Finding elements

Finding elements in Java streams has the following variants:

  • Find any element of the stream: The method findAny() is a short circuited terminal operation where the terminal operation returns the first encountered value of the stream before exiting the operation. In the case of an empty stream an empty optional is returned. It is also a non-deterministic function and hence the execution in parallel may return different values in each execution:
System.out.println("In a paralled stream from 5-100 finding any element :: "+IntStream.range(5, 100).parallel().findAny());
  • Find first elements of the stream: This is a deterministic function and it returns the first element of the stream or an empty optional in the case of an empty stream:
System.out.println("In a paralled stream from 8-100 finding the first element :: "+IntStream.range(8, 100).parallel().findFirst());
  • Count: This counts the number of elements present in a stream and then returns its value as a long:
Long elementCount=streamSupplier.get().count();
System.out.println("The number of elements in the stream are:: "+elementCount);
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