
Have you “caught the electronics bug” and then balked at the sight of diagrams with arcane symbols when you decided to build, troubleshoot, or repair something? If so, you have the solution in your hands.

Don’t give up on electronics when you encounter strange-looking circuit diagrams. You don’t quit your favorite sport because you fear the rigors of training, do you? No! You get into condition with practice. Schematic diagrams (or “schematics”), sensibly drawn and neatly arranged, can help you design, build, maintain, and repair electronic equipment. But you must do some work to gain skill at reading and interpreting schematics.

As you plan a trip by car, road maps show you how to navigate the countryside. As you work with electronic equipment, schematics show you the way through simple circuits, complex devices, and massive systems. Once you know what the symbols represent, you’ll find schematics no more difficult than road maps.

While you read this book, you’ll learn the rationale of schematics, how to draw or interpret each symbol, and how the symbols interconnect to form functional circuits. You’ll also get a chance to do a few simple experiments. Then you can continue your quest in any field of electronics from amateur radio to space communications, from surround sound to virtual reality.

You’ll find my website at I also create videos; simply search YouTube for my name. Have fun!

Stan Gibilisco

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