Balanced Binary Search Trees

The performance of a binary search tree is proportional to its height. This is because the search and insert operations start from the root and proceed down the tree one node at a time, doing a key comparison at each step. The taller the tree, the more steps are needed to accomplish this. Thus, if we determine the maximum possible height of a binary tree in relation to its input, we can find out the worst runtime complexity.

If we insert keys in a binary tree, by always adding on the right child of the parent node, we end up with a tree similar to the one shown on the left-hand side of Figure 3.12. In this diagram, only the right child pointers on each node are being used. We end up with a tree of height n, where n is the number of items added to our data structure. We get this kind of one-sided tree when the key input pattern is in order.

In the example shown in Figure 3.12, we first insert 5 as a root, then 7 is added as the right child, the next is 12 as the next right child, and so on. Always inserting an increasing number results in the next node on the right. This one type of input pattern makes our binary search tree operations (search, insert, and delete) behave in the worst-case runtime of O(n):

Figure 3.12: Unbalanced versus balanced binary trees
The result is similar if we start from a big number and decrease it each time. We end up with a mirror of the tree shown on the left-hand side of Figure 3.12.
The output of a BFS traversal in a normal binary search tree when the key insert order is "1,2,3,4,5,6,7" would be in the same order as the input, that is, "1,2,3,4,5,6,7". We end up  creating a new right child at every insert. Since BFS traversal processes one level after another, starting from the root, the traversal output is the same as the input.

In Figure 3.12, on the right-hand side, we show another binary tree containing the same keys. This binary tree has been restructured with the effect that the tree is now shorter. Note that the tree is still valid, that is, the left child always has a key that is smaller than its parent, and vice versa. A balanced binary tree has a height of about log2n.

If we manage to find a way to rebalance the binary search tree at each insert in O(log n) or better, the worst-case runtime performance for inserts and searches would also be of O(log n).

Luckily, various algorithms exist that self-balance the tree structure as you perform inserts. Some of the most common ones are as follows:

  • AVL trees
  • Red black trees
  • AA trees

All of these algorithms check that the binary tree is following specific balancing rules at key insert. If, due to a new node being inserted, the tree becomes unbalanced, the self-balancing algorithm kicks in and restructures some of the nodes to keep the tree balanced. The technique to rebalance the nodes relies on tree rotations, where under certain conditions some of the parent and child nodes are rotated. Importantly, these modifications are also performed in the worst-case of O(log n), meaning that both inserts and searches on binary trees have a worst runtime complexity of O(log n). In this section, we will examine tree rotations as they are the base operation for most self-balancing trees.

For more information about self-balancing trees, you may refer the following resources:
The Art of Computer Programming, Volume 3: Sorting and Searching by Donald Knuth.
Paul E. Black, "red-black tree", in Dictionary of Algorithms and Data Structures [online], Vreda Pieterse and Paul E. Black, eds. 13 April 2015. Available at the link:

Figure 3.13 shows an example of a left and right rotation. Note how the node being rotated (node 5 in the right rotation and 9 in the left rotation) ends up being the new parent. Importantly, there is a constant number of child pointer reassignments. The properties of a binary search tree are still valid after a tree rotates, that is, a left child pointer always has a smaller key that points to its parent, and vice versa. This means that we can perform any number of these tree rotations and our binary search tree will still be valid:

Figure 3.13: Left and right tree rotations

Snippet 3.15 shows how we perform a right rotation in Java. The method accepts a top-level node that needs rotation (node 5 in Figure 3.13) and its parent node. The method requires the parent node since it has to reassign its child pointer. Performing the opposite right rotation on the tree node is the mirror image of the following method:

public void leftRotate(BinaryTreeNode<K, V> nodeX,
BinaryTreeNode<K, V> parent) {
BinaryTreeNode<K, V> nodeY = nodeX.getRight().get();
if (parent == null)
this.root = nodeY;
else if (parent.getLeft().filter(n -> n == nodeX).isPresent())
Snippet 3.15: Java implementation of the left tree rotation. Source class name: SimpleBinaryTree

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