About the Author

Stephen R. Davis, CISSP (who goes by the name “Randy”) lives with his wife and two dogs in Corpus Christi, Texas. Randy has three kids and three grandkids with more on the way (grandkids, not kids). Randy develops browser based applications for Agency Consulting Group.


To Janet, the love of my life.

Author’s Acknowledgments

I find it very strange that only a single name appears on the cover of any book, but especially a book like this. In reality, many people contribute to the creation of a For Dummies book. From the beginning, acquisition editor Constance Santisteban, project editor Pat O’Brien, my technical reviewer Danny Kalev and my agent, Claudette Moore, were involved in guiding and molding the book’s content. During the development of this book, I found myself hip-deep in edits, corrections, and suggestions from a group of project editors, copyeditors, and technical reviewers — this book would have been a poorer work but for their involvement. Nevertheless, one name does appear on the cover and that name must take responsibility for any inaccuracies in the text.

Finally, a summary of the animal activity around my house. For those of you who have not read any of my other books, I should warn you that this has become a regular feature of my For Dummies books.

I moved to the “big city” of Rockwall (near Dallas) in 2005, which meant giving away our dogs Chester and Sadie. I tried to keep our two Great Danes, Monty and Bonnie, but they were just too much for the backyard. We were forced to give them away as well. I married my high school sweetheart in 2011 and moved from Dallas back to my home town of Corpus Christi which meant adopting a new pair of dogs (more like, they adopted me). Jack is a stubborn, black dog of an unidentifiable breed. Jack used to be the best Frisbee catching dog that I had ever seen but age and stubbornness have put a stop to all that work. Scruffy is said to be a wire haired dachshund but you couldn’t tell by his appearance as he stays shaved most of the time. Scruffy is recovering from heart worms but we caught them very early in a random blood screening so his prognosis is very good.

If you are having problems getting started, I maintain a FAQ of common problems at www.stephendavis.com. You can e-mail me questions from there if you don’t see your problem. I can’t write your program (you don’t know how often I get asked to do people’s homework assignments), but I try to answer most questions.

Publisher’s Acknowledgments

Project Editor: Pat O’Brien

Copy Editor: Barry Childs-Helton

Technical Editor: Danny Kalev

Editorial Assistant: Claire Johnson

Sr. Editorial Assistant: Cherie Case

Project Coordinator: Sheree Montgomery

Cover Image: ©iStock.com/Adriana3d

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