Chapter 14. Digital Audio Fundamentals

14.1. Audio as Data

The most exciting aspects of digital technology are the tremendous possibilities that were not available with analog technology. Many processes that are difficult or impossible in the analog domain are straightforward in the digital domain. Once audio is in the digital domain, it becomes data, and only differs from generic data in that it needs to be reproduced with a certain time base.

The worlds of digital audio, digital video, communication, and computation are closely related, and that is where the real potential lies. The time when audio was a specialist subject that could evolve in isolation from other disciplines has gone. Audio has now become a branch of information technology (IT); a fact that is reflected in the approach of this book.

Systems and techniques developed in other industries for other purposes can be used to store, process, and transmit audio, video, or both at once. IT equipment is available at low cost because the volume of production is far greater than that of professional audiovisual equipment. Disk drives and memories developed for computers can be put to use in such products. Communications networks developed to handle data can happily carry audiovisual data over indefinite distances without quality loss.

As the power of processors increases, it becomes possible to perform under software control processes that previously required dedicated hardware. This allows a dramatic reduction in hardware cost. Inevitably the very nature of audiovisual equipment and the ways in which it is used is changing along with the manufacturers who supply it. The computer industry is competing with traditional manufacturers, using the economics of mass production.

Tape is a linear medium and it is necessary to wait for the tape to wind to a desired part of the recording. In contrast, the head of a hard disk drive can access any stored data in milliseconds. This is known in computers as direct access and in audio production as nonlinear access. As a result, the nonlinear editing workstation based on hard drives has eclipsed the use of tape for editing.

Digital broadcasting uses coding techniques to eliminate the interference, fading, and multipath reception problems of analog broadcasting. At the same time, more efficient use is made of available bandwidth. The hard drive-based consumer audio recorder gives the consumer more power.

Figure 14.1 shows what the home audio system of the future may look like. MPEG-compressed signals may arrive in real time by terrestrial or satellite broadcast, via the Internet, or as the soundtrack of media such as DVD. Media such as compact disc supply uncompressed data for higher quality. The heart of the system is a hard drive-based server. This can be used to time shift broadcast programs, to skip commercial breaks, or to assemble requested audio material transmitted in nonreal time at low bit rates. If equipped with a Web browser, the server may explore the Web looking for material that is of the same kind the user normally wants. As the cost of storage falls, the server may download this material speculatively.

Figure 14.1. Audio system of the future based on data technology.

For portable use, the user may download compressed audio files into memory-based devices, which act as audio players, yet have no moving parts. On playback the bit stream is recovered from memory, decoded, and converted typically to a signal that can drive headphones.

Ultimately, digital technology will change the nature of broadcasting out of recognition. Once the viewer has nonlinear storage technology and electronic program guides, the traditional broadcaster’s transmitted schedule is irrelevant. Increasingly, consumers will be able to choose what is played and when, rather than the broadcaster deciding for them. The broadcasting of conventional commercials will cease to be effective when viewers have the technology to skip them. Anyone with a Web site that can stream audio data can become a broadcaster.

14.2. What is an Audio Signal?

An analog audio signal is an electrical waveform that is a representation of the velocity of a microphone diaphragm. Such a signal is two dimensional in that it carries a voltage changing with respect to time. In analog systems, these waveforms are conveyed by some infinite variation of a continuous parameter. In a recorder, distance along the medium is a further, continuous analog of time. It does not matter at what point a recording is examined along its length, a value will be found for the recorded signal. That value can itself change with infinite resolution within the physical limits of the system.

Those characteristics are the main weakness of analog signals. Within the allowable bandwidth, any waveform is valid. If the speed of the medium is not constant, one valid waveform is changed into another valid waveform; a problem that cannot be detected in an analog system and that results in wow and flutter. In addition, a voltage error simply changes one valid voltage into another; noise cannot be detected in an analog signal. Noise might be suspected, but how is one to know what proportion of the received signal is noise and what is the original? If the transfer function of a system is not linear, distortion results, but the distorted waveforms are still valid; an analog system cannot detect distortion. Again distortion might be suspected, but it is impossible to tell how much of the energy at a given frequency is due to distortion and how much was actually present in the original signal.

It is a characteristic of analog systems that degradations cannot be separated from the original signal, so nothing can be done about them. At the end of a system a signal carries the sum of all degradations introduced at each stage through which it passed. This sets a limit to the number of stages through which a signal can be passed before it is useless. Alternatively, if many stages are envisaged, each piece of equipment must be far better than necessary so that the signal is still acceptable at the end. The equipment will naturally be more expensive.

Digital audio is simply an alternative means of carrying an audio waveform. Although there are a number of ways in which this can be done, there is one system, known as pulse code modulation (PCM), that is in virtually universal use.[1]Figure 14.2 shows how PCM works. Instead of being continuous, the time axis is represented in a discrete or stepwise manner. The audio waveform is not carried by continuous representation, but by measurement at regular intervals. This process is called sampling, and the frequency with which samples are taken is called the sampling rate or sampling frequency Fs. Each sample still varies infinitely as the original waveform did. To complete the conversion to PCM, each sample is then represented to finite accuracy by a discrete number in a process known as quantizing.

Figure 14.2. In pulse code modulation the analog waveform is measured periodically at the sampling rate. The voltage (represented here by the height) of each sample is then described by a whole number. The whole numbers are stored or transmitted rather than the waveform itself.

At the analog-to-digital convertor (ADC), every effort is made to rid the sampling clock of jitter, or time instability, so every sample is taken at an exactly even time step. Clearly, if there is any subsequent time base error, the instants at which samples arrive will be changed and the effect can be detected. If samples arrive at some destination with an irregular time base, the effect can be eliminated by temporarily storing the samples in a memory and reading them out using a stable, locally generated clock. This process is called time base correction and all properly engineered digital audio systems will use it.

Those who are not familiar with digital principles often worry that sampling takes away something from a signal because it appears not to be taking notice of what happened between the samples. This would be true in a system having infinite bandwidth, but no analog signal can have infinite bandwidth. All analog signal sources from microphones and so on have a resolution or frequency response limit, as indeed do devices such as loudspeakers and human hearing. When a signal has finite bandwidth, the rate at which it can change is limited, and the way in which it changes becomes predictable. When a waveform can only change between samples in one way, it is then only necessary to convey the samples and the original waveform can be unambiguously reconstructed from them.

As stated, each sample is also discrete or represented in a stepwise manner. The magnitude of the sample, which will be proportional to the voltage of the audio signal, is represented by a whole number. This process is known as quantizing and results in an approximation, but the size of the error can be controlled until it is negligible. The advantage of using whole numbers is that they are not prone to drift.

If a whole number can be carried from one place to another without numerical error, it has not changed at all. By describing audio waveforms numerically, the original information has been expressed in a way that is more robust.

Essentially, digital audio carries the sound numerically. Each sample is a numerical analog of the voltage at the corresponding instant in the sound.

14.3. Why Binary?

Arithmetically, the binary system is the simplest numbering scheme possible.

Figure 14.3(a) shows that there are only two symbols: 1 and 0. Each symbol is a binary digit, abbreviated to bit. One bit is a datum and many bits are data. Logically, binary allows a system of thought in which statements can only be true or false.

Figure 14.3. Binary digits (a) can only have two values. At (b) some everyday binary terms are shown, whereas (c) shows some terms that cannot be expressed by a binary digit.

The great advantage of binary systems is that they are the most resistant to misinterpretation. In information terms they are robust. Figures 14.3(b) and 14.3(c) show some binary terms and some nonbinary terms, respectively, for comparison. In all real processes, the wanted information is disturbed by noise and distortion, but with only two possibilities to distinguish, binary systems have the greatest resistance to such effects.

Figure 14.4(a) shows an ideal binary electrical signal is simply two different voltages: a high voltage representing a true logic state or a binary 1 and a low voltage representing a false logic state or a binary 0. The ideal waveform is also shown in Figure 14.4(b) after it has passed through a real system. The waveform has been considerably altered, but the binary information can be recovered by comparing the voltage with a threshold that is set half way between the ideal levels. In this way any received voltage above the threshold is considered a 1 and any voltage below is considered a 0. This process is called slicing and can reject significant amounts of unwanted noise added to the signal. The signal will be carried in a channel with finite bandwidth, which limits the slew rate of the signal; an ideally upright edge is made to slope.

Figure 14.4. An ideal binary signal (a) has two levels. After transmission it may look like (b), but after slicing the two levels can be recovered. Noise on a sliced signal can result in jitter (c), but reclocking combined with slicing makes the final signal identical to the original as shown in (d).

Noise added to a sloping signal [Figure 14.4(c)] can change the time at which the slicer judges that the level passed through the threshold. This effect is also eliminated when the output of the slicer is reclocked. Figure 14.4(d) shows that however many stages the binary signal passes through, the information is unchanged except for a delay. Of course, excessive noise could cause a problem. If it had sufficient level and an appropriate polarity, noise could force the signal to cross the threshold and the output of the slicer would then be incorrect. However, as binary has only two symbols, if it is known that the symbol is incorrect, it need only be set to the other state and a perfect correction has been achieved. Error correction really is as trivial as that, although determining which bit needs to be changed is somewhat harder.

Figure 14.5 shows that binary information can be represented by a wide range of real phenomena. All that is needed is the ability to exist in two states. A switch can be open or closed and so represent a single bit. This switch may control the voltage in a wire that allows the bit to be transmitted. In an optical system, light may be transmitted or obstructed. In a mechanical system, the presence or absence of some feature can denote the state of a bit. The presence or absence of a radio carrier can signal a bit. In a random access memory (RAM), the state of an electric charge stores a bit.

Figure 14.5. A large number of real phenomena can be used to represent binary data.

Figure 14.5 also shows that magnetism is naturally binary as two stable directions of magnetization are easily arranged and rearranged as required. This is why digital magnetic recording has been so successful: it is a natural way of storing binary signals.

The robustness of binary signals means that bits can be packed more densely onto storage media, increasing the performance or reducing the cost. In radio signaling, lower power can be used.

In decimal systems, the digits in a number (counting from the right, or least significant end) represent ones, tens, hundreds, thousands, and so on. Figure 14.6 shows that in binary, the bits represent one, two, four, eight, sixteen, and so on. A multidigit binary number is commonly called a word, and the number of bits in the word is called the wordlength. The right-hand bit is called the least significant bit (LSB), whereas the bit on the left-hand end of the word is called the most significant bit (MSB). Clearly more digits are required in binary than in decimal, but they are handled more easily. A word of eight bits is called a byte, which is a contraction of “by eight.”

Figure 14.6. In a binary number, the digits represent increasing powers of two from the LSB. Also defined here are MSB and wordlength. When the wordlength is eight bits, the word is a byte. Binary numbers are used as memory addresses, and the range is defined by the address wordlength. Some examples are shown here.

Figure 14.6 also shows some binary numbers and their equivalent in decimal. The radix point has the same significance in binary: symbols to the right of it represent one-half, one-quarter, and so on.

Binary words can have a remarkable range of meanings. They may describe the magnitude of a number such as an audio sample or an image pixel or they may specify the address of a single location in a memory. In all cases the possible range of a word is limited by the wordlength. The range is found by raising two to the power of the wordlength. Thus a 4-bit word has 16 combinations and could address a memory having 16 locations. A 16-bit word has 65,536 combinations. Figure 14.7(a) shows some examples of wordlength and resolution.

Figure 14.7. The wordlength of a sample controls the resolution as shown in (a). The ability to address memory locations is also determined in the same way as in (b).

The capacity of memories and storage media is measured in bytes, but to avoid large numbers, kilobytes, megabytes, and gigabytes are often used. A 10-bit word has 1024 combinations, which is close to 1000. In digital terminology, 1 K is defined as 1024, so a kilobyte of memory contains 1024 bytes. A megabyte (1 MB) contains 1024 kilobytes and would need a 20-bit address. A gigabyte contains 1024 megabytes and would need a 30-bit address. Figure 14.7(b) shows some examples.

14.4. Why Digital?

There are two main answers to this question, and it is not possible to say which is the most important, as it will depend on one’s standpoint.

  1. The quality of reproduction of a well-engineered digital audio system is independent of the medium and depends only on the quality of the conversion processes and of any compression scheme.
  2. The conversion of audio to the digital domain allows tremendous opportunities that were denied to analog signals.

Someone who is only interested in sound quality will judge the former the most relevant. If good-quality convertors can be obtained, all the shortcomings of analog recording and transmission can be eliminated to great advantage. An extremely good signal-to-noise ratio is possible, coupled with very low distortion. Timing errors between channels can be eliminated, making for accurate stereo images. One’s greatest effort is expended in the design of convertors, whereas those parts of the system that handle data need only be workmanlike. When a digital recording is copied, the same numbers appear on the copy: it is not a dub, it is a clone. If the copy is undistinguishable from the original, there has been no generation loss. Digital recordings can be copied indefinitely without loss of quality. This is, of course, wonderful for the production process, but when the technology becomes available to the consumer, the issue of copyright becomes of great importance.

In the real world everything has a cost, and one of the greatest strengths of digital technology is low cost. When the information to be recorded consists of discrete numbers, they can be packed densely on the medium without quality loss. Should some bits be in error because of noise or dropout, error correction can restore the original value. Digital recordings take up less space than analog recordings for the same or better quality. Digital circuitry costs less to manufacture because more functionality can be put in the same chip.

Digital equipment can have self-diagnosis programs built in. The machine points out its own failures so the cost of maintenance falls. A small operation may not need maintenance staff at all; a service contract is sufficient. A larger organization will still need maintenance staff, but they will be fewer in number and their skills will be oriented more to systems than to devices.

14.5. Some Digital Audio Processes Outlined

While digital audio is a large subject, it is not necessarily a difficult one. Every process can be broken down into smaller steps, each of which is relatively easy to follow. The main difficulty with study is to appreciate where the small steps fit into the overall picture. Subsequent chapters of this book will describe the key processes found in digital technology in some detail, whereas this chapter illustrates why these processes are necessary and shows how they are combined in various ways in real equipment. Once the general structure of digital devices is appreciated, other chapters can be put in perspective.

Figure 14.8(a) shows a minimal digital audio system. This is no more than a point-to-point link that conveys analog audio from one place to another. It consists of a pair of convertors and hardware to serialize and deserialize the samples. There is a need for standardization in serial transmission so that various devices can be connected together.

Figure 14.8. In (a) two convertors are joined by a serial link. Although simple, this system is deficient because it has no means to prevent noise on the clock lines causing jitter at the receiver. In (b) a phase-locked loop is incorporated, which filters jitter from the clock.

Analog audio entering the system is converted in the ADC to samples that are expressed as binary numbers. A typical sample would have a wordlength of 16 bits. The sample is connected in parallel into an output register that controls the cable drivers. The cable also carries the sampling rate clock. Data are sent to the other end of the line where a slicer rejects noise picked up on each signal. Sliced data are then loaded into a receiving register by the clock and sent to the digital-to-analog convertor (DAC), which converts the sample back to an analog voltage.

As Figure 14.4 showed, noise can change the timing of a sliced signal. While this system rejects noise that threatens to change the numerical value of the samples, it is powerless to prevent noise from causing jitter in the receipt of the sample clock. Noise on the clock means that samples are not converted with a regular time base and the impairment caused will be audible.

The jitter problem is overcome in Figure 14.8(b) by the inclusion of a phase-locked loop, which is an oscillator that synchronizes itself to the average frequency of the clock but which filters out the instantaneous jitter.

The system of Figure 14.8 is extended in Figure 14.9 by the addition of some RAM. What the device does is determined by the way in which the RAM address is controlled. If the RAM address increases by one every time a sample from the ADC is stored in the RAM, an audio recording can be made for a short period until the RAM is full. The recording can be played back by repeating the address sequence at the same clock rate but reading the memory into the DAC. The result is generally called a sampler. If the memory capacity is increased, the device can be used for general recording. RAM recorders are replacing dictating machines and the tape recorders used by journalists. In general they will be restricted to a fairly short playing time because of the high cost of memory in comparison with other storage media.

Figure 14.9. In the digital sampler, the recording medium is a RAM. Recording time available is short compared with other media, but access to the recording is immediate and flexible as it is controlled by addressing the RAM.

Using compression, the playing time of a RAM-based recorder can be extended. For unchanging sounds such as test signals and station IDs, read only memory can be used instead as it is nonvolatile.

14.6. Time Compression and Expansion

Data files such as computer programs are simply lists of instructions and have no natural time axis. In contrast, audio and video data are sampled at a fixed rate and need to be presented to the viewer at the same rate. In audiovisual systems the audio also needs to be synchronized to the video. Continuous bit streams at a fixed bit rate are difficult for generic data recording and transmission systems to handle. Such systems mostly work on blocks of data that can be addressed and/or routed individually. The bit rate may be fixed at the design stage at a value that may be too low or too high for the audio or video data to be handled.

The solution is to use time compression or expansion. Figure 14.10 shows a RAM that is addressed by binary counters that periodically overflow to zero and start counting again, giving the RAM a ring structure. If write and read addresses increment at the same speed, the RAM becomes a fixed data delay as the addresses retain a fixed relationship. However, if the read address clock runs at a higher frequency but in bursts, output data are assembled into blocks with spaces in between. Data are now time compressed. Instead of being an unbroken stream, which is difficult to handle, data are in blocks with convenient pauses in between them. Numerous processes can take place in these pauses. A hard disk might move its heads to another track. In all types of recording and transmission, the time compression of the samples allows time for synchronizing patterns, subcode, and error-correction words to be inserted.

Figure 14.10. If the memory address is arranged to come from a counter that overflows, the memory can be made to appear circular. The write address then rotates endlessly, overwriting previous data once per revolution. The read address can follow the write address by a variable distance (not exceeding one revolution) and so a variable delay takes place between reading and writing.

Subsequently, any time compression can be reversed by time expansion. This requires a second RAM identical to the one shown. Data are written into the RAM in bursts, but read out at the standard sampling rate to restore a continuous bit stream. In a recorder, the time-expansion stage can be combined with the time base correction stage so that speed variations in the medium can be eliminated at the same time. The use of time compression is universal in digital recording and is widely used in transmission. In general the instantaneous data rate in the channel is not the same as the original rate, although clearly the average rate must be the same.

Where the bit rate of the communication path is inadequate, transmission is still possible, but not in real time. Figure 14.11 shows that data to be transmitted will have to be written in real time on a storage device such as a disk drive, and the drive will then transfer data at whatever rate is possible to another drive at the receiver. When the transmission is complete, the second drive can then provide data at the correct bit rate.

Figure 14.11. In nonreal-time transmission, data are transferred slowly to a storage medium, which then outputs real-time data. Recordings can be downloaded to the home in this way.

In the case where the available bit rate is higher than the correct data rate, the same configuration can be used to copy an audio data file faster than in real time. Another application of time compression is to allow several streams of data to be carried along the same channel in a technique known as multiplexing. Figure 14.12 shows some examples. In Figure 14.12(a), multiplexing allows audio and video data to be recorded on the same heads in a digital video recorder such as DVC. In Figure 14.12(b), several radio or television channels are multiplexed into one MPEG transport stream.

Figure 14.12. (a) Time compression is used to shorten the length of track needed by the video. Heavily time-compressed audio samples can then be recorded on the same track using common circuitry. In MPEG, multiplexing allows data from several TV channels to share one bit stream (b).

14.7. Error Correction and Concealment

All practical recording and transmission media are imperfect. Magnetic media, for example, suffer from noise and dropouts. In a digital recording of binary data, a bit is either correct or wrong, with no intermediate stage. Small amounts of noise are rejected, but inevitably, infrequent noise impulses cause some individual bits to be in error. Dropouts cause a larger number of bits in one place to be in error. An error of this kind is called a burst error. Whatever the medium and whatever the nature of the mechanism responsible, data are either recovered correctly or suffer some combination of bit errors and burst errors. In optical disks, random errors can be caused by imperfections in the moulding process, whereas burst errors are due to contamination or scratching of the disk surface.

The audibility of a bit error depends on which bit of the sample is involved. If the LSB of one sample was in error in a detailed musical passage, the effect would be totally masked and no one could detect it. Conversely, if the MSB of one sample was in error during a pure tone, no one could fail to notice the resulting click. Clearly a means is needed to render errors from the medium inaudible. This is the purpose of error correction.

In binary, a bit has only two states. If it is wrong, it is only necessary to reverse the state and it must be right. Thus the correction process is trivial and perfect. The main difficulty is in identifying the bits that are in error. This is done by coding data by adding redundant bits. Adding redundancy is not confined to digital technology, airliners have several engines and cars have twin braking systems. Clearly the more failures that have to be handled, the more redundancy is needed.

In digital recording, the amount of error that can be corrected is proportional to the amount of redundancy. Consequently, corrected samples are undetectable. If the amount of error exceeds the amount of redundancy, correction is not possible, and, in order to allow graceful degradation, concealment will be used. Concealment is a process where the value of a missing sample is estimated from those nearby. The estimated sample value is not necessarily exactly the same as the original, and so under some circumstances concealment can be audible, especially if it is frequent. However, in a well-designed system, concealments occur with negligible frequency unless there is an actual fault or problem.

Concealment is made possible by rearranging the sample sequence prior to recording. This is shown in Figure 14.13 where odd-numbered samples are separated from even-numbered samples prior to recording. The odd and even sets of samples may be recorded in different places on the medium so that an uncorrectable burst error affects only one set. On replay, the samples are recombined into their natural sequence, and the error is now split up so that it results in every other sample being lost in two different places. In those places, the waveform is described half as often, but can still be reproduced with some loss of accuracy. This is better than not being reproduced at all even if it is not perfect. Most tape-based digital audio recorders use such an odd/even distribution for concealment. Clearly, if any errors are fully correctable, the distribution is a waste of time; it is only needed if correction is not possible.

Figure 14.13. In cases where error correction is inadequate, concealment can be used, provided that the samples have been ordered appropriately in the recording. Odd and even samples are recorded in different places as shown here. As a result, an uncorrectable error causes incorrect samples to occur singly, between correct samples. In the example shown, sample 8 is incorrect, but samples 7 and 9 are unaffected and an approximation to the value of sample 8 can be had by taking the average value of the two. This interpolated value is substituted for the incorrect value.

The presence of an error-correction system means that the audio quality is independent of the medium/head quality within limits. There is no point in trying to assess the health of a machine by listening to the audio, as this will not reveal whether the error rate is normal or within a whisker of failure. The only useful procedure is to monitor the frequency with which errors are being corrected and to compare it with normal figures.

Digital systems such as broadcast channels, optical disks, and magnetic recorders are prone to burst errors. Adding redundancy equal to the size of expected bursts to every code is inefficient. Figure 14.14(a) shows that the efficiency of the system can be raised using interleaving. Sequential samples from the ADC are assembled into codes, but these are not recorded/transmitted in their natural sequence. A number of sequential codes are assembled along rows in a memory. When the memory is full, it is copied to the medium by reading down columns.

Figure 14.14(a). Interleaving is essential to make error-correction schemes more efficient. Samples written sequentially in rows into a memory have redundancy P added to each row. The memory is then read in columns and data are sent to the recording medium. On replay the nonsequential samples from the medium are deinterleaved to return them to their normal sequence. This breaks up the burst error (shaded) into one error symbol per row in the memory, which can be corrected by the redundancy P.

Subsequently, the samples need to be deinterleaved to return them to their natural sequence. This is done by writing samples from tape into a memory in columns, and when it is full, the memory is read in rows. Samples read from the memory are now in their original sequence so there is no effect on the information. However, if a burst error occurs, as is shown shaded on the diagram, it will damage sequential samples in a vertical direction in the deinterleave memory. When the memory is read, a single large error is broken down into a number of small errors whose sizes are exactly equal to the correcting power of the codes and the correction is performed with maximum efficiency.

An extension of the process of interleave is where the memory array has not only rows made into code words but also columns made into code words by the addition of vertical redundancy. This is known as a product code. Figure 14.14(b) shows that in a product code the redundancy calculated first and checked last is called the outer code, and the redundancy calculated second and checked first is called the inner code. The inner code is formed along tracks on the medium. Random errors due to noise are corrected by the inner code and do not impair the burst-correcting power of the outer code. Burst errors are declared uncorrectable by the inner code, which flags the bad samples on the way into the deinterleave memory. The outer code reads the error flags in order to locate erroneous data. As it does not have to compute the error locations, the outer code can correct more errors.

Figure 14.14(b). In addition to the redundancy P on rows, inner redundancy Q is also generated on columns. On replay, the Q code checker will pass on flag F if it finds an error too large to handle itself. Flags pass through the deinterleave process and are used by the outer error correction to identify which symbol in the row needs correcting with P redundancy. The concept of crossing two codes in this way is called a product code.

The interleave, deinterleave, time-compression, and time base-correction processes inevitably cause delay.

14.8. Channel Coding

In most recorders used for storing digital information, the medium carries a track that reproduces a single waveform. Clearly, data words representing audio samples contain many bits and so they have to be recorded serially, a bit at a time. Some media, such as optical or magnetic disks, have only one active track, so it must be totally self-contained. Tape-based recorders may have several tracks read or written simultaneously. At high recording densities, physical tolerances cause phase shifts, or timing errors, between tracks and so it is not possible to read them in parallel. Each track must still be self-contained until the replayed signal has been time base corrected.

Recording data serially is not as simple as connecting the serial output of a shift register to the head. In digital audio, samples may contain strings of identical bits. For example, silence in digital audio is represented by samples in which all the bits are zero. If a shift register is loaded with such a sample and shifted out serially, the output stays at a constant level for the period of the identical bits, and nothing is recorded on the track. On replay there is nothing to indicate how many bits were present or even how fast to move the medium. Clearly, serialized raw data cannot be recorded directly, they must be modulated into a waveform that contains an embedded clock irrespective of the values of the bits in the samples. On replay, a circuit called a data separator can lock to the embedded clock and use it to separate strings of identical bits.

The process of modulating serial data to make them self-clocking is called channel coding. Channel coding also shapes the spectrum of the serialized waveform to make it more efficient. With a good channel code, more data can be stored on a given medium. Spectrum shaping is used in optical disks to prevent data from interfering with the focus and tracking servos and in hard disks and in certain tape formats to allow rerecording without erase heads.

Channel coding is also needed to broadcast digital signals where shaping of the spectrum is an obvious requirement to avoid interference with other services.

14.9. Audio Compression

In its native form, high-quality digital audio requires a high data rate, which may be excessive for certain applications. One approach to the problem is to use compression, which reduces that rate significantly with a moderate loss of subjective quality. Because the human hearing system is not equally sensitive to all frequencies, some coding gain can be obtained using fewer bits to describe the frequencies that are less audible.

While compression may achieve considerable reduction in bit rate, it must be appreciated that compression systems reintroduce the generation loss of the analog domain to digital systems.

One of the most popular compression standards for audio and video is known as MPEG. Figure 14.15 shows that the output of a single MPEG compressor is called an elementary stream. In practice, audio and video streams of this type can be combined using multiplexing. The program stream is optimized for recording and is based on blocks of arbitrary size. The transport stream is optimized for transmission and is based on blocks of constant size.

Figure 14.15. The bit stream types of MPEG-2. See the text for details.

It should be appreciated that many successful products use non-MPEG compression.

Compression and the corresponding decoding are complex processes and take time, adding to existing delays in signal paths. Concealment of uncorrectable errors is also more difficult on compressed data.

14.10. Disk-Based Recording

The magnetic disk drive was perfected by the computer industry to allow rapid random access to data, and so it makes an ideal medium for editing. The heads do not touch the disk, but are supported on a thin air film, which gives them a long life but which restricts the recording density. Thus disks cannot compete with tape for archiving, but for work such as compact disc production they have no equal.

The disk drive provides intermittent data transfer owing to the need to reposition the heads. Figure 14.16 shows that disk-based devices rely on a quantity of RAM acting as a buffer between the real-time audio environment and the intermittent data environment.

Figure 14.16. In a hard disk recorder, a large-capacity memory is used as a buffer or time base corrector between the convertors and the disk. The memory allows the convertors to run constantly, despite the interruptions in disk transfer caused by the head moving between tracks.

Figure 14.17 shows the block diagram of an audio recorder based on disks and compression. The recording time and sound quality will not compete with full bandwidth tape-based devices, but following acquisition the disks can be used directly in an edit system, allowing a useful time saving in electronic news-gathering applications.

Figure 14.17. A disk-based audio recorder can capture audio and transmit compressed audio files over the Internet.

Development of the optical disk was stimulated by the availability of low-cost lasers. Optical disks are available in many different types, some which can only be recorded once, whereas others are erasable. Optical disks have in common the fact that access is generally slower than with magnetic drives and that it is difficult to obtain high data rates, but most of them are removable and can act as interchange media.

14.11. Rotary Head Digital Recorders

The rotary head recorder has the advantage that the spinning heads create a high head-to-tape speed, offering a high bit rate recording without high linear tape speed. While mechanically complex, rotary head transport has been raised to a high degree of refinement and offers the highest recording density and thus lowest cost per bit of all digital recorders.

Figure 14.18 shows a representative block diagram of a rotary head machine. Following the convertors, a compression process may be found. In an uncompressed recorder, there will be distribution of odd and even samples for concealment purposes. An interleaved product code will be formed prior to the channel coding stage, which produces the recorded waveform. On replay the data separator decodes the channel code and the inner and outer codes perform correction as in Section 14.7. Following this the data channels are recombined and any necessary concealment will take place. Any compression will be decoded prior to the output convertors.

Figure 14.18. Block diagram of digital audio tape.

14.12. Digital Audio Broadcasting

Although it has given good service for many years, analog broadcasting is an inefficient use of bandwidth. Using compression, digital modulation, and error-correction techniques, acceptable sound quality can be obtained in a fraction of the bandwidth of analog. Pressure on spectrum use from other uses, such as cellular telephones, will only increase, which may result in a rapid changeover to digital broadcasts.

In addition to conserving spectrum, digital transmission is (or should be) resistant to multipath reception and gives consistent quality throughout the service area. Resistance to multipath means that omnidirectional antennae can be used, essential for mobile reception.

14.13. Networks

Communications networks allow transmission of data files whose content or meaning is irrelevant to the transmission medium. These files can therefore contain digital audio. Production systems can be based on high bit rate networks instead of traditional routing techniques. Contribution feeds between broadcasters and station output to transmitters no longer require special-purpose links. Audio delivery is also possible on the Internet. As a practical matter, most Internet users suffer from a relatively limited bit rate and compression will have to be used until greater bandwidth becomes available. While the quality does not compare with that of traditional broadcasts, this is not the point. Internet audio allows a wide range of services that traditional broadcasting cannot provide and phenomenal growth is expected in this area.

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