Creating your own generic type

In this section, we will create a class with generic type T. Classes will consist of the variable of type T and will also have a general purpose method that will return the variable of type T:

public class MyGeneric<T> {   
  T input; 
  public MyGeneric(T input) { 
  public T getInput() 
    return input; 

As described previously, MyGeneric is the class. It consists of the variable input of type T, a constructor to construct the object of the MyGenric class and initialize the variable input and a method that returns the value of T.

Now, let's implement it:

public class MyGenericsDemo { 

  public static void main(String[] args) { 
    MyGeneric<Integer> m1 =new MyGeneric<Integer>(1); 
    //It will print '1' 
    MyGeneric<String> m2 =new MyGeneric<String>("hello"); 
    //It will print 'hello' 

Here, we have created two objects of the MyGeneric class, one with an integer type and the other with a string type. When we invoke the getInput method on both objects, they will return the value of their respective type.

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