Autodesk Revit Architecture 2015 Certification

Autodesk certifications are industry-recognized credentials that can help you succeed in your design career, providing benefits to both you and your employer. Getting certified is a reliable validation of skills and knowledge, and it can lead to accelerated professional development, improved productivity, and enhanced credibility.

This Autodesk Official Press guide can be an effective component of your exam preparation. Autodesk highly recommends (and we agree!) that you schedule regular time to prepare, review the most current exam preparation roadmap available at, use Autodesk Official Press books, take a class at an Authorized Training Center (find one nearby here:, and use a variety of resources to prepare for your certification—including plenty of actual hands-on experience.

image To help you focus your studies on the skills you’ll need for these exams, the following tables show objectives that could potentially appear on an exam and in what chapter you can find information on that topic; when you go to that chapter, you’ll find certification icons like the one in the margin here.

Table A.1 is for the Autodesk Revit 2015 Certified User Exam and lists the section, exam objectives, and chapter where the information is found. Table A.2 is for the Autodesk Revit 2015 Certified Professional Exam. This book will give you a foundation for the basic objectives covered on the Certified User exam, but you will need further study and hands-on practice to complete and pass the Certified Professional exam.

TABLE A.1 Certified User Exam Sections and Objectives

Topic Learning Objective Chapter
User Interface: Definitions Identify primary parts of the user interface (UI): tabs, application menu, InfoCenter, ribbon, Elevation tag, status bar, View Control Bar, Project Browser, context/right-click menus. Chapter 1
User Interface: UI Navigation/Interaction Name the key features of the ribbon. Define how a split button works. Demonstrate the three ways the ribbon can be displayed: Full Ribbon, Min to Panel Tiles, Min to Tabs. Demonstrate how to detach a panel and move it on the screen. Not covered
Describe the hierarchy in the Project Browser for a new project. Chapter 1
Define what “context” means when right-clicking in the drawing window. Chapter 1
Name the tools found on the Application menu (Save, Plot, Export, Print). Chapter 1
Demonstrate how to add items to the Quick Access toolbar. Not covered
Describe why the Options Bar changes. Chapter 1
Describe the function of the status bar. Chapter 1
Describe what pressing the Escape key does. Chapter 1
User Interface: Drawing Window Describe what double-clicking an elevation view marker does. Chapter 1
Demonstrate how to turn on/off the 3D Indicator. Not covered
Demonstrate how to change the view scale. Chapter 1
User Interface: Navigation Control Describe the functionality of the ViewCube. Chapter 1
Describe what the ViewCube home icon does. Chapter 1
User Interface: Zoom Describe how to zoom using the Navigation bar. Chapter 1
Describe the quickest way to zoom in or out. Chapter 1
Describe the quickest way to pan. Chapter 1
File Management: Definitions Define the acronym BIM and why it is important to Revit users. Introduction
Define a template file. Not covered
File Management: Project Files Identify the file extension of a project file (.rvt). Chapter 1
Identify the file extension of a template file (.rte). Create a template file for later project use. Not covered
Identify the file extension of a Revit family file (.rfa). Chapter 5
File Management: Open Existing Revit Project Locate the Recent File window. Not covered
Demonstrate how to open a Revit file through Projects image Open and through Application menu image Open Documents icon. Chapter 1
File Management: Create New Revit Project Demonstrate how to create a new Revit project folder and file through Application menu image New image Project. Chapter 1
Change to a metric drawing. Not covered
Add project information to a new drawing set. Chapter 12
Change system settings to create a new dimension style. Change arrows to architectural tick (obliques). Chapter 11
Views: View Control and Properties Navigate and change views using the View Control Bar. Chapter 2
Understand the view range of plan views and be able to change it. Not covered
Understand the purpose of view templates. Not covered
Change object visibility using temporary hide, hide category, and hide element. Chapter 9
Views: View Types Create section views including segmented ones. Chapter 9
Modify, crop, and place elevation views on a sheet. Chapter 12
Create and navigate 3D views. Chapter 2
Create callouts for details. Chapter 11
Create and annotate a drafting view. Chapter 11
Use the section box to create a cutaway 3D view. Chapter 1
Views: Cameras Create a camera view, and modify its orientation. Not covered
Create and edit a walkthrough. Not covered
Levels: Definitions Describe a level. Describe a use of a non-story level. Chapter 1
Understand how levels interact with intersecting views. Chapter 1
Create new levels. Chapter 1
Understand level properties and characteristics. Chapter 1
Walls: Architecture tab image Wall Describe how to place walls. Chapter 2
Walls: Options Bar List options available when placing and modifying walls: Height, Location Line, Chain, Offset, Radius. Chapter 2
Walls: Openings Create a floor-to-ceiling opening in a given wall. Chapter 2
Walls: Join Demonstrate a join on crossing wall elements. Chapter 2
Walls: Materials Create a new wall type, and add given materials. Chapters 2, 9
Doors: Architecture tab image Door Describe how to place doors. Chapter 2
Doors: Options Bar Describe door options: Vertical/Horizontal, Tag on Placement, Leader, Leader Attachment Distance. Chapters 2, 5
Doors: Model in Place Edit existing doors. Use Align to position a door. Chapters 2, 5
Windows: Architecture tab image Window Describe how to place windows. Chapter 2
Windows: Options Bar Describe window options: Vertical/Horizontal, Tag on Placement, Leader, Leader Attachment Distance. Chapters 2, 5
Windows: Model in Place Edit existing windows. Chapter 6
Component: Options Bar List options available when placing a component. Chapter 5
Component: Component Host Describe how to move a component to a different host. Chapter 5
Component: Families Navigate to find component families and load them. Chapter 5
Edit a family file and save. Chapter 6
Columns and Grids: Definitions Identify the uses of a grid. Chapter 1
Columns and Grids: Architecture Tab image Grid Create an equally spaced grid pattern. Not covered
Columns and Grids: Grid Properties List the options available when placing and modifying grids. Not covered
Columns and Grids: Architecture Tab image Column Place columns on a grid. Not covered
Columns and Grids: Column Properties List the options available when placing and modifying columns. Not covered
Columns and Grids: Modify List the tools you can use to modify columns and grids. Not covered
Stairs and Railings: Stair Types and Properties Set the stair type. Chapter 4
Change the stair tread depth. Chapter 4
Stairs and Railings: Stair Placement Options Add a stair. Chapter 4
Stairs and Railings: Railing Types and Properties Set the railing to rectangular. Chapter 4
Set the railing properties. Chapter 4
Stairs and Railings: Railing Placement Options Add a railing. Chapter 4
Roofs and Floors: Roof Types and Properties Create a roof. Chapter 3
Modify the roof properties. Chapter 3
Roofs and Floors: Roof Elements Create a fascia, a soffit, and a gutter. Not covered
Roofs and Floors: Floor Types and Properties Set the floor type (Sloped and Tapered). Create a floor. Chapter 3
Sketching: Geometry Sketch geometry and profiles using all sketching tools: Lines, Arcs, Polygons, Rectangles. Chapter 1
Sketching: Fillet, Trim Fillet objects. Not covered
Trim objects. Chapter 1
Sketching: Snaps Describe the benefits of using snaps. Chapter 2
List the shortcuts to toggle a snap on and off. Not covered
Annotations: Text Add model text to a floor plan. Not covered
Annotations: Dimensions Add a dimension to a given floor plan. Create a wall section. Chapters 11, 12
Add a spot slope to a roof on a given plan. Not covered
Annotations: Tags Add tags. Chapter 11
Tag untagged elements in a given floor plan. Chapter 8
Schedules: Schedule Types Create a door schedule. Not covered (While there is no specific coverage of a door schedule, creating schedules is covered in Chapter 12.)
Create a window schedule. Chapter 12
Create a room schedule. Chapters 8,12
Schedules: Legends Create a legend. Chapter 11
Schedules: Keynotes Add keynotes. Chapters 12, 13
Construction Document Sets: Sheet Setup Create a title sheet with a sheet list. Chapter 12
Construction Document Sets: Printing Create view/sheet sets for printing. Chapter 12
Print in scale. Print with percentage. Chapter 12
Construction Document Sets: Rendering Render. Chapter 9
Place generic lights. Not covered
Set the solar angle. Chapter 9

TABLE A.2 Certified Professional Exam Sections and Objectives

Topic Learning Objective Chapter
Collaboration Copy and monitor elements in a linked file. Not covered
Use worksharing. Chapter 10
Import DWG and image files. Chapter 13
Documentation Create and modify filled regions. Chapter 11
Place detail components and repeating details. Chapter 11
Tag elements (doors, windows, etc.) by category. Chapter 11
Use dimension strings. Chapters 1, 11
Set the colors used in a color scheme legend. Chapter 8
Work with phases. Not covered
Elements Change elements within a curtain wall: grids, panels, mullions. Chapter 2
Create compound walls. Chapter 2
Create a stacked wall. Chapter 2
Differentiate system and component families. Chapter 5
Families Work with family Parameters. Chapter 6
Create a new family type. Chapter 6
Modify an element’s type parameters. Chapter 2
Use Revit family templates. Chapter 5
Use Family creation procedures. Chapter 6
Modeling Assess or review warnings in Revit. Chapter 13
Create a building pad. Chapter 13
Define floors for a mass. Chapter 7
Create a stair with a landing. Chapter 4
Create elements such as floors, ceilings, or roofs. Chapter 3
Generate a toposurface. Chapter 13
Model railings. Chapter 4
Edit a model element’s material. Chapter 9
Change a generic floor/ceiling/roof to a specific type. Chapter 3
Attach walls to a roof or ceiling. Chapter 3
Views Define element properties in a schedule. Chapter 12
Control visibility. Chapter 1
Use levels. Chapter 1
Create a duplicate view for a plan, section, elevation, drafting view, etc. Chapter 9
Create and manage legends. Not covered
Manage the view position on sheets. Chapter 12
Organize and sort items in a schedule. Chapter 12

These Autodesk exam objectives were accurate at press time; please refer to for the most current exam roadmap and objectives.

Good luck preparing for your certification!

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