
We have gone through a lot in this chapter. Among the things covered have been installing and using the store. To that knowledge, we have added some sound best practices to organize your code. It's important to note that consistency is key. There are many ways to organize code, so as long as that chosen way remains consistent throughout the app, that is the most important factor. With that said, organizing your code by domain is what is prescribed for most things Angular. Whether that holds true for NgRx is up to you, dear reader. See best practices as a guide rather than a rule. Furthermore, we covered side effects and how to handle those with @ngrx/effects. @store-devtools was another thing we covered, which lets us use our browser to easily debug our store. In the next, and final, chapter, we will cover @ngrx/schematics and @ngrx/entity, so we really cover everything NgRx has to offer us. Also, we will showcase how you can build NgRx yourself to gain further understanding on what goes on under the hood. If knowing what goes on under the hood isn't exciting to you, then you are in the wrong profession! Everything is really set up to make the final chapter a very interesting one.

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