Chapter 5. NetBackup Runbook

This chapter provides step-by-step procedures, in runbook format. These procedures can be helpful in environments using VERITAS NetBackup. Sun offers an OEM version of NetBackup called Sun StorEdge Enterprise NetBackUp.


In this chapter, the term NetBackup refers to VERITAS NetBackup, although the information provided here also applies to Sun StorEdge Enterprise NetBackUp.

Runbooks are useful for standardizing day-to-day operations throughout an IT organization.

Additional runbooks related to backup and restore practices (and many other topics) are available from Sun Professional Services. These include VERITAS NetBackup runbooks, Solstice Backup runbooks, and other backup and restore runbooks. Sun Professional Services can customize runbooks for your particular environment. For additional information on runbooks, see:

This chapter presents only a portion of a NetBackup Runbook available. Additional topics available in this runbook include:

  1. Storage Units

    • To Add a Media Manager Storage Unit

    • To Add a UNIX Disk-Filesystem Storage Unit

    • To Change Storage Unit Attributes

    • To Delete a Storage Unit

    • To Display Storage Unit Attributes

  2. Media Manager

    • To Run the Media Manager GUI

    • Reference: Media Manager Main Window Menu

    • Reference: Media Manager Configuration File

  3. Volumes

    • To Add a New Volume Pool

    • To Change Volume Pool Attributes

    • To Delete a Volume Pool

    • To Change a Volume Pool Assignment for a Volume

    • To Reassign Media to a Different Pool

    • To Configure a Scratch Pool

    • To Add Robotic Volumes (with Update Volume Configuration)

    • To Add a Single Volume (without Update Volume Configuration)

    • To Move a Volume Group

    • To Delete Single or Multiple Volumes

    • To Delete a Volume Group

    • To De-assign Regular Backup Volumes

    • To De-assign Database Backup Volumes

    • To Change Volume Attributes

  4. Replacing Media

    • To Replace Media without Reusing the Media ID

    • To Replace Media and Reuse the Media ID

    • To Reuse Media with the Same Media ID

    • To Reuse Media with a New Media ID

  5. Tape Drive Operations

    • To Run the Device Manager GUI

    • To Change the Operation Mode of a Drive

    • To Unload a Drive

    • To Terminate a Drive Assignment

    • To Reset a Drive

    • To Add Comments for a Drive

    • To Configure Drive Cleaning

    • To Change Drive Cleaning Frequency

    • To Manually Start a Drive Cleaning Operation

    • To Reset Mount Time to Zero

  6. NetBackup Classes

  • Reference: Class Attributes

  • To Create a New Class

  • To Add Clients to a Class

  • To Add or Delete Clients from Multiple Classes

  • To Add a New Schedule to a Class

  • Reference: Schedule Attributes

  • To Define the List of Files to Backup

  • Reference: File Path Rules for Standard UNIX wbak Clients

  • Reference: Symbolic Links and Hard Links

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