionScript; code; scripts

programming terms, 136–137

prompt method, 249

properties. See also specific properties

Boolean, 164

CSS, 312

layer, 8–9

sound, 22–23

protected keyword, 161, 168, 193

public keyword, 161, 168


for broadcast, 325–333

to mobile/desktop platforms, 333–334


Queasy Tools panel, 260–267

QuickTime, 325, 330–333


raw vector data, 239


Create Stage Size Rectangle script, 232–238

matte script, 239–247

rigging, 90

rollover state, 312

root keyword, 201

rotation property, 215

Runner class, 217–224

run/walk cycles, 92–103, 217–224


scaleX property, 215, 221

scaling artwork, 321

scanners, 56


converting to symbols, 16

overview, 10

panning, 14–18

using sound across, 24–25

zooming in/out, 18–20

scr object, 173

Script Editor, 234–236

scripting, 228. See also ActionScript; coding

scripting terms, 228

scripts. See also ActionScript; workflow automation

advanced dialog boxes, 258–259

for bitmap smoothing, 249–252

compatibility, 247

executing, 235, 290

History panel, 232–234

JSFL, 228, 232–257

matte creation, 238–247

modifying, 236–237

mouth symbol, 252–257

rectangle, 232–238

sample, 238

saving as commands, 234, 237–238

testing, 246

with user interactions, 248–249

scrubbing, 57

selectAll function, 241

semicolon (;), 140–141

set method, 186

setBounds method, 203

setters, 185

setting, 35

shape hints, 208–212


adjusting, 65

creating armatures with, 108–110

merging, 239

mouth, 115–118

sharing animations, 273–334

overview, 273

publishing for broadcast, 325–333

publishing to mobile/desktop, 333–334

via web, 274–325

Simulate Download option, 310–312

Single Frame option, 118

site document class, 141–149, 296–310

site.html file, 323–325

sketch layer, 63, 89

SketchBook Pro, 56, 59

sketches. See also artwork

cleaning up, 56

for run/walk cycles, 92

in storyboards, 31–45

working with, 59–63

SmartMouth extension, 127

snapping, 65, 79

sound, 20–27

adding to movies, 20–21

controlling via behaviors, 22–23

disabling, 332

event, 22

importing, 119–120

lip syncing, 110–128

narrative, 27–29

settings, 25–27

streaming, 22

synchronizing to animation, 22–23

using across multiple scenes, 24–25

sound effects, 24

sound envelope, 23–24

sound properties, 22–23

Spring feature, 52

square brackets [ ], 139, 230, 237


camera techniques, 13–20

as frame border, 33

manipulating objects on, 148–149

width/height of, 34

Stage objects, 229

stage property, 172

Start behavior, 22

statements, 137–138

Stop behavior, 22

stop-motion animation, 53–54

story bibles, 30

storyboard example, 39–45

storyboarding, 31–45

storyboards, animated, 46–48

storytelling, 27–29

Stream behavior, 22

streaming sound, 22

strict typing, 152–153

stroke width, 82

styleFile properties, 297

styles, CSS, 312–313

subclasses, 135, 155, 156

super keyword, 179

superclasses, 155, 156

SWF files, 292

SWF2Video, 333

SWZ files, 285

symbol behaviors, 57–58

symbol instances, 58–59, 110–111, 134

symbol names, 279

symbol parameter, 170

SymbolCanvas class, 168–177

symbolCanvas property, 164


buttons, 57

converting artwork to, 57–58, 110–111, 148

converting characters to, 88–89

converting items to, 57

converting scenes to, 16

creating armatures with, 104–108

described, 57

editing, 75, 93, 253, 285, 286

Graphic, 57–58

Movie Clips, 57

nested, 58–59

rendering mattes within, 245–246

using as masks, 177

working with, 57–59


tablet devices, 34


animatic files as, 46

Media Playback, 60

NTSC, 326–327

PAL, 326–327

storyboard, 33

using, 3–4, 112


download speeds, 310–312

files for publishing, 325, 331

in Flash Player, 331

movies, 144, 266

scripts, 246


anti-aliased, 284

classic vs. TLF, 285

dynamic, 283–284

embedded, 283–284, 286, 296

formatting, 296, 312–313

static, 286

styling with CSS, 312–313

text descriptions, 280

Text Layout Framework (TLF), 285

TextWrangler, 324

TIFF format, 56


adding frame labels to, 5–6

applying audio clip to, 21

customizing look of, 6–9

vs. ActionScript, 130–131, 313

Tint effect, 87

title layer, 281

title safe guides, 2–5, 328

tools, custom, 268

trace method, 266

transparency, 172, 179, 180, 315

try-catch statements, 305

tween classes, 313–318

tweening, 51–53, 288

TweenLite, 314–318

tweens, 4, 15, 18, 52–53

typing, 152–153


uint (unsigned integer data type), 193

unloadContent method, 303, 304–305

unsigned integer data type (uint), 193

UP conditional, 221

update method, 166

updatePosition method, 195, 202, 214, 219

user interactions, 248–249


var keyword, 236


described, 137, 228

local, 172

syntax example, 137

vector artwork, 159, 275

vector data, 239

velocity, 182, 196, 203, 220

video. See also movies

exporting for Flash output, 325–333

exporting to video sharing sites, 274, 333

publishing for broadcast, 325–333

publishing to mobile/desktop, 333–334

video sharing sites, 274, 333

Vimeo, 333

visemes, 115

visual effects classes, 156–191

vx property, 221


walk cycles, 92–103

Wanderer class, 213–217

Wanderer symbol, 206–213

WAV files, 20

waveforms, 23–24

web addresses, 146


digital portfolio, 274–291

download speeds, 310–312

dynamic content, 293–296

preparing content, 292

sharing animations via, 274–325

site directory, 277

site document class, 296–310

uploading, 322–325

video sharing sites, 274, 333

Windows Vista/XP, 237, 247

workflow automation, 225–271. See also scripts

advantages of, 226–227

Document Object Model, 229–231

History panel, 232–234

JavaScript Flash. See JSFL

resources, 270–271

write-on effect, 177


x coordinate, 172, 193

x velocity, 195, 203, 220

XML (Extensible Markup Language), 293–296

XML attributes, 300

XML files, 258–259, 293–296, 299

XML tags, 258, 293

XMLUI object, 258–259


y coordinate, 172, 193

y velocity, 195, 196

YouTube, 333


zooming effects, 13, 18–20

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