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Alternate Alignment Views
Alternate Alignment Views
The default Pairwise view shown in Figure 1-10 is the classic BLAST output style,
but other options are available for other purposes. These options, described in the
NCBI reference section and in Appendix A, include pairwise, query-anchored with
identities, query-anchored without identities, flat query-anchored with identities, flat
query-anchored without identities, and Hit Table. The most friendly option for text
parsers is the Hit Table, which is viewed in plaintext format. This displays all the
results in a tab-delimited table, which can be parsed easily. You can select this at the
top of the page by changing “Format” to “Plain text” and “Alignment view” to “Hit
Table” (Figure 1-12).
The Hit Table alignment view is shown in Figure 1-13. The first five lines start with
# and are comments about the BLAST program, the query, and the database, fol-
lowed by a description of the reported fields. The lines after the comments are the
alignments in table format. The Hit Table contains all the necessary data to judge a
hit without displaying the actual sequence being aligned.
Figure 1-12. Changing format options
Figure 1-13. Hit Table alignment
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