Structuring Data

So far, you've learned how to declare and define variables that can hold various types of data, including integers, floating-point values, and characters. You also have the means to create arrays of any of these types and arrays of pointers to memory locations containing data of the types available to you. Although these have proved very useful, there are many applications in which you need even more flexibility.

For instance, suppose you want to write a program that processes data about breeding horses. You need information about each horse such as its name, its date of birth, its coloring, its height, its parentage, and so on. Some items are strings and some are numeric. Clearly, you could set up arrays for each data type and store them quite easily. However, this has limitations—for example, it doesn't allow you to refer to Dobbin's date of birth or Trigger's height particularly easily. You would need to synchronize your arrays by relating data items through a common index. Amazingly, C provides you with a better way of doing this, and that's what I'll discuss in this chapter.

In this chapter you'll learn the following:

  • What structures are
  • How to declare and define data structures
  • How to use structures and pointers to structures
  • How you can use pointers as structure members
  • How to share memory between variables
  • How to define your own data types
  • How to write a program that produces bar charts from your data

Data Structures: Using struct

The keyword struct enables you to define a collection of variables of various types called a structure that you can treat as a single unit. This will be clearer if you see a simple example of a structure declaration:

struct horse
  int age;
  int height;
} Silver;

This example declares a structure type called horse. This isn't a variable name; it's a new type. This type name is usually referred to as a structure tag, or a tag name. The naming of the structure tag follows the same rules as for a variable name, which you should be familiar with by now.

Note It's legal to use the same name for a structure tag name and another variable. However, I don't recommend that you do this because it will make your code confusing and difficult to understand.

The variable names within the structure, age and height, are called structure members. In this case, they're both of type int. The members of the structure appear between the braces that follow the struct tag name horse.

In the example, an instance of the structure, called Silver, is declared at the same time that the structure is defined. Silver is a variable of type horse. Now, whenever you use the variable name Silver, it includes both members of the structure: the member age and the member height.

Let's look at the declaration of a slightly more complicated version of the structure type horse:

struct horse
  int age;
  int height;
  char name[20];
  char father[20];
  char mother[20];
} Dobbin = {
             24, 17, "Dobbin", "Trigger", "Flossie"

Any type of variable can appear as a member of a structure, including arrays. As you can see, there are five members to this version of the structure type called horse: the integer members age and height, and the arrays name, father, and mother. Each member declaration is essentially the same as a normal variable declaration, with the type followed by the name and terminated by a semicolon. Note that initialization values can't be placed here because you aren't declaring variables; you're defining members of a type called horse. A structure type is a kind of specification or blueprint that can then be used to define variables of that type—in this example, type horse.

You define an instance of the structure horse after the closing brace of the structure definition. This is the variable Dobbin. Initial values are also assigned to the member variables of Dobbin in a manner similar to that used to initialize arrays, so initial values can be assigned when you define instances of the type horse.

In the declaration of the variable Dobbin, the values that appear between the final pair of braces apply, in sequence, to the member variable age (24), height (17), name ("Dobbin"), father ("Trigger"), and mother ("Flossie"). The statement is finally terminated with a semicolon. The variable Dobbin now refers to the complete collection of members included in the structure. The memory occupied by the structure Dobbin is shown in Figure 11-1, assuming variables of type int occupy 4 bytes. You can always find out the amount of memory that's occupied by a structure using the sizeof operator.


Figure 11-1. Memory occupied by Dobbin

Defining Structure Types and Structure Variables

You could have separated the declaration of the structure from the declaration of the structure variable. Instead of the statements you saw previously, you could have written the following:

struct horse
  int age;
  int height;
  char name[20];
  char father[20];
  char mother[20];

struct horse Dobbin = {
                        24, 17,"Dobbin", "Trigger", "Flossie"

You now have two separate statements. The first is the definition of the structure tag horse, and the second is a declaration of one variable of that type, Dobbin. Both the structure definition and the structure variable declaration statements end with a semicolon. The initial values for the members of the Dobbin structure tell you that the father of Dobbin is Trigger and his mother is Flossie.

You could also add a third statement to the previous two examples that would define another variable of type horse:

struct horse Trigger = {
                         30, 15, "Trigger", "Smith", "Wesson"

Now you have a variable Trigger that holds the details of the father of Dobbin, where it's clear that the ancestors of Trigger are "Smith" and "Wesson".

Of course, you can also declare multiple structure variables in a single statement. This is almost as easy as declaring variables of one of the standard C types, for example

struct horse Piebald, Bandy;

declares two variables of type horse. The only additional item in the declaration, compared with standard types, is the keyword struct. You haven't initialized the values—to keep the statement simple—but in general it's wise to do so.

Accessing Structure Members

Now that you know how to define a structure and declare structure variables, you need to be able to refer to the members of a structure. A structure variable name is not a pointer. You need a special syntax to access the members.

You refer to a member of a structure by writing the structure variable name followed by a period, followed by the member variable name. For example, if you found that Dobbin had lied about his age and was actually much younger than the initializing value would suggest, you could amend the value by writing this:

Dobbin.age = 12;

The period between the structure variable name and the member name is actually an operator that is called the member selection operator. This statement sets the age member of the structure Dobbin to 12. Structure members are just the same as variables of the same type. You can set their values and use them in expressions in the same way as ordinary variables.

Unnamed Structures

You don't have to give a structure a tag name. When you declare a structure and any instances of that structure in a single statement, you can omit the tag name. In the last example, instead of the structure declaration for type horse, followed by the instance declaration for My_first_horse, you could have written this statement:

{                                           /* Structure declaration and... */
  int age;
  int height;
  char name[20];
  char father[20];
  char mother[20];
} My_first_horse;             /* ...structure variable declaration combined */

A serious disadvantage with this approach is that you can no longer define further instances of the structure in another statement. All the variables of this structure type that you want in your program must be defined in the one statement.

Arrays of Structures

The basic approach to keeping horse data is fine as far as it goes. But it will probably begin to be a bit cumbersome by the time you've accumulated 50 or 100 horses. You need a more stable method for handling a lot of horses. It's exactly the same problem that you had with variables, which you solved using an array. And you can do the same here: you can declare a horse array.

Structures in Expressions

A structure member that is one of the built-in types can be used like any other variable in an expression. Using the structure from Program 2, you could write this rather meaningless computation:

My_horses[1].height = (My_horses[2].height + My_horses[3].height)/2;

I can think of no good reason why the height of one horse should be the average of two other horses' heights (unless there's some Frankenstein-like assembly going on) but it's a legal statement.

You can also use a complete structure element in an assignment statement:

My_horses[1] = My_horses[2];

This statement causes all the members of the structure My_horses[2] to be copied to the structure My_horses[1], which means that the two structures become identical. The only other operation that's possible with a whole structure is to take its address using the & operator. You can't add, compare, or perform any other operations with a complete structure. To do those kinds of things, you must write your own functions.

Pointers to Structures

The ability to obtain the address of a structure raises the question of whether you can have pointers to a structure. Because you can take the address of a structure, the possibility of declaring a pointer to a structure does, indeed, naturally follow. You use the notation that you've already seen with other types of variables:

struct horse *phorse;

This declares a pointer, phorse, that can store the address of a structure of type horse.

You can now set phorse to have the value of the address of a particular structure, using exactly the same kind of statement that you've been using for other pointer types, for example

phorse = &My_horses[1];

Now phorse points to the structure My_horses[1]. You can immediately reference elements of this structure through your pointer. So if you want to display the name member of this structure, you could write this:

printf(" The name is %s.", (*phorse).name);

The parentheses around the dereferenced pointer are essential, because the precedence of the member selection operator (the period) is higher than that of the pointer-dereferencing operator *.

However, there's another way of doing this, and it's much more readable and intuitive. You could write the previous statement as follows:

printf(" The name is %s.", phorse->name );

So you don't need parentheses or an asterisk. You construct the operator -> from a minus sign immediately followed by the greater-than symbol. The operator is sometimes called the pointer to member operator for obvious reasons. This notation is almost invariably used in preference to the usual pointer-dereferencing notation you used at first, because it makes your programs so much easier to read.

Dynamic Memory Allocation for Structures

You have virtually all the tools you need to rewrite Program 11.2 with a much more economical use of memory. In the original version, you allocated the memory for an array of 50 horse structures, even when in practice you probably didn't need anything like that amount.

To create dynamically allocated memory for structures, the only tool that's missing is an array of pointers to structures, which is declared very easily, as you can see in this statement:

struct horse *phorse[50];

This statement declares an array of 50 pointers to structures of type horse. Only memory for the pointers has been allocated by this statement. You must still allocate the memory necessary to store the actual members of each structure that you need.

More on Structure Members

So far, you've seen that any of the basic data types, including arrays, can be members of a structure. But there's more. You can also make a structure a member of a structure. Furthermore, not only can pointers be members of a structure, but also a pointer to a structure can be a member of a structure.

This opens up a whole new range of possibilities in programming with structures and, at the same time, increases the potential for confusion. Let's look at each of these possibilities in sequence and see what they have to offer. Maybe it won't be a can of worms after all.

Structures As Members of a Structure

At the start of this chapter, you examined the needs of horse breeders and, in particular, the necessity to manage a variety of details about each horse, including its name, height, date of birth, and so on. You then went on to look at Program 11.1, which carefully avoided date of birth and substituted age instead. This was partly because dates are messy things to deal with, as they're represented by three numbers and hold all the complications of leap years. However, you're now ready to tackle dates, using a structure that's a member of another structure.

You can define a structure type designed to hold dates. You can specify a suitable structure with the tag name Date with this statement:

struct Date
  int day;
  int month;
  int year;

Now you can define the structure horse, including a date-of-birth variable, like this:

struct horse
  struct Date dob;
  int height;
  char name[20];
  char father[20];
  char mother[20];

Now you have a single variable member within the structure that represents the date of birth of a horse, and this member is itself a structure. Next, you can define an instance of the structure horse with the usual statement:

struct horse Dobbin;

You can define the value of the member height with the same sort of statement that you've already seen:

Dobbin.height = 14;

If you want to set the date of birth in a series of assignment statements, you can use the logical extension of this notation: = 5;
Dobbin.dob.month = 12;
Dobbin.dob.year = 1962;

You have a very old horse. The expression is referencing a variable of type int, so you can happily use it in arithmetic or comparative expressions. But if you use the expression Dobbin.dob, you would be referring to a struct variable of type date. Because this is clearly not a basic type but a structure, you can use it only in an assignment such as this:

Trigger.dob = Dobbin.dob;

This could mean that they're twins, but it doesn't guarantee it.

If you can find a good reason to do it, you can extend the notion of structures that are members of a structure to a structure that's a member of a structure that's a member of a structure. In fact, if you can make sense of it, you can continue with further levels of structure. Your C compiler is likely to provide for at least 15 levels of such convolution. But beware: if you reach this depth of structure nesting, you're likely to be in for a bout of repetitive strain injury just typing the references to members.

Declaring a Structure Within a Structure

You could declare the Date structure within the horse structure definition, as in the following code:

struct horse
  struct Date
    int day;
    int month;
    int year;
  } dob;

  int height;
  char name[20];
  char father[20];
  char mother[20];

This has an interesting effect. Because the declaration is enclosed within the scope of the horse structure definition, it doesn't exist outside it, and so it becomes impossible to declare a Date variable external to the horse structure. Of course, each instance of a horse type variable would contain the Date type member, dob. But a statement such as this

struct date my_date;

would cause a compiler error. The message generated will say that the structure type date is undefined. If you need to use date outside the structure horse, its definition must be placed outside of the horse structure.

Pointers to Structures As Structure Members

Any pointer can be a member of a structure. This includes a pointer that points to a structure. A pointer structure member that points to the same type of structure is also permitted. For example, the horse type structure could contain a pointer to a horse type structure. Interesting, but is it of any use? Well, as it happens, yes.

Doubly Linked Lists

A disadvantage of the linked list that you created in the previous example is that you can only go forward. However, a small modification of the idea gives you the doubly linked list, which will allow you to go through a list in either direction. The trick is to include an extra pointer in each structure to store the address of the previous structure in addition to the pointer to the next structure.

Bit-Fields in a Structure

Bit-fields provide a mechanism that allows you to define variables that are each one or more binary bits within a single integer word, which you can nevertheless refer to explicitly with an individual member name for each one.

Note Bit-fields are used most frequently when memory is at a premium and you're in a situation in which you must use it as sparingly as possible. This is rarely the case these days so you won't see them very often. Bit-fields will slow your program down appreciably compared to using standard variable types. You must therefore assess each situation upon its merits to decide whether the memory savings offered by bit-fields are worth this price in execution speed for your programs. In most instances, bit-fields won't be necessary or even desirable, but you need to know about them.

An example of declaring a bit-field is shown here:

  unsigned int flag1 : 1;
  unsigned int flag2 : 1;
  unsigned int flag3 : 2;
  unsigned int flag4 : 3;
} indicators;

This defines a variable with the name indicators that's an instance of an anonymous structure containing four bit-fields with the names flag1 through flag4. These will all be stored in a single word, as illustrated in Figure 11-4.


Figure 11-4. Bit-fields in a structure

The first two bit-fields, being a single bit specified by the 1 in their definition, can only assume the values 0 or 1. The third bit-field, flag3, has 2 bits and so it can have a value from 0 to 3. The last bit-field, flag4, can have values from 0 to 7, because it has 3 bits. These bit-fields are referenced in the same manner as other structure members, for example

indicators.flag4 = 5;
indicators.flag3 = indicators.flag1 = 1;

You'll rarely, if ever, have any need for this facility. I've included bit-fields here for the sake of completeness and for that strange off chance that one day bit-fields will be just what you need in a particularly tight memory situation.

Structures and Functions

Because structures represent such a powerful feature of the C language, their use with functions is very important. You'll now look at how you can pass structures as arguments to a function and how you can return a structure from a function.

Structures As Arguments to Functions

There's nothing unusual in the method for passing a structure as an argument to a function. It's exactly the same as passing any other variable. Analogous to the horse structure, you could create this structure:

struct family
  char name[20];
  int age;
  char father[20];
  char mother[20];

You could then construct a function to test whether two members of the type family are siblings:

bool siblings(struct family member1, struct family member2)
  if(strcmp(member1.mother, member2.mother) == 0)
    return true;
    return false;

This function has two arguments, each of which is a structure. It simply compares the strings corresponding to the member mother for each structure. If they're the same, they are siblings and 1 is returned. Otherwise, they can't be siblings so 0 is returned. You're ignoring the effects of divorce, in vitro fertilization, cloning, and any other possibilities that may make this test inadequate.

Pointers to Structures As Function Arguments

Remember that a copy of the value of an argument is transferred to a function when it's called. If the argument is a large structure, it can take quite a bit of time, as well as occupying whatever additional memory the copy of the structure requires. Under these circumstances, you should use a pointer to a structure as an argument. This avoids the memory consumption and the copying time, because now only a copy of the pointer is made. The function will access the original structure directly through the pointer. More often than not, structures are passed to a function using a pointer, just for these reasons of efficiency. You could rewrite the siblings() function like this:

bool siblings(struct family *member1, struct family *member2)
  if(strcmp(member1->mother, member2->mother) == 0)
    return true;
    return false;

Now, there is a downside to this. The pass-by-value mechanism provides good protection against accidental modification of values from within a called function. You lose this if you pass a pointer to a function. On the upside, if you don't need to modify the values pointed to by a pointer argument (you just want to access and use them, for instance), there's a technique for getting a degree of protection, even though you're passing pointers to a function.

Have another look at the last siblings() function. It doesn't need to modify the structures passed to it—in fact, it only needs to compare members. You could therefore rewrite it like this:

bool siblings(struct family const *pmember1, struct family const *pmember2)
  if(strcmp(pmember1->mother, pmember2->mother) == 0)
    return true;
    return false;

You'll recall the const modifier from earlier in the book, where you used it to make a variable effectively a constant. This function declaration specifies the parameters as type "pointer to constant family structure." This implies that the structures pointed to by the pointers transferred to the function will be treated as constants within the function. Any attempt to change those structures will cause an error message during compilation. Of course, this doesn't affect their status as variables in the calling program, because the const keyword applies only to the values while the function is executing.

Note the difference between the previous definition of the function and this one:

bool siblings(struct family *const pmember1, struct family *const pmember2)
  if(strcmp(pmember1->mother, pmember2->mother) == 0)
    return true;
    return false;

The indirection operator in each parameter definition is now in front of the keyword const, rather than in front of the pointer name as it was before. Does this make a difference? You bet it does. The parameters here are "constant pointers to structures of type family," not "pointers to constant structures." Now you're free to alter the structures themselves in the function, but you must not modify the addresses stored in the pointers. It's the pointers that are protected here, not the structures to which they point.

A Structure As a Function Return Value

There's nothing unusual about returning a structure from a function either. The function prototype merely has to indicate this return value in the normal way, for example:

struct horse my_fun(void);

This is a prototype for a function taking no arguments that returns a structure of type horse.

Although you can return a structure from a function like this, it's often more convenient to return a pointer to a structure. Let's explore this in more detail through a working example.

An Exercise in Program Modification

Perhaps we ought to produce an example combining both the use of pointers to structures as arguments and the use of pointers to structures as return values. You can declare some additional pointers, p_to_pa and p_to_ma, in the structure type Family in the previous example, Program 11.6, by changing that structure declaration as follows:

struct Family                          /* Family structure declaration  */
  struct Date dob;
  char name[20];
  char father[20];
  char mother[20];
  struct Family *next;                 /* Pointer to next structure     */
  struct Family *previous;             /* Pointer to previous structure */
  struct Family *p_to_pa;              /* Pointer to father structure   */
  struct Family *p_to_ma;              /* Pointer to mother structure   */

Now you can record the addresses of related structures in the pointer members p_to_pa and p_to_ma. You'll need to set them to NULL in the get_person() function by adding the following statement just before the return statement:

temp->p_to_pa = temp->p_to_ma = NULL;       /* Set pointers to NULL  */

You can now augment the program with some additional functions that will fill in your new pointers p_to_pa and p_to_ma once data for everybody has been entered. You could code this by adding two functions. The first function, set_ancestry(), will accept pointers to Family structures as arguments and check whether the structure pointed to by the second argument is the father or mother of the structure pointed to by the first argument. If it is, the appropriate pointer will be updated to reflect this, and true will be returned; otherwise false will be returned. Here's the code:

bool set_ancestry(struct Family *pmember1, struct Family *pmember2)
  if(strcmp(pmember1->father, pmember2->name) == 0)
    pmember1->p_to_pa = pmember2;
    return true;

  if( strcmp(pmember1->mother, pmember2->name) == 0)
    pmember1->p_to_ma = pmember2;
    return true;
    return false;

The second function will test all possible relationships between two Family structures:

/* Fill in pointers for mother or father relationships */
bool related (struct Family *pmember1, struct Family *pmember2)
  return set_ancestry(pmember1, pmember2) ||
                           set_ancestry(pmember2, pmember1);

The related() function calls set_ancestry() twice in the return statement to test all possibilities of relationship. The return value will be true if either of the calls to set_ancestry() return the value true. A calling program can use the return value from related() to determine whether a pointer has been filled in.

Note Because you use the library function strcmp() here, you must add an #include directive for <string.h> at the beginning of the program. You'll also need an #include directive for the <stdbool.h> header because you use the bool type and the values true and false.

You now need to add some code to the main() function that you created in Program 11.6 to use the function related() to fill in all the pointers in all the structures where valid addresses can be found. You can insert the following code into main() directly after the loop that inputs all the initial data:

  current = first;

  while(current->next != NULL) /* Check for relation for each person in */
  {                            /* the list up to second to last         */
    int parents = 0;        /* Declare parent count local to this block */
    last = current->next;   /* Get the pointer to the next              */

    while(last != NULL)     /* This loop tests current person           */
    {                       /* against all the remainder in the list    */
      if(related(current, last))           /* Found a parent ?          */
        if(++parents == 2)     /* Yes, update count and check it        */
          break;               /* Exit inner loop if both parents found */

      last = last->next;       /* Get the address of the next           */
    current = current->next;   /* Next in the list to check             */

  /* Now tell them what we know etc. */
  /* rest of output code etc.  ...   */

This is a relatively self-contained block of code to fill in the parent pointers where possible. Starting with the first structure, a check is made with each of the succeeding structures to see if a parent relationship exists. The checking stops for a given structure if two parents have been found (which would have filled in both pointers) or the end of the list is reached.

Of necessity, some structures will have pointers where the values can't be updated. Because you don't have an infinite list, and barring some very strange family history, there will always be someone whose parent records aren't included. The process will take each of the structures in the list in turn and check it against all the following structures to see if they're related, at least up to the point where the two parents have been discovered.

Of course, you also need to insert prototypes for the functions related() and set_ancestry() at the beginning of the program, immediately after the prototype for the function get_person(). These prototypes would look like this:

bool related(struct Family *pmember1, struct Family *pmember2);
bool set_ancestry(struct Family *pmember1, struct Family *pmember2);

To show that the pointers have been successfully inserted, you can extend the final output to display information about the parents of each person by adding some additional statements immediately after the last printf(). You can also amend the output loop to start from first so the output loop will thus be as follows:

/* Output Family data in correct order */
  current = first;

  while (current != NULL)             /* Output Family data in correct order */
    printf(" %s was born %d/%d/%d, and has %s and %s as parents.",
                  current->name, current->, current->dob.month,
               current->dob. year, current->father,  current->mother);
    if(current->p_to_pa != NULL )
      printf(" %s's birth date is %d/%d/%d  ",
                current->father, current->p_to_pa->,
    if(current->p_to_ma != NULL)
      printf("and %s's birth date is %d/%d/%d.   ",
                current->mother, current->p_to_ma->,

    current = current->next;          /* current points to next in list      */

This should then produce the dates of birth of both parents for each person using the pointers to the parents' structures, but only if the pointers have been set to valid addresses. Note that you don't free the memory in the loop. If you do this, the additional statements to output the parents' dates of birth will produce junk output when the parent structure appears earlier in the list. So finally, you must add a separate loop at the end of main() to delete the memory when the output is complete:

/* Now free the memory */
  current = first;
  while(current != NULL)
    last = current;     /* Save pointer to enable memory to be freed */
    current = current->next; /* current points to next in list       */
    free(last);         /* Free memory for last                      */

If you've assembled all the pieces into a new example, you should have a sizeable new program to play with. Here's the sort of output that you should get:

Do you want to enter details of a person (Y or N)? y

Enter the name of the person: Jack

Enter Jack's date of birth (day month year); 1 1 65

Who is Jack's father? Bill

Who is Jack's mother? Nell

Do you want to enter details of another person (Y or N)? y

Enter the name of the person: Mary

Enter Mary's date of birth (day month year); 3 3 67

Who is Mary's father? Bert

Who is Mary's mother? Moll

Do you want to enter details of another person (Y or N)? y

Enter the name of the person: Ben

Enter Ben's date of birth (day month year); 2 2 89

Who is Ben's father? Jack

Who is Ben's mother? Mary

Do you want to enter details of another  person (Y or N)? n

Jack was born 1/1/65, and has Bill and Nell as parents.
Mary was born 3/3/67, and has Bert and Moll as parents.
Ben was born 2/2/89, and has Jack and Mary as parents.
        Jack's birth date is 1/1/65  and Mary's birth date is 3/3/67.

You could try to modify the program to output everybody in chronological order or possibly work out how many offspring each person has.

Binary Trees

A binary tree is a very useful way of organizing data because you can arrange that the data that you have stored in the tree can be extracted from the tree in an ordered fashion. A binary tree is also a very interesting mechanism because it is basically very simple. Implementing a binary tree can involve recursion as well as dynamic memory allocation. We'll also use pointers to pass structures around.

A binary tree consists of a set of interconnected elements called nodes. The starting node is the base of the tree and is called a root node, as shown in Figure 11-5.


Figure 11-5.The structure of a binary tree

Each node typically contains an item of data, plus pointers to two subsidiary nodes, a left node and a right node. If either subsidiary node does not exist, the corresponding pointer is NULL. A node may also include a counter that records when there are duplicates of data items within the tree.

A struct makes it very easy to represent a binary tree node. Here's an example of a struct that defines nodes that store integers of type long:

struct Node
  long item;                 /* The data item            */
  int count;                 /* Number of copies of item */
  struct Node *pLeft;        /* Pointer to left node     */
  struct Node *pRight;       /* Pointer to right node    */

When a data item is to be added to the binary tree and that item already exists somewhere, a new node is not created; the count member of the existing node is simply incremented by 1. I'll use the previous definition of a struct that represents a node holding an integer when we get to creating a binary tree in practice in Program 11.7, which is the next working example in this chapter.

Ordering Data in a Binary Tree

The way in which you construct the binary tree will determine the order of data items within the tree. Adding a data item to a tree involves comparing the item to be added with the existing items in the tree. Typically items are added so that for every node, the data item stored in the subsidiary left node when it exists is less than the data item in the current node, and the data item stored in the right node when it exists is greater than the item stored in the node. An example of a tree containing an arbitrary sequence of integers is shown in Figure 11-6.


Figure 11-6. A binary tree storing integers

The structure of the tree will depend on the sequence in which the data items are added to the tree. Adding a new item involves comparing the data item with the values of the nodes in the tree starting with the root node. If it's less than a given node you then inspect the left subsidiary node, whereas if it's greater you look at the right subsidiary node. This process continues until either you find a node with an equal value, in which case you just update the count for that node, or you arrive at a left or right node pointer that is NULL, and that's where the new node is placed.

Constructing a Binary Tree

The starting point is the creation of the root node. All nodes will be created in the same way so the first step is to define a function that creates a node from a data item. I will assume we are creating a tree to store integers, so the struct definition you saw earlier will apply. Here's the definition of a function that will create a node:

struct Node *createnode(long value)
  /* Allocate memory for a new node */
  struct Node *pNode = (struct Node *)malloc(sizeof(struct Node));
pNode->item = value;                      /* Set the value          */
  pNode->count = 1;                         /* Set the count          */
  pNode->pLeft = pNode->pRight = NULL;      /* No left or right nodes */
  return pNode;

The function allocates memory for the new Node structure and sets the item member to value. The count member is the number of duplicates of the value in the node so in the first instance this has to be 1. There are no subsidiary nodes at this point so the pLeft and pRight members are set to NULL. The function returns a pointer to the Node object that has been created.

To create the root node for a new binary tree you can just use this function, like this:

long newvalue;
  printf("Enter the node value: ");
  scanf(" %ld", newvalue);
  struct Node *pRoot = createnode(newvalue);

After reading the value to be stored from the keyboard, you call the createnode() function to create a new node on the heap. Of course, you must not forget to release the memory for the nodes when you are done.

Working with binary trees is one of the areas where recursion really pays off. The process of inserting a node involves inspecting a succession of nodes in the same way, which is a strong indicator that recursion may be helpful. You can add a node to a tree that already exists with the following function:

/* Add a new node to the tree */
struct Node *addnode(long value, struct Node* pNode)
  if(pNode == NULL)                        /* If there's no node              */
    return createnode(value);              /* ...create one and return it     */

  if(value ==pNode->item)
  {                                        /* Value equals current node       */
    ++pNode->count;                        /* increment count and       */
    return pNode;                          /* ...return the same node         */

  if(value < pNode->item)                  /* If less than current node value */
    if(pNode->pLeft == NULL)               /* and there's no left node        */
      pNode->pLeft = createnode(value);    /* create a new left node and      */
      return pNode->pLeft;                 /* return it.                      */
    else                                   /* If there is a left node...      */
      return addnode(value, pNode->pLeft); /* add value via the left node     */
  else                                     /* value is greater than current   */
    if(pNode->pRight == NULL)              /* so the same process with        */
    {                                      /* the right node.                 */
      pNode-> pRight = createnode(value);
      return pNode-> pRight;
      return addnode(value, pNode-> pRight);

The arguments to the addnode() function when you call it in the first instance are the value to be stored in the tree and the address of the root node. If you pass NULL as the second argument it will create and return a new node so you could also use this function to create the root node. When there is a root node passed as the second argument, there are three situations to deal with:

  1. 1 If value equals the value in the current node, no new node needs to be created, so you just increment the count in the current node and return it.
  2. 2 If value is less than the value in the current node, you need to inspect the left subsidiary node. If the left node pointer is NULL, you create a new node to hold value and make it the left subsidiary node. If the left node exists, you call addnode() recursively with the pointer to the left subsidiary node as the second argument.
  3. 3 If value is greater than the value in the current node, you proceed with the right node in the same way as with the left node.

Whatever happens within the recursive function calls, the function will return a pointer to the node where value is inserted. This may be a new node or one of the existing nodes if value is already in the tree somewhere.

You could construct a complete binary tree storing an arbitrary number of integers with the following code:

long newvalue = 0;
  struct Node *pRoot = NULL;
  char answer = 'n';
    printf("Enter the node value: ");
    scanf(" %ld", &newvalue);
    if(pRoot == NULL)
      pRoot = createnode(newvalue);
    addnode(newvalue, pRoot);

    printf(" Do you want to enter another (y or n)? ");
    scanf(" %c", &answer);
  } while(tolower(answer) == 'y'),

The do-while loop constructs the complete tree including the root node. On the first iteration pRoot will be NULL, so the root node will be created. All subsequent iterations will add nodes to the existing tree.

Traversing a Binary Tree

You can traverse a binary tree to extract the contents in ascending or descending sequence. I'll discuss how you extract the data in ascending sequence and you'll see how you can produce an descending sequence by analogy. At first sight it seems a complicated problem to extract the data from the tree because of its arbitrary structure but using recursion makes it very easy.

I'll start the explanation of the process by stating the obvious: the value of the left subnode is always less than the current node, and the value of the current node is always less than that of the right subnode. You can conclude from this that the basic process is to extract the values in the sequence: left subnode, followed by current node, followed by right subnode. Of course, where the subnodes have subnodes, the process has to be applied to those too, from left through current to right. It will be easy to see how this works if we look at some code.

Suppose we want to simply list the integer values contained in our binary tree in ascending sequence. The function to do that looks like this:

/* List the node values in ascending sequence */
void listnodes(struct Node *pNode)
  if(pNode->pLeft != NULL)
    listnodes(pNode->pLeft);           /* List nodes in the left subtree */

  for(int i = 0; i<pNode->count ; i++)
    printf(" %10ld", pNode->item);    /* Output the current node value  */

  if(pNode->pRight != NULL)
    listnodes(pNode->pRight);          /* List nodes in the right subtree */

It consists of three simple steps:

  1. If the left subnode exists, you call listnodes() recursively for that node.
  2. Write the value for the current node.
  3. If the right subnode exists, call listnodes() recursively for that node.

The first step repeats the process for the left subnode of the root if it exists, so the whole subtree to the left will be written before the value of the current node. The value of the current node is repeated count times in the output to reflect the number of duplicate values for that node. The values for the entire right subtree to the root node will be written after the value for the current node. You should be able to see that this happens for every node in the tree, so the values will be written in ascending sequence. All you have to do to output the values in ascending sequence is to call listnodes() with the root node pointer as the argument, like this:

listnodes(pRoot);          /* Output the contents of the tree */

In case you find it hard to believe that such a simple function will output all the values in any binary tree of integers you care to construct, let's see it working.

Sharing Memory

You've already seen how you can save memory through the use of bit-fields, which are typically applied to logical variables. C has a further capability that allows you to place several variables in the same memory area. This can be applied somewhat more widely than bit-fields when memory is short, because circumstances frequently arise in practice in which you're working with several variables, but only one of them holds a valid value at any given moment.

Another situation in which you can share memory between a number of variables to some advantage is when your program processes a number of different kinds of data record, but only one kind at a time, and the kind to be processed is determined at execution time. A third possibility is that you want to access the same data at different times, and assume it's of a different type on different occasions. You might have a group of variables of numeric data types, for instance, that you want to treat as simply an array of type char so that you can move them about as a single chunk of data.


The facility in C that allows the same memory area to be shared by a number of different variables is called a union. The syntax for declaring a union is similar to that used for structures, and a union is usually given a tag name in the same way. You use the keyword union to define a union. For example, the following statement declares a union to be shared by three variables:

union u_example
  float decval;
  int *pnum;
  double my_value;
} U1;

This statement declares a union with the tag name u_example, which shares memory between a floating-point value decval, a pointer to an integer pnum, and a double precision floating-point variable my_value. The statement also defines one instance of the union with a variable name of U1. You can declare further instances of this union with a statement such as this:

union u_example U2, U3;

Members of a union are accessed in exactly the same way as members of a structure. For example, to assign values to members of U1 and U2, you can write this:

U1.decval = 2.5;
U2.decval = 3.5 * U1.decval;

Pointers to Unions

You can also define a pointer to a union with a statement such as this:

union u_example *pU;

Once the pointer has been defined, you can modify members of the union, via the pointer, with these statements:

pU = &U2;
U1.decval = pU->decval;

The expression on the right of the second assignment is equivalent to U2.decval.

Initializing Unions

If you wish to initialize an instance of a union when you declare it, you can initialize it only with a constant of the same type as the first variable in the union. The union just declared, u_example, can be initialized only with a float constant, as in the following:

union u_example U4 = 3.14f;

You can always rearrange the sequence of members in a definition of a union so that the member that you want to initialize occurs first. The sequence of members has no other significance, because all members overlap in the same memory area.

Structures As Union Members

Structures and arrays can be members of a union. It's also possible for a union to be a member of a structure. To illustrate this, you could write the following:

struct my_structure
  int num1;
  float num2;
    int *pnum;
    float *pfnum;
  } my_U
} samples[5];

Here you declare a structure type, my_structure, which contains a union without a tag name, so instances of the union can exist only within instances of the structure. This is often described as an anonymous union. You also define an array of five instances of the structure, referenced by the variable name samples. The union within the structure shares memory between two pointers. To reference members of the union, you use the same notation that you used for nested structures. For example, to access the pointer to int in the third element of the structure array, you use the expression appearing on the left in the following statement:

samples[2].my_U.pnum = &my_num;

You're assuming here that the variable my_num has been declared as type int.

It's important to realize that when you're using a value stored in a union, you always retrieve the last value assigned. This may seem obvious, but in practice it's all too easy to use a value as float that has most recently been stored as an integer, and sometimes the error can be quite subtle, as shown by the curious output of my_value in Program 11.7. Naturally, you'll usually end up with garbage if you do this. One technique that is often adopted is to embed a union in a struct that also has a member that specifies what type of value is currently stored in the union. For example

/* Type code for data in union */
#define TYPE_LONG   1
#define TYPE_FLOAT  2
#define TYPE_CHAR   3

struct Item
  int u_type;
    long integer;
    float floating;
    char ch;
  } u;
} var;

This defines the Item structure type that contains two members: a value u_type of type int, and an instance u of an anonymous union. The union can store a value of type long, type float or type char, and the u_type member is used to record the type that is currently stored in u.

You could set a value for var like this:

var.u.floating = 2.5f;
var.u_type = TYPE_FLOAT;

When you are processing var, you need to check what kind of value is stored. Here's an example of how you might do that:

  case TYPE_FLOAT:
  printf(" Value of var is %10f", var.u.floating);
  case TYPE_LONG:
  printf(" Value of var is %10ld", var.u.integer);
  case TYPE_CHAR:
  printf(" Value of var is %10c",;
  printf(" Invalid union type code.");

When working with unions is this way it is usually convenient to put code such as this in a function.

Defining Your Own Data Types

With structures you've come pretty close to defining your own data types. It doesn't look quite right because you must use the keyword struct in your declarations of structure variables. Declaration of a variable for a built-in type is simpler. However, there's a feature of the C language that permits you to get over this and make the declaration of variables of structure types you've defined follow exactly the same syntax as for the built-in types. You can apply this feature to simplify types derived from the built-in types, but here, with structures, it really comes into its own.

Structures and the typedef Facility

Suppose you have a structure for geometric points with three coordinates, x, y, and z, that you define with the following statement:

struct pts
  int x;
  int y;
  int z;

You can now define an alternative name for declaring such structures using the keyword typedef. The following statement shows how you might do this:

typedef struct pts Point;

This statement specifies that the name Point is a synonym for struct pts.

When you want to declare some instances of the structure pts, you can use a statement such as this:

Point start_pt;
Point end_pt;

Here, you declare the two structure variables start_pt and end_pt. The struct keyword isn't necessary, and you have a very natural way of declaring structure variables. The appearance of the statement is exactly the same form as a declaration for a float or an int.

You could combine the typedef and the structure declaration as follows:

typedef struct pts
  int x;
  int y;
  int z;
} Point;

Don't confuse this with a basic struct declaration. Here, Point isn't a structure variable name—this is a type name you're defining. When you need to declare structure variables, as you've just seen, you can use a statement such as this:

Point my_pt;

There's nothing to prevent you from having several types defined that pertain to a single structure type, or any other type for that matter, although this can be confusing in some situations. One application of this that can help to make your program more understandable is where you're using a basic type for a specific kind of value and you would like to use a type name to reflect the kind of variable you're creating. For example, suppose your application involves weights of different kinds, such as weights of components and weights of assembly. You might find it useful to define a type name, weight, as a synonym for type double. You could do this with the following statement:

typedef double weight;

You can now declare variables of type weight:

weight piston = 6.5;
weight valve = 0.35;

Of course, these variables are all of type double because weight is just a synonym for double, and you can still declare variables of type double in the usual way.

Simplifying Code Using typedef

Another useful application of typedef is to simplify complicated types that can arise. Suppose you have occasion to frequently define pointers to the structure pts. You could define a type to do this for you with this statement:

typedef struct pts *pPoint;

Now, when you want to declare some pointers, you can just write this:

pPoint pfirst;
pPoint plast;

The two variables declared here are both pointers to structures of type pts. The declarations are less error-prone to write and they're also easier to understand.

In Chapter 9 I discussed pointers to functions, which are declared with an even more complicated notation. One of the examples has the pointer declaration:

int(*pfun)(int, int);                  /* Function pointer declaration */

If you are expecting to use several pointers to functions of this kind in a program, you can use typedef to declare a generic type for such declarations with this statement:

typedef int (*function_pointer)(int, int);    /* Function pointer type */

This doesn't declare a variable of type "pointer to a function." This declares function_pointer as a type name that you can use to declare a "pointer to function", so you can replace the original declaration of pfun with this statement:

function_pointer pfun;

This is evidently much simpler than what you started with. The benefit in simplicity is even more marked if you have several such pointers to declare, because you can declare three pointers to functions with the following statements:

function_pointer pfun1;
function_pointer pfun2;
function_pointer pfun3;

Of course, you can also initialize them, so if you assume you have the functions sum(), product(), and difference(), you can declare and initialize your pointers with the following:

function_pointer pfun1 = sum;
function_pointer pfun2 = difference;
function_pointer pfun3 = product;

The type name that you've defined naturally only applies to "pointers to functions" with the arguments and return type that you specified in the typedef statement. If you want something different, you can simply define another type.

Designing a Program

You've reached the end of another long chapter, and it's time to see how you can put what you've learned into practice in the context of a more substantial example.

The Problem

Numerical data is almost always easier and faster to understand when it's presented graphically. The problem that you're going tackle is to write a program that produces a vertical bar chart from a set of data values. This is an interesting problem for a couple of reasons. It will enable you to make use of structures in a practical context. The problem also involves working out how to place and present the bar chart within the space available, which is the kind of messy manipulation that comes up quite often in real-world applications.

The Analysis

You won't be making any assumptions about the size of the "page" that you're going to output to, or the number of columns, or even the scale of the chart. Instead, you'll just write a function that accepts a dimension for the output page and then makes the set of bars fit the page, if possible. This will make the function useful in virtually any situation. You'll store the values in a sequence of structures in a linked list. In this way, you'll just need to pass the first structure to the function, and the function will be able to get at them all. You'll keep the structure very simple, but you can embellish it later with other information of your own design.

Assume that the order in which the bars are to appear in the chart is going to be the same as the order in which the data values are entered, so you won't need to sort them. There will be two functions in your program: a function that generates the bar chart, and a function main() that exercises the bar chart generation process.

These are the steps required:

  1. Write the bar-chart function.
  2. Write a main() function to test the bar-chart function once you've written it.

The Solution

This section outlines the steps you'll take to solve the problem.

Step 1

Obviously, you're going to use a structure in this program because that's what this chapter is about. The first stage is to design the structure that you'll use throughout the program. You'll use a typedef so that you don't have to keep reusing the keyword struct.

/* Program 11.9 Generating a bar chart */
#include <stdio.h>

typedef struct barTAG
  double value;
  struct barTAG *pnextbar;
int main(void)
  /* Code for main */

/* Definition of the bar-chart function */

The barTAG structure will define a bar simply by its value. Notice how you define the pointer in the structure to the next structure. This will enable you to store the bars as a linked list, which has the merit that you can allocate memory as you go so none will be wasted. This suits this situation because you'll only ever want to step through the bars from the first to the last. You'll create them in sequence from the input values and append each new bar to the tail of the previous one. You'll then create the visual representation of the bar chart by stepping through the structures in the linked list. You may have thought that the typedef statement would mean that you could use the bar type name that you're defining here. However, you have to use struct barTAG here because at this point the compiler hasn't finished processing the typedef yet, so bar isn't defined. In other words, the barTAG structure is analyzed first by the compiler, after which the typedef can be expedited to define the meaning of bar.

Now you can specify the function prototype for the bar-chart function and put the skeleton of the definition for the function. It will need to have parameters for a pointer to the first bar in the linked list, the page height and width, and the title for the chart to be produced:

/* Program 11.9 Generating a bar chart */
#include <stdio.h>

#define PAGE_HEIGHT  20
#define PAGE_WIDTH   40
typedef struct barTAG
  double value;
  struct barTAG *pnextbar;

typedef unsigned int uint;     /* Type definition*/

/* Function prototype */
int bar_chart(bar *pfirstbar, uint page_width, uint page_height, char *title);

int main(void)
   /* Code for main */

int bar_chart(bar *pfirstbar, uint page_width, uint page_height,
                                                       char *title)
  /* Code for function...  */
  return 0;

You've added a typedef to define uint as an alternative to unsigned int. This will shorten statements that declare variables of type unsigned int.

Next, you can add some declarations and code for the basic data that you need for the bar chart. You'll need the maximum and minimum values for the bars and the vertical height of the chart, which will be determined by the difference between the maximum and minimum values. You also need to calculate the width of a bar, given the page width and the number of bars, and you must adjust the height to accommodate a horizontal axis and the title:

/* Program 11.9 Generating a bar chart */
#include <stdio.h>

#define PAGE_HEIGHT  20
#define PAGE_WIDTH   40

typedef struct barTAG
  double value;
  struct barTAG *pnextbar;

typedef unsigned int uint;     /* Type definition */

/* Function prototype */
int bar_chart(bar *pfirstbar, uint page_width, uint page_height,
                                                       char *title);

int main(void)
   /* Code for main */

int bar_chart(bar *pfirstbar, uint page_width, uint page_height,
                                                       char *title)
  bar *plastbar = pfirstbar;  /* Pointer to previous bar         */
  double max = 0.0;           /* Maximum bar value               */
  double min = 0.0;           /* Minimum bar value               */
  double vert_scale = 0.0;    /* Unit step in vertical direction */
  uint bar_count = 1;         /* Number of bars - at least 1     */
  uint barwidth = 0;          /* Width of a bar                  */
  uint space = 2;             /* spaces between bars             */

   /* Find maximum and minimum of all bar values */

  /* Set max and min to first bar value */
  max = min = plastbar->value;

  while((plastbar = plastbar->pnextbar) != NULL)
    bar_count++;              /* Increment bar count */
    max = (max < plastbar->value)? plastbar->value : max;
    min = (min > plastbar->value)? plastbar->value : min;
  vert_scale = (max - min)/page_height; /* Calculate step length */
  /* Check bar width */
  if((barwidth = page_width/bar_count - space) < 1)
    printf(" Page width too narrow. ");
    return −1;

  /* Code for rest of the function...  */
  return 0;

The space variable stores the number of spaces separating one bar from the next, and you arbitrarily assign the value 2 for this.

You will, of necessity, be outputting the chart a row at a time. Therefore, you'll need a string that corresponds to a section across a bar that you can use to draw that bar row by row, and a string of the same length, containing spaces to use when there's no bar at a particular position across the page. Let's add the code to create these:

/* Program 11.9 Generating a bar chart */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>

#define PAGE_HEIGHT  20
#define PAGE_WIDTH   40

typedef struct barTAG
  double value;
  struct barTAG *pnextbar;

typedef unsigned int uint;     /* Type definition */

/* Function prototype */
int bar_chart(bar *pfirstbar, uint page_width, uint page_height,
                                                       char *title);

int main(void)
  /* Code for main */

int bar_chart(bar *pfirstbar, uint page_width, uint page_height,
                                                       char *title)
  bar *plastbar = pfirstbar;  /* Pointer to previous bar         */
  double max = 0.0;           /* Maximum bar value               */
  double min = 0.0;           /* Minimum bar value               */
  double vert_scale = 0.0;    /* Unit step in vertical direction */
  uint bar_count = 1;         /* Number of bars - at least 1     */
  uint barwidth = 0;          /* Width of a bar                  */
  uint space = 2;             /* spaces between bars             */
  uint i = 0;                 /* Loop counter                    */
  char *column = NULL;        /* Pointer to bar column section   */
  char *blank = NULL;         /* Blank string for bar+space      */

/* Find maximum and minimum of all bar values */

  /* Set max and min to first bar value */
  max = min = plastbar->value;

  while((plastbar = plastbar->pnextbar) != NULL)
    bar_count++;              /* Increment bar count */
    max = (max < plastbar->value)? plastbar->value : max;
    min = (min > plastbar->value)? plastbar->value : min;
  vert_scale = (max - min)/page_height; /* Calculate step length */

  /* Check bar width */
  if((barwidth = page_width/bar_count - space) < 1)
    printf(" Page width too narrow. ");
    return −1;

  /* Set up a string that will be used to build the columns */

  /* Get the memory */
  if((column = malloc(barwidth + space + 1)) == NULL)
    printf(" Failed to allocate memory in barchart()"
                           " - terminating program. ");
  for(i = 0 ; i<space ; i++)
    *(column+i)=' ';         /* Blank the space between bars */
  for( ; i<space+barwidth ; i++)
    *(column+i)='#';         /* Enter the bar characters     */
  *(column+i) = '';        /* Add string terminator        */

  /* Set up a string that will be used as a blank column */

  /* Get the memory */
  if((blank = malloc(barwidth + space + 1)) == NULL)
    printf(" Failed to allocate memory in barchart()"
                           " - terminating program. ");

  for(i = 0 ; i<space+barwidth ; i++)
    *(blank+i) = ' ';        /* Blank total width of bar+space */
  *(blank+i) = '';         /* Add string terminator          */

  /* Code for rest of the function...  */
  free(blank);               /* Free memory for blank string   */
  free(column);              /* Free memory for column string  */
  return 0;

You'll draw a bar using '#' characters. When you draw a bar, you'll write a string containing space spaces and barwidth '#' characters. You allocate the memory for this dynamically using the library function malloc(), so you must add an #include directive for the header file stdlib.h. The string that you'll use to draw a bar is column, and blank is a string of the same length containing spaces. After the bar chart has been drawn and just before you exit, you free the memory occupied by column and blank.

Next, you can add the final piece of code that draws the chart:

/* Program 11.9 Generating a bar chart */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#define PAGE_HEIGHT  20
#define PAGE_WIDTH   40

typedef struct barTAG
  double value;
  struct barTAG *pnextbar;

typedef unsigned int uint;     /* Type definition */

/* Function prototype */
int bar_chart(bar *pfirstbar, uint page_width, uint page_height,
                                                       char *title);
int main(void)
   /* Code for main */

int bar_chart(bar *pfirstbar, uint page_width, uint page_height,
                                                       char *title)
  bar *plastbar = pfirstbar;  /* Pointer to previous bar            */
  double max = 0.0;           /* Maximum bar value                  */
  double min = 0.0;           /* Minimum bar value                  */
  double vert_scale = 0.0;    /* Unit step in vertical direction    */
  double position = 0.0;      /* Current vertical position on chart */
  uint bar_count = 1;         /* Number of bars - at least 1        */
  uint barwidth = 0;          /* Width of a bar                     */
  uint space = 2;             /* spaces between bars                */
  uint i = 0;                 /* Loop counter                       */
  uint bars = 0;              /* Loop counter through bars          */
  char *column = NULL;        /* Pointer to bar column section      */
  char *blank = NULL;         /* Blank string for bar+space         */
  bool axis = false;          /* Indicates axis drawn               */

  /* Find maximum and minimum of all bar values */

  /* Set max and min to first bar value */
  max = min = plastbar->value;
while((plastbar = plastbar->pnextbar) != NULL)
    bar_count++;              /* Increment bar count */
    max = (max < plastbar->value)? plastbar->value : max;
    min = (min > plastbar->value)? plastbar->value : min;
  vert_scale = (max - min)/page_height; /* Calculate step length */

  /* Check bar width */
  if((barwidth = page_width/bar_count - space) < 1)
    printf(" Page width too narrow. ");
    return −1;

  /* Set up a string that will be used to build the columns */

  /* Get the memory */
  if((column = malloc(barwidth + space + 1)) == NULL)
    printf(" Failed to allocate memory in barchart()"
                           " - terminating program. ");
  for(i = 0 ; i<space ; i++)
    *(column+i)=' ';         /* Blank the space between bars */
  for( ; i < space+barwidth ; i++)
    *(column+i)='#';         /* Enter the bar characters     */
  *(column+i) = '';        /* Add string terminator        */

  /* Set up a string that will be used as a blank column */

  /* Get the memory */
  if((blank = malloc(barwidth + space + 1)) == NULL)
    printf(" Failed to allocate memory in barchart()"
                           " - terminating program. ");

  for(i = 0 ; i<space+barwidth ; i++)
    *(blank+i) = ' ';        /* Blank total width of bar+space */
  *(blank+i) = '';         /* Add string terminator          */

  printf("^ %s ", title);   /* Output the chart title      */

  /* Draw the bar chart */
  position = max;
  for(i = 0 ; i <= page_height ; i++)
    /* Check if we need to output the horizontal axis */
    if(position <= 0.0 && !axis)
      printf("+");           /* Start of horizontal axis    */
      for(bars = 0; bars < bar_count*(barwidth+space); bars++)
        printf("-");         /* Output horizontal axis      */
      printf("> ");
      axis = true;           /* Axis was drawn              */
      position -= vert_scale;/* Decrement position           */
    printf("|");             /* Output vertical axis        */
    plastbar = pfirstbar;    /* start with the first bar    */

    /* For each bar... */
    for(bars = 1; bars <= bar_count; bars++)
      /* If position is between axis and value, output column */
      /* otherwise output blank                               */
      printf("%s", position <= plastbar->value &&
                    plastbar->value >= 0.0 && position > 0.0 ||
                    position >= plastbar->value &&
                    plastbar->value <= 0.0 &&
                    position <= 0.0 ? column: blank);
      plastbar = plastbar->pnextbar;
    printf(" ");            /* End the line of output        */
    position -= vert_scale;  /* Decrement position            */
  if(!axis)            /* Have we output the horizontal axis? */
  {                    /* No, so do it now                    */
    for(bars = 0; bars < bar_count*(barwidth+space); bars++)
    printf("> ");

  free(blank);               /* Free memory for blank string   */
  free(column);              /* Free memory for column string  */
  return 0;

The for loop outputs page_height lines of characters. Each line will represent a distance of vert_scale on the vertical axis. You get this value by dividing page_height by the difference between the maximum and minimum values. Therefore, the first line of output corresponds to position having the value max, and it's decremented by vert_scale on each iteration until it reaches min.

On each line, you must decide first if you need to output the horizontal axis. This will be necessary when position is less than or equal to 0 and you haven't already displayed the axis.

On lines other than the horizontal axis, you must decide what to display for each bar position. This is done in the inner for loop that repeats for each bar. The conditional operator in the printf() call outputs either column or blank. You output column if position is between the value of the bar and 0, and you output blank otherwise. Having output a complete row of bar segments, you output ' ' to end the line and decrement the value of position.

It's possible that all the bars could be positive, in which case you need to make sure that the horizontal axis is output after the loop is complete, because it won't be output from within the loop.

Step 2

Now you just need to implement main() to exercise the bar_chart() function:

/* Program 11.9 Generating a bar chart */
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdbool.h>

#define PAGE_HEIGHT  20
#define PAGE_WIDTH   40

typedef struct barTAG         /* Bar structure       */
  double value;              /* Value of bar        */
  struct barTAG *pnextbar;   /* Pointer to next bar */
}bar;                         /* Type for a bar      */

typedef unsigned int uint;    /* Type definition     */

/* Function prototype */
int bar_chart(bar *pfirstbar, uint page_width, uint page_height, char *title);

int main()
  bar firstbar;            /* First bar structure */
  bar *plastbar = NULL;    /* Pointer to last bar */
  char value[80];          /* Input buffer        */
  char title[80];          /* Chart title         */

  printf(" Enter the chart title: ");
  gets(title);             /* Read chart title    */

  for( ;; )                /* Loop for bar input  */
    printf("Enter the value of the bar, or use quit to end: ");
    if(strcmp(value, "quit") == 0)   /* quit entered?       */
     break;                          /* then input finished */

    /* Store in next bar */
    if(!plastbar)                   /* First time?         */
      firstbar.pnextbar = NULL;  /* Initialize next pointer */
      plastbar = &firstbar;      /* Use the first           */
      /* Get memory */
      if(!(plastbar-> = malloc(sizeof(bar))))
        printf("Oops! Couldn't allocate memory ");
        return −1;
      plastbar = plastbar->pnextbar;    /* Old next is new bar  */
      plastbar->pnextbar = NULL;        /* New bar next is NULL */
    plastbar->value = atof(value);      /* Store the value      */

  /* Create bar-chart */
  bar_chart(&firstbar, PAGE_WIDTH, PAGE_HEIGHT, title);

  /* We are done, so release all the memory we allocated */
    plastbar = firstbar.pnextbar;           /* Save pointer to next */
    firstbar.pnextbar = plastbar->pnextbar; /* Get one after next   */
    free(plastbar);                         /* Free next memory     */
  return 0;

int bar_chart(bar *pfirstbar, uint page_width, uint page_height, char *title)
  /* Implementation of function as before... */

After reading the chart title using gets(), you read successive values in the for loop. For each value other than the first, you allocate the memory for a new bar structure before storing the value. Of course, you keep track of the first structure, firstbar, because this is the link to all the others, and you track the pointer to the last structure that you added so that you can update its pnextbar pointer when you add another. Once you have all the values, you call bar_chart() to produce the chart. Finally, you delete the memory for the bars. Note that you need to take care to not delete firstbar, as you didn't allocate the memory for this dynamically. You need an #include directive for string.h because you use the gets() function.

All you do then is add a line to main() that actually prints the chart from the values typed in. Typical output from the example is shown here:

Enter the chart title: Trial Bar Chart
Enter the value of the bar, or use quit to end: 6
Enter the value of the bar, or use quit to end: 3
Enter the value of the bar, or use quit to end: −5
Enter the value of the bar, or use quit to end: −7
Enter the value of the bar, or use quit to end: 9
Enter the value of the bar, or use quit to end: 4
Enter the value of the bar, or use quit to end: quit

^ Trial Bar Chart
|                          ####
|                          ####
|                          ####
|                          ####
|  ####                    ####
|  ####                    ####
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This has been something of a marathon chapter, but the topic is extremely important. Having a good grasp of structures rates alongside understanding pointers and functions in importance, if you want to use C effectively.

Most real-world applications deal with things such as people, cars, or materials, which require several different values to represent them. Structures in C provide a ready tool for dealing with these sorts of complex objects. Although some of the operations may seem a little complicated, remember that you're dealing with complicated entities, so the complexity isn't implicit in the programming capability; rather, it's built into the problem you're tackling.

In the next chapter, you'll look at how you can store data in external files. This will, of course, include the ability to store structures.


The following exercises enable you to try out what you've learned in this chapter. If you get stuck, look back over the chapter for help. If you're still stuck, you can download the solutions from the Source Code/Download area of the Apress web site (, but that really should be a last resort.

Exercise 11-1. Define a struct type with the name Length that represents a length in yards, feet, and inches. Define an add() function that will add two Length arguments and return the sum as type Length. Define a second function, show(), that will display the value of its Length argument. Write a program that will use the Length type and the add() and show() functions to sum an arbitrary number of lengths in yards, feet, and inches that are entered from the keyboard and output the total length.

Exercise 11-2. Define a struct type that contains a person's name consisting of a first name and a second name, plus the person's phone number. Use this struct in a program that will allow one or more names and corresponding numbers to be entered and will store the entries in an array of structures. The program should allow a second name to be entered and output all the numbers corresponding to the name, and optionally output all the names with their corresponding numbers.

Exercise 11-3. Modify or reimplement the program from the previous exercise to store the structures in a linked list in ascending alphabetical order of the names.

Exercise 11-4. Write a program to use a struct to count the number of occurrences of each different word in a paragraph of text that's entered from the keyboard.

Exercise 11-5. Write a program that reads an arbitrary number of names consisting of a first name followed by a last name. The program should use a binary tree to output the names in ascending alphabetical sequence ordered by first name within second name (i.e., second name takes precedence in the ordering so Ann Choosy comes after Bill Champ and before Arthur Choosy).

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