© Pradeeka Seneviratne  2019
Pradeeka SeneviratneBBC micro:bit Recipeshttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-4913-0_3

3. MakeCode Programming Basics

Pradeeka Seneviratne1 
Udumulla, Mulleriyawa, Sri Lanka

In this chapter you will learn how to manage blocks in the coding area and about programming basics with simple recipes. These recipes can be used to build more advanced programs later with MakeCode. As an example, the recipe displaying numbers can be used to display the results of a formula in a complex program.

3-1. Adding Blocks onto Coding Area


You want to add blocks onto the coding area from the Toolbox.


  • In the Toolbox, click on any Category and from the submenu, click on the block you want to place on the coding area (Figure 3-1 ).
    Figure 3-1.

    Placing a block on the coding area by clicking on it

  • Otherwise, you can drag and drop a block onto the coding area (Figure 3-2 ).
    Figure 3-2.

    Placing a block on the coding area by drag and drop

  • After placing the block, you can further move it to any place on the coding area by dragging and dropping (Figure 3-3 ).
    Figure 3-3.

    Moving a block on the code area

How It Works

MakeCode organizes blocks with categories by grouping similar or related blocks together. By default, MakeCode shows the following block categories in the Toolbox:
  • Basic

  • Input

  • Music

  • Led

  • Radio

  • Loops

  • Logic

  • Variables

  • Math

  • Functions

  • Arrays

  • Text

  • Game

  • Images

  • Pins

  • Serial

  • Control

3-2. Deleting a Block


You want to delete a block from the coding area.


Do one of the following:
  • In the coding area, click on the block you want to delete and from the keyboard, press the DELETE key.

  • In the coding area, right-click on the block you want to delete. Then, click Delete Block from the shortcut menu (Figure 3-4 ).
    Figure 3-4.

    Deleting a block

  • Drag and drop the block into the Toolbox (Figure 3-5 ).
    Figure 3-5.

    Deleting a block

How It Works

This will remove the selected block from the coding area. You can undo it by clicking on the Undo button in the bottom right of the window.

3-3. Duplicating a Block


You want to duplicate a block in the coding area.


  • In the coding area, right-click on the block you want to duplicate.

  • Click Duplicate from the shortcut menu. You will get a duplicated block (Figure 3-6 ).
    Figure 3-6.

    Duplicating a block

How It Works

This option allows you to quickly duplicate an existing block in the coding area without choosing it again from the Toolbox. Duplicate will create a clone of a selected block.

3-4. Adding a Comment


You want to add a comment to a block.


  • In the coding area, right-click on the block you want to add a comment.

  • Click Add Comment from the shortcut menu.

  • In the comment box, type in a comment for the block.

  • Click on the hide icon (arrow head) in the top-left corner of the comment box to hide (Figure 3-7 ).
    Figure 3-7.

    Adding a comment

How It Works

Comment boxes are useful to add text note to a block to provide explanatory information, usually about the function of the code. These comment blocks are generally ignored by the compiler.

If hidden, you can show the comment box again by clicking on the comment icon in the left side of the block. If you want to delete the comment, just click on the delete icon on the top-right corner of the comment box (Figure 3-8 ).
Figure 3-8.

Deleting a comment

3-5. Displaying Text


You want to scroll a text message across the display only once.


You can use the on start block to build this program.
  • In the Toolbox, click on the Basic category.

  • Click and drag the show string block over and place it inside of the on start block. (Figure 3-9 ).
    Figure 3-9.

    Displaying text

  • The show string block contains default text, Hello!. If you want to display a different text, simply click on the text box and type in the new text.

  • Your final code should look something like this (Figure 3-10 ).
    Figure 3-10.

    Code listing for display text

How It Works

With MakeCode, you can use the show string block to display any text containing letters, numbers, and punctuation. This is known as a ‘string’ in coding terms. Usually, the text scrolls from left to right. If the string is a single character, then it will be displayed on the screen; otherwise the contents of the string will scroll from left to right (the micro:bit display only fits for single character). The micro:bit display only supports with English letters, numbers, and punctuation. All the valid letters, numbers, and punctuation that can be used to build a string can be found in the ASCII table (from DEC 32 to 126) shown in Appendix A.

Any code in the on start block will run when the micro:bit is powered on or reset after powered on.

MakeCode blocks for micro:bit doesn’t allow you to define how fast the string scrolls. If you would like to change the speed, you will need to switch to the JavaScript editor by clicking on the selector at the top of the screen (Figure 3-11 ). Then, in the basic. showString() function, type in a comma followed by a value for how fast to shift characters (e.g., 150, 100, 200, −100).
Figure 3-11.

JavaScript equivalent of the code

You can switch back and forth between Blocks and JavaScript as you program. If you switched back to the Blocks, the basic.showstring() block becomes incompatible with Blocks. MakeCode uses a gray color to indicate any errors in your code (Figure 3-12 ).
Figure 3-12

Incompatible Block created by JavaScript

3-6. Displaying Numbers


You want to scroll a number across the display only once.


You can use the on start block to build this program.
  • In the Toolbox, click on the Basic category.

  • Click and drag the show number block over and place it inside of the on start block.

  • In the show number block, simply click on the text box and type in the new number (e.g., 1234). Your code should look something like this (Figure 3-13 ).
    Figure 3-13.

    Code listing for display a number

How It Works

The on start block is all your code that will execute at the very beginning of your program and only run once. The show number block accepts digits from 0 to 9. You can build any number with them. It only accepts numbers and digits and doesn’t let you type characters and strings. You can’t type more than one number in the show number block by separating with spaces or punctuation marks. By default, the show number block contains 0. Usually, the numbers scroll from left to right. If the number fits on the display (single digit), it doesn’t scroll.

The example in Figure 3-13 will scroll the number once and then stop if the number is greater than 9. It will not display each number one by one.

3-7. Displaying Text Repeatedly


You want to display text on micro:bit display, then loop it over and over again.


You can use the forever block to build this program.
  • In the Toolbox, click on the Basic category.

  • Click and drag the show string block over and place it inside of the forever block. Your code should look something like this (Figure 3-14 ).
    Figure 3-14.

    Code listing for display a text

  • If you want to change the default text, click on the textbox of the show string block and type in the new text.

How It Works

When you want to repeat anything forever on the micro:bit display, the easiest choice is to use the forever block. Simply, it repeats everything placed inside it forever in the background.

3-8. Displaying a Number Repeatedly


You want to display a number on micro:bit display, then loop it over and over again.


You can use the forever block to build this program.
  • In the Toolbox, click on the Basic category.

  • Click and drag the show number block over and place it inside of the forever block.

  • In the show number block, click on the text box and type in a number with at least two digits. Your code should look something like this (Figure 3-15 ).
    Figure 3-15.

    Code listing for display a number repeatedly

How It Works

When you want to repeat anything forever on the micro:bit display, the easiest choice is to use the forever block. Simply, it repeats everything placed inside it forever in the background.

3-9. Turning on LEDs


You want to turn on some or all LEDs on the micro:bit display.


You will use the show leds block to build the following program.
  • In the Toolbox, click on the Basic category.

  • Click and drag the show leds block over, and place it inside of the on start block (Figure 3-16 ).
    Figure 3-16.

    The show leds block

  • In the show leds block , click on the squares that you want to select. Your code should look something like this (Figure 3-17 ).
    Figure 3-17.

    Choosing LEDs on the show leds block

How It Works

The show leds block represents the micro:bit display. Each square in the show leds block corresponds to a physical LED on the micro:bit display. You can click on any square to select the corresponding LED on the micro:bit display to turn on. To turn off an LED, simply click on the selected square again to deselect it.

3-10. Displaying Icons


You want to display one of the built-in icons on the micro:bit display.


  • In the Toolbox, click on the Basic category.

  • Click and drag the show icon block over and place it inside of the on start block.

  • In the show icon block, choose an icon (happy) click from the drop-down list to display on the micro:bit screen (Figure 3-18 ).
    Figure 3-18.

    Choosing an icon

  • Your code should look something like this (Figure 3-19 ).
    Figure 3-19.

    Code listing for display an icon

How It Works

The show icon block can be used to display an icon at any point in your program. The MakeCode supports 40 icons for your choice. Here is the list:
  • Heart

  • Small heart

  • Yes

  • No

  • Happy

  • Sad

  • Confused

  • Angry

  • Asleep

  • Surprised

  • Silly

  • Fabulous

  • Meh

  • T-shirt

  • Roller skate

  • Duck

  • House

  • Tortoise

  • Butterfly

  • Stick figure

  • Ghost

  • Sword

  • Giraffe

  • Skull

  • Umbrella

  • Snake

  • Rabbit

  • Cow

  • Quarter note

  • Eight note

  • Pitchfork

  • target

  • triangle

  • left triangle

  • chess board

  • diamond

  • small diamond

  • square

  • small square

  • scissors

If you want to display more icons sequentially, add more show icon blocks to your program. The following program starts with the heart icon and stops at the happy icon (Figure 3-20 ). If you want to add a delay between icons, use the pause block (see Recipe 3-14, Pausing a Program).
Figure 3-20.

Displaying icons sequentially

3-11. Displaying Arrows


You want to draw an arrow pointing to south east on the micro:bit display.


You will use the show arrow block to build the following program.
  • In the Toolbox, click on the Basic category, then click the more tab.

  • Click and drag the show arrow block over and place it inside of the on start block.

  • In the show arrow block, choose south east from the drop-down list. Your code should look something like this (Figure 3-21 ).
    Figure 3-21.

    Code listing for display an arrow

How It Works

The show arrow block is specialized to display arrows pointing to different directions. The following is a list of directions that can be configured with the show arrow block.
  • North

  • North East

  • East

  • South East

  • South

  • South West

  • West

  • North West

3-12. Pausing a Program


You want to pause the execution of a program for several milliseconds that are specified.


You can use the pause block to add a delay between code blocks. As an example, you will display a text containing two words (Hello, World!) and add a 2-second delay between Hello, and World!
  • In the Toolbox, click on the Basic category.

  • Click and drag the show string block over and place it inside of the on start block.

  • Right-click on the show string block and from the shortcut menu, click Duplicate.

  • Change the text of the first show string block as Hello.

  • Change the text of the second show string block as World!

  • Again, click on the Basic category. Then click and drag the pause block over and place it between the show string blocks.

  • In the pause block, click on the drop-down list and choose 2 seconds (Figure 3-22 ).
    Figure 3-22.

    Adding delay using the pause block

  • Your code should look something like this (Figure 3-23 ).
    Figure 3-23.

    Code listing for adding delay

How It Works

The pause block accepts the time in milliseconds where 1 second equals 1000 milliseconds. You can provide any value in milliseconds or choose some predefined values from the drop-down list.

3-13. Clearing the Screen


You want to clear the micro:bit display by turning off all the LEDs.


You can build this program using the on start block.
  • In the Toolbox, click on the Basic category.

  • Click and drag the show string block over and place it inside of the on start block.

  • In the show string block, click on the text box and type in the letter X.

  • In the Toolbox, under Basic category, click on …more.

  • Click and drag the clear screen block over, and place it inside of the on start block. Your code should look something like this (Figure 3-24 ).
    Figure 3-24.

    Code listing for clearing the screen

How It Works

The clear screen block allows you to turn off all the LEDs in the micro:bit display. You can use it to clear the screen after displaying a text, number, image, icon, or anything.

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