
There are many people to thank for the successful completion of this book, starting with my wife, Krystel, who’s been putting up with my crazy working hours for the past few years. If it wasn’t for her, I would have never been able to pull out enough time in my schedule to write this book. I always have these crazy new projects popping up in my head when I’m not even done with the previous ones. Just wait until I retire; I have many more in store just for you and me!

Next on the list are my two wonderful children, Eloïk and Emy, who I need to thank for motivating me in writing this book. I wished to show you both that nothing is impossible if you really put your heart into it. This book is a real proof of this, and I love you with all my heart.

I also would like to take the opportunity to thank my mother for guiding me throughout the various choices I made earlier on in my career and in my life. You really did an awesome job making something out of this hyperactive son of yours.

I have always strongly believed in associating oneself with a mentor if you wish to become better in life: socially and in your career. I have been extremely lucky in my career to always work with somebody who I can look up to. All of you have contributed to the professional I have become.

To Anne Latreille, thanks for giving a chance to the 17-year-old student you interviewed a decade ago. Thanks for teaching me your professional ethic for dealing with clients, and thank you for always trying to push me to move forward in my career.

To Sean Kibbee, thanks for making me realize that there is an application for everything I had learned in school. This book is a technical one, and, to me, I owe all of the technical skills that I now possess to that sense of curiosity for technology that you passed on to me. Thanks for everything you taught me, and for the fun I had learning it with you. I truly hope our professional paths cross again in the near future.

To Pat Liston, thanks for seeing potential in me. If it wasn’t for you, I believe I would still be writing static HTML websites and would have never had the chance to fully leverage my potential. You have given me the strength to always challenge someone when they say something is not feasible. You really did a lot for me and I am forever in your debt for this.

To Peter Kusovac, thanks for that chance to play in your lab, dude; I had a blast. You taught me not to be afraid to break outside of the tradition, and to study a problem from new angles that nobody ever thought of before. It is because of you, and you only, if I am now drenched in the wonderful world of SharePoint, and I could never be too much grateful for this.

To Charles Davis, thanks for giving me such a great platform to innovate within your team. You have a contagious passion about the work you do and the business you serve.

Thanks to Mathieu Desmarais and Chris Nelson, my technical reviewer and editor for this book. It was a pleasure working with you both, and thanks for saving my skin on more than one occasion throughout these chapters.

Finally, a huge thank you to all of the SharePoint community. You guys are the best. To all the people mentionned above, I hope that you can all have an impact on someone else’s professional life as big as the one you all have had on mine.

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