1. The What, How, Why, and More of Apache Cordova
Introduction to Apache Cordova
2. Installing the Cordova and PhoneGap Frameworks
Ant-Based Command-Line Interface
3. Installing the Cordova Command-Line Interface
Windows Phone Development Tools
4. Using the Cordova Command-Line Interface
5. Anatomy of a Cordova Application
Enhancing the User Interface of a Cordova Application
The Generated Web Application Files
6. The Mechanics of Cordova Development
Dealing with API Inconsistency
Developing Cordova Applications
Working with a Single Mobile Device Platform
Working with Multiple Mobile Device Platforms
Run a Cordova Application on a Device Simulator
Run a Cordova Application on a Physical Device
Leveraging Cordova Debugging Capabilities
Debugging and Testing Using External Tools
Debugging Applications with Weinre
Testing Applications Using the Ripple Emulator
7. Android Development with Cordova
Working with the Android Development Tools
Dealing with ADT IDE Memory Problems
Editing Cordova Application Content Files
Running Your Cordova Application
Debugging Outside of the ADT IDE
Debugging on a Physical Device
8. BlackBerry 10 Development with Cordova
Configuring Your Environment for BlackBerry Development
Configuring a BlackBerry Cordova Project
Defining BlackBerry 10 Targets
Defining a BlackBerry 10 Simulator Target
Defining a BlackBerry 10 Device Target
Debugging on a Device Simulator
Using the BlackBerry Simulator Controller
Using the BlackBerry Web Inspector
Debugging on a Physical Device
9. iOS Development with Cordova
Debugging on a Physical Device
Using the Safari Web Inspector
10. Windows Phone 8 Development with Cordova
Getting Started with Windows Phone Development
Configuring a Windows 8 Device for Application Testing
Running a Cordova Application Using Visual Studio
Content Refresh through Hydration
Deploying PhoneGap Build Applications
Configuring a PhoneGap Build Application
12. Working with the Cordova APIs
Working with the API Cordova Documentation
Setting Application Permissions
Working with the Contacts Application
14. Building a Cordova Application
15. Extending Cordova to the Enterprise
Mobile Application Development Platforms
Registration, Authentication, and Single Sign-on