1. acceptance, 8385

  2. actions vs. words, 53, 6264

  3. admiration, 158

  4. affirmation, 11, 75

    1. behavioral, 128

    2. of belonging, 8587

    3. confidence building and, 135

    4. mentors’ need for, 159

    5. perceptual, 128

  5. agentic style, 20, 120

  6. Albright, Madeleine, 22

  7. “All About That Bass” (Trainor), 34

  8. ambition, 57

    1. gap between careers and, 5, 1012

    2. socialization about hiding, 58

  9. American Psychological Association, 86, 121

  10. Anand, Rohini, 84, 90, 103

  11. aspirations, 127129, 155

  12. assertiveness, 137139

  13. assumptions

    1. about assertiveness, 137139

    2. about emotions, 147149

    3. apologizing for wrong, 131

    4. decision making and, 7779

  14. Athena, Greek goddess, 5

  15. Athena Values, 119

  16. attraction and attractiveness

    1. being smart vs. being attractive and, 37

    2. biology of, 3436

    3. channeling, 36

    4. managing discomfort with, 62

    5. men distracted by, 89

    6. overestimation of by men, 36

  17. authority, 7, 87


  1. backlash, 48

  2. Bandura, Albert, 134

  3. Behling, Laura, 64, 65, 76, 81

    1. on finding/repairing discrepancies, 122

    2. on insider perspective, 104

    3. on work–life commitments, 130, 131

  4. belonging, 8587

  5. benevolent sexism, 26, 27, 152154

  6. benign sabotage, 151152

  7. Bennis, Warren, 131132

  8. biases, 1622

    1. about competence, 16, 1718

    2. double-binds from, 18

    3. on finding/repairing discrepancies, 121123

    4. in hiring and promotion, 2425

    5. homosocial behavior and, 1516

    6. motherhood and, 1819

    7. prevalence of, 16

    8. racial, 19

  9. biology, gender and, 3136

  10. Blue Angels, 4

  11. Born, Dana, 5758, 65

    1. on affirmation, 8687

    2. on assumptions and decision making, 7879

    3. on challenges and support, 108

    4. on confidence building, 133134

    5. on fathers as mentors, 71

    6. on finding/repairing discrepancies, 122123

    7. on leadership style development, 118

    8. on work–life balance, 133

  12. boundaries, 96, 156160

  13. brain, sex differences and the, 3234

  14. “Breakfast or Lunch Only Policy,” 93

  15. Brett, Chris, 114115

  16. Brodie, Virginia, 4143, 4445, 153

  17. bullying, 145147


  1. Capitol Hill staffers, 101

  2. career-ambition gap, 5, 1012

  3. career satisfaction, 43

  4. career self-efficacy, 134135

  5. caregivers, 8

    1. assumptions of women as, 1819

    2. socializing and, 100102

    3. stress/loneliness and, 2122

  6. Carli, Linda, 20

  7. Catalyst, 103104

  8. celebrations of transitions, 96, 98

  9. Center for Public Leadership, 115

  10. challenges, 105108

  11. Chambers, Susan, 54, 81

    1. on challenges, 107

    2. on honesty, 83

    3. on jealousy coworkers, 90

    4. on public praise, private correction, 117

  12. champions, 10, 11, 6264

  13. childcare, 8, 1819, 129131, 133

    1. policies, 12

    2. stress of, 2122

  14. chivalrous knight–helpless maiden script, 39, 60, 107

  15. Clinton, Hillary, 104

  16. cloning mentees, 154156

  17. Coca-Cola Company, 104105

  18. cognitive abilities, 33

  19. cognitive processing, local vs. global, 3435

  20. collaboration

    1. decision making and, 79

    2. empowerment and protection and, 111

    3. mentoring models for, 8889

    4. in mentorship, 80

    5. taking credit for accomplishments and, 140

    6. women socialized toward, 17

  21. collegiality, 9496

  22. co-mentoring, 8889

  23. command and control management, 43

  24. commitment, 1819, 133, 157

  25. communal style, 20

  26. communication, 80

    1. about outside perceptions, 8992

    2. about work–life balance, 133

    3. public praise, private correction, 115118

    4. in teams/groups, 10

    5. in transformational mentoring, 8889

  27. companionate love, 157

  28. compensation and raises

    1. finding/correcting disparities in, 121123

    2. mentoring and rate of, 43

    3. of mentors, 53

    4. socialization on competition and, 1415

  29. compensatory figures, 6970

  30. competence, 16

    1. attractiveness vs., 89

    2. decision making and, 7779

    3. effects of man scripts on, 61

    4. establishing, 20

    5. proving repeatedly, 1718, 46, 123

    6. self-confidence in, 133135

  31. competition

    1. mentoring and, 8789

    2. socialization on, 1415, 37, 65, 87

  32. composite mentoring, 124125

  33. confidence

    1. building, 133135

    2. of mentors, 49

    3. of mentors in mentees, 4546

    4. socialization against showing, 37

  34. conflict avoidance, 37, 65

  35. cooperation, 37, 8889

  36. courage, 49

  37. creativity, 43

  38. credibility, 16, 9293

  39. credit

    1. encouraging taking, 139141

    2. luck vs. taking, 4546

    3. mentors in ensuring, 101102

    4. socialization about taking/not taking, 9, 11, 17

  40. crying, 3334, 9394. See also emotions

  41. Crystal, Billy, 36


  1. “Daughters” (Mayer), 69

  2. de-catastrophizing, 133

  3. decision making, 7779, 80, 119, 132133

  4. dependency scripts, 10, 39, 97, 158

  5. development dilemma, 26

  6. dignity, 30

  7. dismissiveness, 6

  8. disparities, watching for and working against, 122123

  9. domineering mentors, 145147

  10. double binds, 68, 16, 18

    1. assertiveness and, 137139

    2. leadership style and, 119120

  11. double jeopardy of gender and race, 19, 66

  12. double standards, 68


  1. Eagly, Alice, 20, 85, 120, 146, 151

  2. egalitarianism, 56, 120

  3. emotional intelligence, 147149

  4. emotions

    1. anger, denying, 37

    2. assumptions about, 5758

    3. challenges and, 108

    4. championing women and, 64

    5. empathy with, 9394

    6. giving feedback and, 8385

    7. reason and, 147149

    8. sex differences and, 3334

    9. stereotypes about “appropriate,” 78

    10. transitions in mentoring and, 9698

    11. vulnerability and sex and, 158159

  5. empathy, 24, 66, 75

    1. about professional identity and sense of self, 143

    2. assumptions and decision making and, 7879

    3. with crying, 9394

    4. listening and, 77

    5. work–life balance and, 130131

  6. empowerment, 108111, 138

  7. equal opportunity, 29

  8. equity, promoting, 63

  9. ethical behavior, 46

  10. Etzkowitz, Henry, 86

  11. everyday Athenas

    1. definition of, 5

    2. perceiving, 68

  12. excellence, encouraging, 135137

  13. exclusion, 1516, 43, 8182

    1. from after-work socializing, 8990

    2. from inside knowledge, 104105

    3. mentors in preventing, 99102

    4. stress and loneliness from, 2122

  14. exclusivity, 91

  15. expectations

    1. challenging mentees with, 105108

    2. clarifying for mentees, 5556

    3. of excellence vs. perfection, 135137

    4. implicit, 55

    5. for mentorship, 6364

    6. work–life balance and, 129131

  16. experiences, differences between men’s and women’s, 24, 53, 6467


  1. family, talking about, 92

  2. father–daughter roles, 60, 6971

  3. feedback, 30, 8385

    1. about emotional style, 149

    2. bragging in public, correction in private, 115118

    3. challenging mentees and, 107108

  4. fiduciary relationships, 55

  5. First, do no harm, 53, 5456

  6. flexibility, 12, 133

  7. Foley, Dave, 81, 92, 109110

  8. Fort Sill, Oklahoma, 4143

  9. framing, 5, 810

  10. friendship, 8182, 8889, 9496

  11. functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), 3233


  1. gender biases. See biases

  2. gender humility, 6667

  3. gender minefield, 68

  4. gender roles

    1. changes in, 14

    2. man scripts and, 5961

    3. socialization into, 1415, 3640

    4. stereotypes about, 78

  5. genuineness, 64, 8385

  6. Gergen, David, 115

  7. Gillis, Deborah, 91, 103104, 114115, 116

  8. global cognitive processing, 35

  9. Goldman Sachs, 93

  10. golem effect, 136

  11. gossip and innuendo, 2728, 48

    1. attunement to and discussion of, 8992

    2. exclusion based on fear of, 101

    3. insider knowledge vs., 105

  12. gouge, the, 104105

  13. graduate school, biases in, 25

  14. gurus, 123125


  1. Halstead, Becky, 2728, 29, 63, 117, 161

  2. Hannan, Kathy, 6, 62, 6970

    1. about rumors/innuendo, 8990

    2. on challenges, 107

    3. on inclusion, 101102

    4. on socializing, 100

    5. on special treatment, 93

    6. on taking credit, 140141

  3. happiness, 132133

  4. Harvard Business Review, 100

  5. heroic journey script, 8788

  6. hierarchy, 43, 56

  7. Higgins, Katie, 34

  8. homosocial behavior, 1516, 63

  9. honesty, 61, 8385

  10. hostile sexism, 152

  11. household work, 8, 19, 129131

  12. Howard, Michelle, 5556, 71, 98, 123

  13. humility, 53, 6467, 8889

  14. humor, 137


  1. ideal self, discerning and honoring, 127129

  2. ideas and contributions, women’s ignored by men, 6

  3. identity

    1. gender, 1415

    2. group, 10

    3. professional and sense of self as woman, 141143

    4. tempered radicals and, 20

  4. Ignatieff, Michael, 114115

  5. imitation, 154156

  6. imposter syndrome, 8587, 132

    1. confidence building and, 135

    2. taking credit for accomplishments and, 139141

  7. impression management, 89

  8. inclusivity, 43, 99102

    1. in decision making, 119

    2. leading, 63

  9. independence, 97, 110

  10. individualism, 87

  11. influence, 53

  12. inside knowledge, teaching, 102105

  13. Inspector General Investigation, 8687

  14. intelligence, being attractive vs., 37

  15. interpersonal skills, 47

  16. intimacy, 38, 62, 157

  17. “It’s Not About the Nail” video, 7576


  1. Jacobson, Lenore, 135

  2. jealousy

    1. of coworkers, 90

    2. of mentors, 125

    3. special treatment and, 9293

    4. of spouses, 29, 160162

  3. Jeruchim, Joan, 157


  1. Kaslow, Nadine, 86, 112, 121, 138, 154

  2. Keith, Kent, 48

  3. Kemelgor, Carol, 86

  4. Kennedy Space Center, 58, 62, 82, 113

  5. Knox College, 64, 81

  6. KPMG, 6, 62, 6970, 100

  7. Kram, Kathy, 59, 90, 110


  1. language, denigrating, 122123

  2. Lauper, Cyndi, 32

  3. leadership, 5

    1. biased assumptions about, 1920, 57

    2. mentoring as skill for, 47

    3. promotions into, 10, 11

    4. proving competence in, 16, 1718

    5. reluctance of men to mentor women and, 24

    6. styles of, 43, 80

    7. styles of, sharpening vs. changing, 118120

  4. Lean In (Sandberg), 24, 72, 93, 137138

  5. learning orientation, 7980

  6. life expectancy, 32

  7. Lightfoot, Robert, 63, 7778, 149151

  8. “likeable” expectation, 58

  9. listening, 7577

  10. local cognitive processing, 3435

  11. loneliness, 2122, 8182

  12. love relationships, 157160


  1. Macedonia, Dick, 43

  2. Madsen, Susan, 69, 84, 112, 121122, 135, 161

  3. male privileges, 1314

  4. man codes, 46

  5. marriage status changes, 142143

  6. master–apprentice relationships, 8789

  7. maternal wall, 133

  8. Mayer, John, 69

  9. Mayer, Marissa, 133

  10. McKinsey & Company, 1112

  11. meetings, 93

  12. memory, working, 33

  13. mentoring constellations, 124125

  14. mentors and mentoring

    1. abandoning mentees by, 56

    2. actions vs. words in, 53, 6264

    3. affirmation by, 8587

    4. benefits of to mentors, 4648, 53, 73

    5. benefits of to women, 43, 7172

    6. calling yourself “mentor” and, 73

    7. career functions of, 99125

    8. challenging mentees in, 105108

    9. cloning by, 154156

    10. confidence expressed by, 4546

    11. decision making and, 7779

    12. discomfort of, 6768

    13. ending the relationship of, 90

    14. excuses for avoiding, 68

    15. formal programs of, 6364

    16. frequency of interactions with, 16

    17. friendship in, 8182, 9496

    18. as gurus, 123125

    19. heroic journey approach to, 8789

    20. humility of, 53, 6467

    21. initiation of by mentors vs. mentees, 4445

    22. knowing your man scripts and, 53, 5962

    23. learning by, 7980

    24. listening vs. fixing in, 7577

    25. long-term relationships with, 98

    26. meetings in, 28

    27. mutual learning in, 80

    28. obligation of, 5

    29. other relationships and, 6871

    30. outside perceptions of, 8992

    31. political savvy and, 102105

    32. proactive, 53, 7173, 75, 111113

    33. promoting mentee’s best interests in, 53, 5456

    34. psychosocial functions of, 127143

    35. quality of, 13

    36. scripts in, 2627

    37. self-awareness of, 53, 5659

    38. special treatment by, 9293

    39. spouses and, 29, 160162

    40. strengths-based approach to, 48

    41. transitions and endings in, 9698

    42. what not to do in, 145162

    43. why men avoid for women, 2330

    44. women as, for other women, 22

  15. mere exposure effect, 7273

  16. Michelangelo, 127, 129

  17. Michelangelo phenomenon, 127128

  18. military, 35

    1. combat roles in, 4143

    2. exclusion from inside knowledge in, 104105

    3. finding/correcting discrepancies in, 122123

    4. gender equality in, 12

    5. Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape School, 8384

  19. motherhood penalty, 8, 1819, 57, 133

  20. mothering, 39

  21. motivation, 11

  22. multitasking, 3334

  23. Myers, Betsy, 7071

    1. on assertiveness, 138139

    2. on feedback and unconditional regard, 8485

    3. on inside knowledge, 104

    4. on public praise, private correction, 115

    5. on work–life balance, 131132


  1. National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity, 123124

  2. Navy Flight Demonstration Squadron, 3

  3. networks, 10

    1. developmental, 123125

    2. expansion of from mentoring, 53

    3. homosocial behavior and, 1516

    4. from mentoring, 47

    5. sharing, 113115

  4. Nichols, Camille, 147

  5. Nobel laureates, 114

  6. nurturing behavior, 8, 58


  1. Obama, Barrack, 104

  2. openness, 75

    1. about outside perceptions, 8992

    2. in transformational mentoring, 8889

  3. opportunities, 23

  4. overbearing mentors, 145147


  1. parental leave, 12

  2. Parsons, Bill, 82

  3. passion, 58, 157

  4. perception

    1. being attuned to and discussing, 8992

    2. of competence, 16, 1718

    3. of everyday Athenas, 68

    4. humility and, 6467

    5. importance of, 5

    6. of mentor-mentee relationships, 2728

    7. of our own scripts, 3840

    8. of the same actions by women vs. men, 78

    9. of talented women, 2324

    10. of women as completely different, 2526, 6768

  5. perfectionism, 135137

  6. performance evaluations, 17

  7. persistence, 11

  8. personal growth, 127143

    1. assertiveness and, 137139

    2. career vision and, 127129

    3. confidence building and, 133135

    4. excellence vs. perfectionism and, 135137

    5. professional identity and sense of self as woman, 141143

    6. taking credit for accomplishments and, 139141

    7. work-life balance and, 129133

  9. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 140

  10. Petro, Janet, 58, 62, 63

    1. about assumptions and decision making, 7778

    2. on exclusivity, 91

    3. on friendship, 82

    4. on political teaching, 103

    5. on power sharing, 113

    6. on promotion by mentors, 112

  11. pheromones, 34

  12. policies, 133

  13. politics, 56, 102105

  14. possible self, 134135

  15. power

    1. access to, 910

    2. differential between mentor and mentee, 55

    3. dominance and, 145147

    4. man scripts and, 61

    5. proactive promotion and, 111113

    6. sharing, 8889, 113115

    7. women as mentors and, 22

  16. power-down relationships, 146

  17. power-with relationships, 8889

  18. proactivity, 53, 7173, 75, 111113

  19. problem solving, 76

  20. professional growth, 99125

    1. challenges for, 105108

    2. finding/correcting disparities and, 121123

    3. inclusion and, 99102

    4. insider perspective and, 102105

    5. leadership style development and, 118120

    6. network development and, 123125

    7. proactive promotion and, 111113

    8. protection and empowerment in, 108111

    9. public praise, private correction and, 115118

    10. sharing power and, 113115

  21. prolactin, 34

  22. promotions, 10

    1. career-ambition gap and, 1012

    2. finding/correcting discrepancies in, 121123

    3. mentoring and rate of, 43

    4. of mentors, 53

    5. premature, 151152

    6. reticence about, 149151

    7. socialization on competition and, 1415

  23. protective man scripts, 7, 38, 39

    1. empowerment and, 108111

    2. guru mentorship and, 123125

  24. psychology of relationships, 3640

  25. psychosocial functions, 127143

  26. purpose, sense of, 47

  27. Pygmalion effect, 135137


  1. racial bias, 19, 66

  2. Ragins, Belle Rose, 80, 103

  3. reason, emotion and, 147149

  4. reciprocity, 75, 7980, 114

  5. recognition, 1112. See also promotions

    1. ensuring, 20

    2. taking/not taking credit and, 9

  6. reflective power, 113115

  7. relationships, 65, 7598

    1. biology and psychology of, 3140

    2. leadership and, 43

    3. listening in, 7577

    4. from mentoring, 47

    5. mere exposure effect on, 7273

    6. opposite-sex, biology of, 3436

    7. opposite-sex, concerns about mentoring and, 26

    8. power-down, 146

    9. prior, mentorships and, 6971

    10. psychology of, 3640

    11. satisfaction in, 132133

    12. scripts for, 2627

    13. self-concept and, 8182

    14. sticky, 97

    15. stress and loneliness and, 2122

  8. resentment, 155

  9. resiliency, 130 resistance, 64

  10. resources, unequal access to, 10

  11. respect, 30, 80, 120

  12. risk taking, 18, 46

  13. Rockquemore, Kerry Ann, 123124

  14. Rogers, Carl, 83, 84

  15. Rosenthal, Robert, 135

  16. rule-following, 46


  1. sabotage, benign, 151152

  2. Sandberg, Sheryl, 5

    1. on asking for help, 103

    2. on assertiveness, 137138

    3. on benefits of mentoring, 47, 6263

    4. on finding mentors, 24, 72

    5. on imposter syndrome, 8586

    6. on meeting scheduling, 93

    7. on perception of mentoring relationships, 27

    8. on proactive promotion, 111112

    9. on public praise, private correction, 115117

  3. satisfaction, 132133

  4. Scandura, Terri, 145146

  5. scheduling, 101

  6. scripts, 2627

    1. being aware of, 3840

    2. chivalrous knight/helpless maiden script, 39

    3. dependency, 39

    4. heroic journey, 8788

    5. knowing/understanding your, 53, 5962

    6. macho/seductress, 40

  7. seducer-seductress script, 40, 61

  8. self-awareness, 53, 5659, 75

    1. humility and, 6467

    2. transitions in mentoring and, 97

    3. of your own scripts, 3940, 53, 5961

  9. self-disclosure, 9596

  10. self-doubt, 13, 149151

    1. affirmation and, 8687

    2. benevolent sexism and, 27

  11. self-efficacy, 134135

  12. self-fulfilling prophecies, 58

  13. self-promotion, 17

  14. sex differences, 31, 3234, 68

  15. sexism, benevolent, 26, 27, 152154

  16. sex partition, 29

  17. sexploitation, 26

  18. sex-role spillover, 5960

  19. sexual attention/relationships, 89

    1. fear of mentoring and, 26

    2. intimacy vs., 38

    3. not entertaining the possibility of, 156160

    4. perceptions of, 2728

    5. rumors/gossip about, 8990

  20. sexual harassment, 29

  21. shame, 13

  22. Shapiro, Pat, 157

  23. silent betrayal, 22

  24. skills. See also competence

    1. mastery of, 1011

    2. underestimation of by women, 4546

  25. social capital, sharing, 113115

  26. social heredity, 114115

  27. social intelligence, 43

  28. socialization, 1415

    1. about relationships, 3140, 76

    2. on ambition/aspirations, 58

    3. gender role, 3640

    4. promotions and, 149150

    5. searching for mentors and, 72

    6. on self-promotion, 17

    7. on taking/not taking credit, 9, 11

    8. on women as completely different, 2526, 67

  29. socializing, 8990, 100102

  30. Sodexo, 30, 43, 84

  31. Sophocles, 102

  32. spatial visualization, 33

  33. sponsors, access to, 10

  34. spouses, 29, 160162

  35. Stahl, Jack, 104105

  36. Steel, Bob, 93

  37. Steele, Claude, 2021 stereotype reactance, 21

  38. stereotypes

    1. double binds created by, 68, 16

    2. gender role socialization and, 3640

    3. hiring and promotion affected by, 2425

    4. internalization of, 13, 24, 58 of masculinity, 3840

    5. self-awareness of, 53, 5659

    6. socialization and, 1415

  39. stereotype threat, 2021, 86

  40. Sternberg, Robert, 157

  41. sticky relationships, 97

  42. Stosz, Sandra, 64, 66, 81

    1. on career vision, 128129

    2. on challenges, 106107

    3. on jealousy, 90

    4. on professionalism, 92

    5. on protection and empowerment, 109110

    6. on socializing, 100

  43. stress, 2122

    1. from challenges, 105106

    2. gender differences heightened by, 82

    3. preparing mentees for, 106107

    4. work-life balance and, 129131

  44. Stroebel, Tabitha, 106

  45. success

    1. benevolent sexism and, 27

    2. biased evaluations of, 17

    3. different definitions of, 66

    4. imposter syndrome and, 140141

    5. mentor’s confidence in, 4546

    6. organizational, value of women in, 47

    7. socialization on, 65

  46. Summers, Larry, 111112, 116117

  47. support, 108

  48. Survival, Evasion, Resistance, and Escape School, 8384

  49. symphony orchestra auditions, 25


  1. talent, war for, 10, 43

  2. teaching, 102105

  3. teams

    1. increasing use of, 43

    2. performance assessment for, 17

    3. unequal access to resources in, 10

  4. tempered radicals, 20

  5. The Basic School (TBS), 4143

  6. thriving strategies, 103

  7. Trainor, Meghan, 34

  8. transference, 6971

  9. transformational mentoring, 8889

  10. transitions, 9698

  11. transparency

    1. about expectations, 5556

    2. about mentoring relationships, 91

    3. finding/repairing discrepancies and, 121123

    4. in sharing power, 114115

  12. triangular theory of love, 157

  13. trust

    1. actions vs. words and, 62

    2. learning about mentees and, 7980

    3. by mentees, 55

    4. role stereotypes vs., 61

    5. self-disclosure and, 9596

    6. spouses and, 29, 160162


  1. Ueberroth, Peter, 118

  2. unconditional positive regard, 75, 8385

  3. undermining, 54, 76, 9293

  4. United States Naval Academy, 35, 104, 106107, 141142

  5. University of Colorado, 73

  6. U.S. Air Force Academy, 122123

  7. U.S. Coast Guard, 81, 92

  8. Utah Women & Leadership Project, 84

  9. Uzzi, Brian, 86


  1. values, 20, 119120, 131133

  2. vision, 120, 127129

  3. Voser, Peter, 103104


  1. Waller, Kathy, 104105, 118

  2. Walmart, 54, 81

  3. “What Will Everyone Think?” Syndrome, 48

  4. When Harry Met Sally (movie), 36

  5. women

    1. benefits of in the workforce, 12

    2. double binds for, 68

    3. overlooking, 68

    4. percentage of in the workforce, 6

    5. struggles of at work, 1322

  6. “women-are-wonderful effect,” 1920

  7. Women in the Workplace, 1112

  8. work-life balance, 65, 129131, 155

    1. assumptions about, decision making and, 7779

    2. honoring her approach to, 131133

    3. learning about her, 7980

  9. World Bank, 111112, 116117


  1. Yahoo, 133


  1. Zuckerman, Harriet, 114

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