Putting It All Together

The quick sort is from a class of algorithms called divide and conquer. We will see many other examples from this class in the book, and we will go into detail on divide and conquer in Chapter 4, Algorithm Design Paradigms. For now, it's important to know that divide and conquer algorithms keep on splitting the problem into smaller ones until the problem is small enough that it becomes trivial to solve. This splitting can be easily implemented using recursion.

In quick sorting, we keep on recursively partitioning the array in this manner until the problem is small enough that we can easily solve it. When the array has only one element, the solution is simple: the array stays exactly as it is, as there is nothing to sort. This is the stopping condition of our recursive algorithm. When the array is larger than one element, we can keep dividing our array and use the partitioning method we developed in the previous section.

There is also a non-recursive quick sort algorithm which makes use of a stack data structure, although it is a bit more complex to write. We will discuss stacks and lists later on in this chapter.

The following code snippet shows the pseudocode for the complete quick sort. Just like most recursive functions, the code starts by checking the stopping condition. In this case, we check if the array has at least two elements by ensuring that the start array pointer is less than the end. The pseudocode is as follows:

quickSort(array, start, end)
if(start < end)
p = partition(array, start, end)
quickSort(array, start, p - 1)
quickSort(array, p + 1, end)
Snippet 2.8: Recursive quick sort pseudocode

When we have at least two elements in the array, we call the partitioning method. Then, using the pivot's last position (returned by the partitioning method), we recursively quick sort the left part and then the right part.

This is done by calling the same quick sort code using pointers of (start, p - 1) and
(p + 1, end), not including the p, which is the pivot's position.

The trick to understanding how quick sort works is to realize that once we perform the partition call on the array, the element at the returned position (the pivot) doesn't need to move within the array anymore. This is because all the elements on its right are larger and the ones on the left are smaller, so the pivot is in the correct final position.

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