Page numbers in italics indicate illustrations.

  • Battlestar Galactica (TV show), 99
  • Bello, Paul, 159n1
  • Berger, Theodore, 44
  • Bess, Michael, 12
  • Big Think, 126
  • biological naturalism, 18–22, 34, 158n4
  • biologically inspired superintelligent aliens (BISAs), 113–19
  • Black Box Problem, 46
  • black holes, 10
  • Blade Runner (film), 17, 57
  • Block, Ned, 159n1, 162n11
  • “The Mind as the Software of the Brain,” 134
  • body. See specific entries at mind-body
  • Bostrom, Nick, 4, 77, 80, 151, 160n1
  • Superintelligence: Paths, Dangers, and Strategies, 5, 105, 111–13
  • “boxing in” AIs, 53–54, 57
  • Brain Preservation Foundation, 126
  • brain-based materialism, 76–77, 80, 160n9
  • Bringsjord, Selmer, 159n1
  • Buddha, 76, 102, 137
  • DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency), 157n4
  • Data from Star Trek, 135–37
  • Davies, Paul, 43
  • decomposition, functional, 118, 159n9
  • Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA), 157n4
  • Descartes, René, 57, 129, 140
  • Dick, Steven, 101
  • dynamic systems theory, 161n11
  • Dyson, Freeman, 41
  • Dyson spheres, 107, 108
  • essential properties, 75, 85, 142
  • Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind (film), 90
  • ethics. See also morality
  • consciousness and human moral systems, 5, 39, 40–41, 110
  • creation of AIs with uncertain conscious status, 68–69
  • Precautionary Principle, 66–69
  • slavery and AI consciousness, 4, 39
  • treatment of conscious/potentially conscious AIs, 39, 67–69, 149
  • Ex Machina (film), 9, 149
  • excluded middle, principle of, 68–69
  • extraterrestrial intelligence. See alien/extraterrestrial AI
  • Extropians, 14
  • I, Robot (film), 149
  • IBM True North chip, 64
  • idealism, 130, 163n17
  • IIT (integrated information theory), 61–65
  • illusion, self viewed as, 76, 77, 137, 161n10
  • immortality, functional, 8, 135, 137
  • Independence Day (film), 107
  • instantiation of software program, mind viewed as, 134–44
  • Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton, 6, 41–43
  • instrumental convergence thesis, 113
  • integrated information theory (IIT), 61–65
  • isomorph thought experiment, 26–31, 57, 158n10, 159nn11, 13, 14
  • Jackson, Frank, 159n5
  • Jeopardy (TV show), 9
  • The Jetsons (TV show) and Jetsons fallacy, 12, 69
  • language-like mental representations, 116–17
  • The Late Lessons from Early Warnings Report, 66
  • Locke, John, Essay Concerning Human Understanding, 161n8
  • “locked in” patients (conscious but unable to communicate), 63
  • Lowe, E. J., 141, 163n25
  • Olson, Eric, 161n9
  • orthogonality thesis, 112
  • quality of consciousness, judging, 48–49
  • quality superintelligence, 112
  • Quantum Information Center, University of Texas at Austin, 64
  • technological progress versus human social development, 2
  • techno-optimism
  • about AI consciousness, 18, 23–26, 31, 34
  • merging with AI and, 73
  • Tegmark, Max, 4
  • Terminator films, 3, 104
  • testing for consciousness in machines, 5–6, 46–71
  • ACT test, 50–57, 60, 65, 67
  • chip test, 44, 57–61, 65, 67
  • difficulties and complications in, 46–51
  • IIT (integrated information theory) and, 61–65
  • mind-machine mergers and, 69–71
  • responding when machines test positive for consciousness, 65–69
  • separation of mind from body, ability to imagine, 51, 55, 57
  • Turing test, 56
  • theory of mind, 58n3
  • Tononi, Giulio, 61–64
  • Transcendence (film), 124–25
  • transhumanism, 13–15, 151–52. See also merging humans with AI
  • on AI consciousness, 16
  • defined, 73
  • enhancements rejected by, 160n1
  • patternism and, 77–81
  • World Transhumanist Association, 151
  • Transhumanist Declaration, 14, 151–52
  • “The Transhumanist Frequently Asked Questions,” 80, 95–96, 152
  • TrueNorth chip (IBM), 64
  • Turing, Alan, and Turing test, 56, 140
  • Turner, Edwin, 41–43, 54
  • 2001: A Space Odyssey (film), 53
  • vegetative state, human patients in, 61–62
  • Westworld (TV show), 17, 33, 45
  • Witkowski, Olaf, 41–42
  • World Transhumanist Association, 151
  • X-files (TV show), 116
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