Imagine the scenario – you’ve spent months building up a great blog or content-driven website using WordPress and are beginning to get some great comments from readers who visit and love what you’re writing about as content. One day, though, you wake up thinking, “my blog feels slow – surely there’s a better way to host the content, right?”
Absolutely – don’t get me wrong: WordPress is a great tool. However, people today want speed and ease of use over any technology that is slow and prone to being hacked. Enter static site generators (or SSGs) and, in particular, Eleventy!
Available from and released in early 2018, this SSG operates a different architecture to more popular frameworks such as React, making it easy to update, with minimal tooling required. It’s inherently more secure too, as we’re not relying on dynamic data connections at runtime; this makes it less attractive to hack. Throughout this book, we’ll explore how the framework works, learn how to create sites using this tool, and see how it can help provide an easier route to publishing content online with minimal effort.
In time-honored tradition, we must start somewhere – there’s no better time to familiarize ourselves with Eleventy! We’ll kick off our journey into the world of using this technology with a look at introducing the framework, what makes it so appealling, getting it installed for your chosen platform, and beginning to understand how it operates.
You may see references to 11ty or Eleventy: don’t worry! They are the same thing; some people prefer to use the full name, while others refer to it by its shorter name.
What Makes Eleventy So Appealling?
Now that I’ve introduced Eleventy, what is it that makes it so attractive as an SSG?
Speed – Eleventy is superfast. Period – no arguments! Yes, that might sound like a bold statement, but it’s thanks to not needing to load a runtime library when hosting a site, unlike sites hosted by React or Gatsby. We don’t even have to worry about server-side rendering too, as the output from Eleventy defaults to static HTML.
Lighthouse auditing – For many sites, it’s near impossible to get to the coveted 100% score across all of the different facets tested by Lighthouse. Eleventy is different due to the zero-JavaScript config – its architecture makes it very easy to get a 100% score across the board.
Template flexibility – When working with Eleventy, we need to use a template library; we are spoiled for choice with no less than ten supported by the framework! They are, in no particular order, HTML (yes, vanilla HTML), Markdown, JavaScript, Liquid, Nunjucks, Handlebars, Mustache, EJS, HAML, and Pug. We can even mix up different templating libraries too – this is particularly handy if we want to migrate from, say, HAML to Nunjucks, as Eleventy will support and compile both libraries.
Working with templates is something we will come back to and explore in more detail in Chapter 4.
Simplicity – Eleventy doesn’t require JavaScript by default to run a site; we simply need to provide files written in a templating language such as Nunjucks, which it compiles into static markup and styling.
Eleventy is available via NPM, which means we can install any one of hundreds of packages available from NPM; these might be Eleventy-specific ones or more generic, such as date-fns (which we will use later in this book).
These are just a few of the advantages that make Eleventy such an attractive package – it may only be a few years old, but it has certainly garnered some favorable press! Enough of the chitchat, though – it’s time we got down and dirty with Eleventy: the first step is to set up our development environment, ready for building our project site.
Introducing Our Project
We will begin to build a blog site for this book – the irony is that while we can use Eleventy to create any website, the type of site that is arguably best for Eleventy is a blog site.
To keep things simple, I will focus on the core elements – it will be enough to get you started with a working site and one you can then begin to flesh out with extra features or use as a basis for future projects. At the same time, I will touch on the deployment process – given that Eleventy compiles to static HTML and CSS, we could use any one of dozens of different hosts! We’ll work through uploading to a repository before making it available to view; I’ll touch on some other examples that you can use as alternatives.
Before moving on, I touched on how many templating languages are supported by Eleventy earlier in this chapter. Although the Liquid format (.liquid) is the default format, I’ve elected to use Nunjucks for exercises in this book – this is purely out of preference. This choice should not stop you from using one of the others if you prefer – please feel free to swap to an alternative supported by Eleventy if you desire!
Okay – let’s crack on with setting up a development environment for building our site.
Implementing a Development Environment
Unfortunately, we need to do a little housekeeping admin before we get stuck into creating the basis for our project site. I know – it’s not everyone’s favorite topic, but needs must!
We first need to set up our project folder – for this book, I will assume it is called myblog and is at the root of C: drive. Please feel free to alter as appropriate if you want to use a different folder or drive.
You will see references to Windows or C: drive throughout this book – this is the author’s preferred platform. Please change as appropriate if you use Linux or macOS as your platform.
We also need to download and install Node.js from – please go ahead and install the appropriate version for your platform using default settings.
We also need a text editor – my personal preference is to use the cross-platform open source package, Visual Studio Code, which is available from You may already have your personal preference, so please feel free to use that if you wish.
Toward the end of the book, I will go through hosting our site. For this, I will use a GitHub Pages account, as I have several existing repositories in GitHub and don’t want to add yet another hosting platform to my collection! There are other ways to host Eleventy sites, such as with Netlify, now, or Vercel; I will touch on this subject in more detail later in this book.
The last requirement is to download and install Git for your platform if you don’t already have it set up. We’ll use it with the GitHub Pages account.
Cool – now that we have everything in place, we can crack on and get our site set up! There are a few steps to work through – nothing complicated; let’s dive in and take a look at what we need to do in more detail.
Implementing Our First Example
Like numerous other packages, Eleventy is available via NPM; this makes it a breeze to install, although there is a small catch that we need to be aware of (more anon). Once installed, we can use it to create a couple of test pages to confirm it’s working correctly before viewing them in a browser – to see what’s involved, let’s get stuck into setting up Eleventy. At this stage, don’t worry too much if you don’t entirely get what is happening – we will explore all of it and more after the exercise.
To get Eleventy installed and ready for use, follow these steps:
- 1.
First, fire up a Node.js command prompt, then change the working folder to our new project area, the myblog folder we created in the previous section.
- 2.
Next, at the prompt, go ahead and enter this command to create a package.json ready for our site: npm init -y
- 3.
Once completed, enter this command at the prompt and press Enter:
- 4.
Next, enter this command at the prompt – this will verify if we’ve installed Eleventy correctly. You should see 0.12.1 or greater, returned as a value:
- 5.
Next, we can now try to run Eleventy. At the prompt, enter npx @11ty/eleventy to verify it’s operating correctly:
- 6.
The response we get back might seem odd, but don’t worry – this is expected! To see processed content, we first need to add two new template files. Go ahead and enter these commands at the prompt, pressing Enter after each one:
- 7.
With the files in place, let’s try to process our content – this time, run this command at the prompt:
- 8.
You should see something akin to this appear, where x.x.x.x will be your IP address:
- 9.
We should see compiled files in the _site folder, as indicated in Figure 1-1.
- 10.
Okay – this is the last step: it’s time to view the results of our work! For this, switch to a browser, then head over to http://localhost:8080/ or http://localhost:8080/README/; if all is well, you should see something akin to the screenshot shown in Figure 1-2.
If you find Eleventy cannot start due to a port conflict, you can specify an alternative – instead of running the command in step 7, run this: npx @11ty/eleventy --serve --port=8081. It’s one of several features available in Eleventy – more details are available at
It might not look much or very special, but we’ve created our first site using Eleventy! All we’ve added so far is a couple of template files: we’re a long way yet from a completed product. We covered some key points over the last few pages while creating the site, so let’s take a moment to explore the code changes in detail before learning more about how Eleventy functions as a static site generator.
Breaking Apart the Code
So – what did we achieve in our first exercise?
We started creating our project folder before setting up a new NPM project to generate a package.json file. We then installed Eleventy – notice that we have to specify the namespace as part of the command. It makes updating the scripts entry in package.json more critical, as it can get tedious having to type the command each time!
We will need other NPM plugins, but we can install these as and when we need them later in the book.
We then ran Eleventy twice – the first time to verify that we had version 0.12 or greater (which we did), before running it a second time to prove it was working. This step might seem a little odd (given we’ve not created anything yet), but this is a valuable check – if it had returned anything but Wrote 0 files..., then we would have an issue.
Assuming these checks were successful, we created two templates at the root of our project area and ran Eleventy a third time to compile these files into valid HTML. We then ran Eleventy with the --serve to fire up the internal development server before viewing the generated contents on screen in our browser.
Understanding Eleventy Concepts
Now that we’ve constructed our initial site, there is one topic we should explore – some of the basic concepts around Eleventy. What makes it tick? How is an Eleventy site constructed? I’m sure you will have these questions and more to ask, so without further ado, let’s take a moment to explore some of the concepts and terminology that will help in creating Eleventy sites.
Layouts and templates
Filters and shortcodes
Custom data
We’ll go through each in turn, beginning with layouts and templates.
Layouts and Templates
A template is something we use as a generic term for content files.
We use layouts as special templates to wrap other content.
Creating templates and layouts is something we will explore more in Chapter 4, but in short, we would use the term “template” to refer to content such as Markdown, .Nunjucks, HTML, and Liquid files that are not layout files. We use layouts to position content on the page – they will contain HTML5 boilerplate code and a specific slot for our template content.
Using Filters and Shortcodes
I’ll bet that if you own a blog, over time, you will find yourself entering the same piece of text multiple times, right? The classic example is the date – not only do we have to consider adding it, but we also have to worry about how we format it on screen!
As it happens, Eleventy already provides this function – it doesn’t matter, though: we use the same principle throughout when creating our filters.
Shortcodes and filters are not available in all templating frameworks – they are only currently supported when using Nunjucks, Liquid, Handlebars, or JavaScript templates. It is also possible to invoke shortcodes and templating logic in Markdown files (.md), although it’s worth noting that these are “template files” but not considered a templating framework. For example, we might use {% year %} in the template file in the same fashion as .njk, .liquid, or .html templates.
There is one thing worth noting, though – look at the eleventyConfig function called in each example. Notice how I’ve used a generic function, .addShortcode, in one, but the name of the templating language is in the second example.
Using the latter makes it universal so that it will work for all templating languages – it saves work if you decide to move from using, say, Nunjucks to Liquid or perhaps Handlebars at a later date.
We’ll talk more about using shortcodes and filters later in Chapter 6.
Collections are an essential part of Eleventy – these are groups of related content, such as posts or articles around a particular theme. These collections might not even be theme-driven; it’s enough to say that all posts we create can also be a collection in their own right!
We will explore this concept in greater detail in Chapter 3 when we look at sourcing data. For now, it’s enough to know that if we assign one or more tags to a post or article, then we can use something called the global collections object in Eleventy to retrieve the tagged items.
With that in place, we can access it using our chosen templating language, using collections.pages. It will return an array of data, which we can then iterate through and manipulate as desired. It’s perfect for adding features such as links, article cards, or even products to an e-commerce website!
We will come back to using front matter at various points throughout the book.
Custom Data
Up until now, we’ve touched on creating files as our content. What if we wanted to include external data?
When using Eleventy to consume data, it’s impossible to reference data sources dynamically, but that doesn’t mean we can’t consume it! We would do so by using JavaScript data files or JSON files; these we can store in a _data folder within our site as global data files.
Define and consume a JSON array
Return the results of a fetch operation
Retrieve and reformat content from a headless CMS, such as Contentful
The key to making it work is how Eleventy stores and references it – it’s stored in the _data folder and accessible using a variable that matches the file name of each data file.
Looks pretty straightforward, right? I don’t even have to import the JSON file into my page; Eleventy automatically does this for me!
Assuming you’ve started to build up a collection of data, either generated or from external sources. You will almost certainly need some means to iterate through that data in chunks to make it easier to view.
Enter pagination – Eleventy allows us to iterate through any data set (or collection) and split it into more manageable groups based on what is in the collection.
Don’t worry if it doesn’t mean much now – rest assured, we will cover it in more detail later in the next chapter!
Okay – let’s move on: we’ve already set up our base site; before we get stuck into building out our project, there are a few more changes we should make to help ease the development process. We’ll look at them in detail shortly, but before we do so, there is one important feature we should cover in more detail: the Eleventy configuration file.
The Eleventy Configuration File
Over the last few pages, I’m sure you will have seen references in code to something called the eleventyConfig, in the .eleventy.js file. It’s a key part of our site, and a really powerful file – what makes it so important? Put simply, it not only provides the configuration for our site, but it also offers the powerful Configuration API that allows us to use some powerful custom logic in our site.
These are just some of the options available to us to help configure our site; don’t worry about what they all do, as we will cover some of these in the next exercise! It goes to show though that Eleventy is a powerful tool and that it’s worth spending time fine-tuning the configuration to match our needs. Okay – with the introduction out of the way, let’s crack on: we’ve created the basis for our project, but this is only the first step in a long process! There are more tweaks we should make, which we will do now.
Performing Some Additional Changes
Although Eleventy works very well out of the box with minimal changes, it won’t be long before we need to fine-tune and develop the configuration for our site. We touched on some examples in the previous section, so let’s work through adding some of them to help with constructing our site. These changes include adding new folders and setting up some essential configuration files – let’s take a peek at what is required in more detail.
- 1.
We’ve already seen how to start the Eleventy server. Who wants to type that command in all of the time? There is an easier way – for this, crack open a copy of the package.json file at the root of our project, then replace the existing scripts: {...} block with this:
- 2.
Next, we need to set up a .gitignore file for our site, ready for deploying our site. At the root of our project folder, create a new file, then crack it open and add this content:
- 3.
Go ahead and save the file, then close it – we don’t need to keep it open for now.
- 4.
We need to make two more changes – the first is to add a .eleventy.js file. This file is the heart of Eleventy: we use it to determine how to compile our code and where to put the finished version, ready for deployment. For this, open a new file, and add in this, saving it as .eleventy.js:
Make sure you’ve saved the last two file names precisely as written; both have dots before the file name!
- 5.The last change we want to make is to expand on the folder structure for our site. There are a set of folders we need to add; go ahead and create them using the details listed in Table 1-1.Table 1-1
List of folders to create for our project
Name of folder
Should be created at the root of our project folder; this is for storing global data files.
Create this at the root of the project folder – inside it, create three separate folders called components, layouts, and partials. All should be at level 2, that is, immediately under _includes.
Create this at the root of our project folder – this is for holding styles. Inside this folder, create one called fonts – we will use this for some custom fonts.
feed, img, posts
Create all three of these folders at the root of our project folder.
Notice that we’ve specified the root level as our source folder (.) – although this will work fine, it’s better practice to create and use a src folder for storing source files.
- 6.
At this point, all of the changes are now complete, so go ahead and save them, then close any open files.
We’ll keep the two test files we created earlier for now, but these we will remove once we get into creating content later in this book.
It might seem a ragtag bag of odd changes, but trust me – they will all become useful later in the book!
The first two changes we made relate to running commands in Eleventy: we’ve added shortcuts for common ones such as --serve, plus a .gitignore file to store names of those files or folders we want to exclude during deployment into production.
We then created a .eleventy.js file, which is the beating heart of Eleventy; we can use it to customize how Eleventy performs (and which we will add to, at various stages later in the book). The last change simply sets up a series of folders, ready for storing content and features within Eleventy, which we will use throughout this project.
Creating a website as a project is more than just putting images with text – it’s all about identity; it will be a part of you, so clearly something we need to get right! Over the last few pages, we began that long road to creating our project – let’s take a moment to review what we have learned before starting the actual development work.
We started by introducing Eleventy and exploring what makes it so attractive before swiftly moving on to setting up our development environment and installing the framework. We then dipped our toes into building our project application before diving into some of the core principles of this framework.
We then rounded out the chapter by making some additional changes to our site; we understood that they might seem to be a little “ragtag” collection, but each performs a valuable function in building our site throughout this book.
Okay – so what’s next? Ah yes: we need to start creating content for our blog! The process is very straightforward, but not all of the pages will be in the same folder. Stay with me, and I will reveal that process in the next chapter.