
Languages in our industry come and go, and the pace at which hip new languages come out only seems to increase. Every year, new languages come out and each has the colossal job of building an entire ecosystem around itself before the next new darling language comes and steals all the fickle early adopters. As each trend waxes and wanes, so do the ecosystems built around them.

Those of us who invest heavily in these trending ecosystems are often bitten by a common set of problems that lead to failures at the business level, losing project momentum due to the inability to find and hire developers. The new solutions presented are often the same old idea, but with a youthful misunderstanding of the problem space that leads to real performance and reliability problems. As the ecosystem matures, the act of recognizing and realigning to the true complexity of systems often results in severe incompatibilities. Tooling choices are often narrow or buggy, or they simply never materialize.

The unbeatable source of strength of the Java ecosystem over the last 20 years has been its standards, Java EE being chief among them. There have been 53 Java Specification Requests (JSRs) completed under the Java EE umbrella, ranging from XML parsing to JSON parsing, Servlets to JAX-RS, binary protocols to RESTful protocols, front-end technologies such as JSF or MVC, APIs for marshaling data to XML (JAX-B) or JSON (JSON-B) . The breadth of specifications is so wide that even if you do not think of yourself as a Java EE user, if you are a Java developer, you are definitely leveraging it in some way. With an estimate of 9 million Java developers worldwide, this is a stable and experienced talent pool.

Major deployments of Java EE range from Walmart, the world's largest retailer and third largest employer, to NASA’s SOFIA program, scanning space at 40,000 feet. While the developer community is large and the corporations that use it are larger, the modern Java EE runtimes are incredibly small. Walmart and NASA, for example, use Apache TomEE, an implementation that is 35 MB on disk, boots in a second and consumes less that 30 MB of memory. This low profile is indicative of all modern implementations including WildFly, Payara, and LibertyProfile. The Java EE tools, cloud and IDE landscape is filled with competitive choices, almost too many to track. The 200+ person company ZeroTurnaround, for example, is built on a product that added instant deploy options to Java EE servers.

With such an expansive ecosystem that has almost 20 years of history, truly getting to the essence of what makes Java EE great today and how to put it into practice for today’s Microservices world can be a challenge. It’s all too easy to find very informed, but ultimately dated information from 2, 5, and 10 years back. The authoritative tone of one article one date can directly conflict with equally authoritative, but ultimately contrarian perspective of another author on a different year.  In fact, a challenge almost unique to Java EE is its history. Few technologies last long enough and evolve so much.

This book, like the author himself, represents a new generation of Java EE. The chapters in this book guide the reader through the journey of leveraging Java EE in the context of today’s Microservice and Containerized  world. Less of a reference manual for API syntax, the perspectives and techniques in this book reflect real-world experience from someone who has recently gone through the journey themselves, meticulously annotated the obstacles, and has them ready to share. From packaging to testing to cloud usage, this book is an ideal companion to both new and more experienced developers who are looking for an earned insight bigger than an API to help them realign their thinking to architect modern applications in Java EE.



David Blevins
Founder and CEO, Tomitribe


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