The simplest way to understand YARN (Yet Another Resource Manager) is to think of it as an operating system on a cluster; provisioning resources, scheduling jobs and node maintenance. With Hadoop 2.x, the MapReduce model of processing the data and managing the cluster (Job Tracker/Task Tracker) was divided. While data processing was still left to MapReduce, the cluster's resource allocation (or rather, scheduling) task was assigned to a new component called YARN. Another objective that YARN met was that it made MapReduce one of the techniques to process the data rather than being the only technology to process data on HDFS, as was the case in Hadoop 1.x systems. This paradigm shift opened the floodgates for the development of interesting applications around Hadoop and a new ecosystem other than the classical MapReduce processing system evolved. It didn't take much time after that for Apache Spark to break the hegemony of classical MapReduce and become arguably the most popular processing framework for parallel computing as far as active development and adoption is concerned.

In order to serve multi-tenancy, fault tolerance, and resource isolation in YARN, it developed the following components to manage the cluster seamlessly:

  • The ResourceManager: This negotiates resources for different compute programs on a Hadoop cluster while guaranteeing the following: resource isolation, data locality, fault tolerance, task prioritization, and effective cluster capacity utilization. A configurable scheduler allows Resource Manager the flexibility to schedule and prioritize different applications as per the requirements.
  • Tasks served by the RM while serving clients: A client or APIs user can submit or terminate an application. The user can also gather statistics on submitted applications cluster, and queue information. RM also priorities ADMIN tasks over any other task to perform a clean up or maintenance activities on a cluster, such as refreshing the node-list, the queues' configuration, and so on.
  • Tasks served by RM while serving cluster nodes: Provisioning and de-provisioning of new nodes forms an important task of RM. Each node sends a heartbeat at a configured interval, the default being 10 minutes. Any failure of a node in doing so is treated as a dead node. As a clean-up activity, all the supposedly running process, including containers, are marked as dead too.
  • Tasks served by the RM while serving the Application Master: The RM registers a new the AM while terminating the successfully executed ones. Just like cluster nodes, if the heartbeat of an AM is not received within a preconfigured duration, the default value being 10 minutes, then the AM is marked dead and all the associated containers are also marked dead. But since YARN is reliable as far as the application execution is concerned, a new AM is rescheduled to try another execution on a new container until it reaches the retry configurable default count of four.
  • Scheduling and other miscellaneous tasks served by the RM: RM maintains a list of running, submitted and executed applications along with its statistics such as execution time, status, and so on. The privileges of the user as well as of applications are maintained and compared while serving various requests of the user per application life cycle. The RM scheduler oversees the resource allocation for the application, such as memory allocation. Two common scheduling algorithms used in YARN are fair scheduling and capacity scheduling algorithms.
  • NodeManager: An NM exist per node of the cluster on a slightly similar fashion as to what slave nodes are in the master slave architecture. When an NM starts, it sends the information to RM for its availability to share its resources for upcoming jobs. Then NM sends a periodic signal, also called a heartbeat, to RM informing it of its status as being alive in the cluster. Primarily, an NM is responsible for launching containers that have been requested by an AM with certain resource requirements such as memory, disk, and so on. Once the containers are up and running, the NM keeps a watch not on the status of the container's task but on the resource utilization of the container and kills it if the container starts utilizing more resources than it has been provisioned for. Apart from managing the life cycle of the container, the NM also keeps RM informed about the node's health.
  • ApplicationMaster: An AM gets launched per submitted application and manages the life cycle of the submitted application. However, the first and foremost task an AM does is to negotiate resources from RM to launch task-specific containers at different nodes. Once containers are launched, the AM keeps track of all the container's task statuses. If any node goes down or the container gets killed because of using excess resources or otherwise, in such cases the AM renegotiates resources from RM and launches those pending tasks again. The AM also keeps reporting the status of the submitted application directly to the user and other such statistics to RM. ApplicationMaster implementation is framework specific and it is because of this reason that application/framework specific code is transferred to the AM and the AM that distributes it further. This important feature also makes YARN technology agnostic, as any framework can implement its ApplicationMaster and then utilize the resources of the YARN cluster seamlessly.
  • Containers: A container in an abstract sense is a set of minimal resources such as CPU, RAM, Disk I/O, disk space, and so on, that are required to run a task independently on a node. The first container after submitting the job is launched by RM to host ApplicationMaster. It is the AM which then negotiates resources from RM in the form of containers, which then gets hosted in different nodes across the Hadoop cluster.
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