
I'd like to thank Gary Cornell for encouraging me to produce this new updated edition of Beginning C: From Novice to Professional. I'm particularly grateful to Stan Lippman for taking the time to cast his critical eye over the entire draft text; he did not pull any punches in his extensive review comments and the book is surely better as a result. My thanks to all the people at Apress, who have done their usual outstandingly professional job of converting my initial text with all its imperfections into this finished product. Any imperfections that remain are undoubtedly mine.

My sincere thanks to those readers of previous editions of this book who took the trouble to point out my mistakes and identify areas that could be better explained. I also greatly appreciate all those who wrote or e-mailed just to say how much they enjoyed the book or how it helped them get started in programming.

Last and certainly not least I'd like to thank my wife, Eve, who still provides limitless love, support, and encouragement for whatever I choose to do, and always understands when I can't quite make it to dinner on time.

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