This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition
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As a group, the authors would like to thank O’Reilly & Associates for their patience
and support, and especially their editor Lorrie LeJeune. The book owes a lot to its
technical reviewers: Scott Markel, Tony Palombella, and staff of the NCBI. Special
thanks go out to Scott McGinnis, Tom Madden, and Stephen Altschul for all their
insightful comments.
I thank my wife Karen (whose critical comments improved the readability of the
book) and daughter Zoe for putting up with the extra hours required to write this
book. (Sorry, I had no idea it was going to take this much time.) I’d also like to thank
my former mentors, especially Warren Gish and Susan Strome, for their scientific
guidance and high standards. Writing a book in the wee hours can be arduous work,
so I appreciate Apple Computer for making things simple and WeakLazyLiar and
Trespassers William for musical companionship. My coauthors deserve a lot of
credit for tolerating my tyranny and helping to make a dream come true. Lastly, I’d
like to say a special thanks to Mom and Dad.
Thanks to my coauthors, Ian and Joey. Special thanks to Stephen Altschul for all his
patience with my frequent telephone calls and emails, and to Tom Madden for help
with the BLAST code. I’d also like to thank Karen Eilbeck for putting up with me;
Suzi Lewis for her patience; and yes, Martin, it is finished now! Finally, I’d like to
dedicate my portion of the book to Dr. Marc Perry for showing me my first BLAST
If you are reading this, it means that I’m an O’Reilly author—wow! I’d like to first
and foremost thank O’Reilly for putting out a great line of books that have allowed
me to make the transition from the bench to the keyboard and, ultimately, to the
bookshelves! I also thank my coauthors, Ian and Mark. It is truly amazing that we
were able to put this together without even being on the same continent for the last
This is the Title of the Book, eMatter Edition
Copyright © 2012 O’Reilly & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved.
year and a half. This is a testament to Ian’s great organizational skills, his grand (yet
ever-changing) vision for the book, and his unrelenting quest for perfection. I thank
my wife Alison and daughter Lauren for their love and support. Thanks for putting
up with the late BLAST nights and early BLAST mornings. I owe you both a lot for
your patience and understanding.
Finally, I’d like to thank the members of the Blueberry Hill dart league for their sup-
port and friendship.
I’d like to dedicate this book to the memory of David Jagor and to the BBBs, the best
group of friends a guy could have!
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