© Carleton DiLeo, Peter Cooper 2021
C. DiLeo, P. CooperBeginning Ruby 3https://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-6324-2_12

12. Tying It Together: Developing a Larger Ruby Application

Carleton DiLeo1   and Peter Cooper2
Boulder, CO, USA
Louth, UK

In this chapter, we’re going to step back from focusing on individual facets of Ruby and develop an entire program using much of the knowledge you’ve gained so far. We’ll focus on the structural concerns of developing a program and look at how a flexible structure can benefit you and other developers in the long run.

The important thing to remember while working through this chapter is that the program itself is not as important as the concepts used while developing it. We’ll be rapidly (and relatively shallowly) covering a number of areas relevant to most development you’ll do, such as testing and basic refactoring.

Let’s Build a Bot

Before we get to any code, we’re going to look at what we’re going to build, why we’re going to build it, and how we’re going to do it.

What Is a Bot?

In this chapter, we’re going to build a robot. Not a sci-fi type of robot, such as that in Lost in Space, but a computer program that can hold a conversation with us. These types of programs are commonly known as bots or chatterbots . Bots are present in a lot of different software and tools these days. You can ask them for gift ideas and movie times. In short, it’s a little like talking to a customer service agent, except the agent is entirely automated.

You might be familiar with bots on your own computer. Microsoft Office used to come with the “Clippy” bot turned on by default, and many websites have automated chatbots in an attempt to cut down on support costs and, supposedly, to improve usability.

The history of bots goes back to the 1960s, when a computer scientist at MIT named Joseph Weizenbaum developed a bot called ELIZA. It eventually became so popular that most computer users throughout the 1980s and 1990s were exposed to it in one form or another through the many “talk to your computer”–type programs that became popular.

The conversations you can have with ELIZA-type bots aren’t mind blowing, but can prove entertaining, as shown in Figure 12-1. The general mechanism ELIZA bots use is to take whatever you say and twist it around into a statement or question to you. For example, if you were to say “I am bored,” ELIZA might respond, “How long have you been bored?” or “Why are you bored?” This form of bouncing back the user’s input seems crude when described in this way, but people are often fooled into believing they’re talking to something more intelligent simply because of its reflective nature (this is known as the ELIZA effect).
Figure 12-1

A demonstration of a session with an online ELIZA bot

Our bot won’t be exactly like ELIZA—that is, it won’t be an ELIZA clone—but will share some of the same features and use some similar techniques. We’ll also look at how to extend our bot with other features.


If you want to learn about or play with some Internet-hosted versions of ELIZA, visit https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ELIZA.

Why a Bot?

The good thing about developing a bot is that it can be as simple or as complex as you like. Toward the end of this chapter, we’ll be looking at ways you can extend the bot, but the initial construction is quite simple.

You’ll be using most of the techniques covered so far in this book to build your bot. You’ll be doing a bit of testing and documentation, as well as using classes and complex data structures. You’ll also be using files to store information the bot uses, and looking at how to make your bot available to the general public using HTTP servers and CGI scripts. This project also demands you use a lot of string and list-related functions, along with comparison logic. These are all things you’re likely to use in a larger development project, and as Ruby is a particularly good language for text processing, this project is perfect for demonstrating Ruby’s strengths.

A bot also allows you to have some fun and experiment. Working on a contact information management tool (for example) isn’t that much fun, even though such a system would use similar techniques to your bot. You can still implement testing, documentation, classes, and storage systems, but end up with a fun result that can be extended and improved indefinitely.


The primary focus of this chapter is to keep each fragment of functionality in your bot loosely coupled to the others. This is an important decision when developing certain types of applications if you plan to extend them in the future. The plan for this bot is to make it as easy to extend, or change, as possible, allowing you to customize it, add features, and make it your own.

In terms of the general operation of the chatterbot, your bot will exist within a class, allowing you to replicate bots easily by creating new instances. When you create a bot, it will be “blank,” except for the logic contained within the class, and you’ll pass in a special data file to give it a set of knowledge and a set of responses it can use when conversing with users. User input will be via the keyboard, but the input mechanism will be kept flexible enough so that the bot could easily be used from a website or elsewhere.

Your bot will only have a few public methods to begin with. It needs to be able to load its data file into memory and accept input given by the user and then return its responses. Behind the scenes, the bot will need to parse what the users “say” and be able to build up a coherent reply. Therefore, the first step is to begin processing language and recognizing words.

Creating a Simple Text Processing Library

Several stages are required to accept input such as “I am bored” and turn it into a response such as “Why are you bored?” The first is to perform some preprocessing—tasks that make the text easier to parse—such as cleaning up the text, expanding terms such as “I’m” into “I am,” “you’re” into “you are,” and so forth. Next, you’ll split up the input into sentences and words, choose the best sentence to respond to, and finally look up responses from your data files that match the input.

Some of these language tasks are generic enough that they could be useful in other applications, so you’ll develop a basic library for them. This will make your bot code simpler and give you a library to use in other applications if you need. Logic and methods that are specific to bots can go in the bot’s source code, and generic methods that perform operations on text can go into the library.

This section covers the development of a simple library, including testing and documentation.

Building the WordPlay Library

You’re going to call your text manipulation and processing library WordPlay, so create a file called wordplay.rb with a basic class:
class WordPlay

Now that you’ve got the library’s main file set up, you’ll move on to implementing some of the text manipulation and processing features you know your bot will require, but are reasonably application agnostic. (I covered the construction of classes in depth in Chapter 6.)

Splitting Text into Sentences

Your bot, like most others, is only interested in single-sentence inputs. Therefore, it’s important to accept only the first sentence of each line of input. However, rather than specifically tear out the first sentence, you’ll split the input into sentences and then choose the first one. The reason for this approach is to have a generic sentence-splitting method, rather than to create a unique solution for each case.

You’ll create a sentences method on Ruby’s String class to keep the resulting code clean. You could create a class method within the WordPlay class and use it like WordPlay.sentences(our_input), but it wouldn’t feel as intuitive and as object-oriented as our_input.sentences, where sentences is a method of the String class:
class String
  def sentences
    gsub(/ | /, ' ').split(/.s*/)

The preceding sentences method only splits text into sentences based on a period followed by whitespace. A more accurate technique could involve dealing with other punctuation (e.g., question marks and semicolons).

You can test it easily:
p %q{Hello. This is a test of
basic sentence splitting. It
even works over multiple lines.}.sentences
["Hello", "This is a test of basic sentence splitting", "It even works over multiple lines"]

Splitting Sentences into Words

You also need your library to be able to split sentences into words. As with the sentences method , add a words method to the String class:
class String
  def words
p "This is a test of words' capabilities".words
["This", "is", "a", "test", "of", "words'", "capabilities"]
You can test words in conjunction with sentences:
p %q{Hello. This is a test of
basic sentence splitting. It
even works over multiple lines}.sentences[1].words[3]

This test picks out the second sentence with sentences[1] and then the fourth word with words[3]—remember, arrays are zero-based. (The splitting techniques covered in this section were also explained in Chapter 3.)

Word Matching

You can use the new methods, along with existing array methods, to extract sentences that match certain words, as in this example:
hot_words = %w{test ruby great}
my_string = "This is a test. Dull sentence here. Ruby is great. So is cake."
t = my_string.sentences.find_all do |s|
  s.downcase.words.any? { |word| hot_words.include?(word) }
p t.to_a
["This is a test", "Ruby is great"]

In this example, you define three “hot” words that you want to find within sentences, and you look through the sentences in my_string for any that contain either of your hot words. The way you do this is by seeing if, for any of the words in the sentence, it’s true that the hot_words array also contains that word.

Experienced readers will wonder if regular expressions could be used in this situation. They could, but the focus here is on clean list logic that’s easy to extend and adjust. You also get the benefit, if you wish, to use the difference in lengths between the word array, and the word array with hot words removed, to rank sentences in the order of which match the most hot words. This could be useful if you decided to tweak your bot (or any other software using WordPlay) to pick out and process the most important sentence, rather than just the first one, for example:
class WordPlay
  def self.best_sentence(sentences, desired_words)
    ranked_sentences = sentences.sort_by do |s|
      s.words.length - (s.downcase.words - desired_words).length
puts WordPlay.best_sentence(my_string.sentences, hot_words)
Ruby is great

This class method accepts an array of sentences and an array of “desired words” as arguments. Next, it sorts the sentences by how many words difference each sentence has from the desired words list. If the difference is high, then there must be many desired words in that sentence. At the end of best_sentence, the sentence with the biggest number of matching words is returned.

Switching Subject and Object Pronouns

Switching pronouns is when you swap “you” and “I,” “I” and “you,” “my” and “your,” and “your” and “my.” This simple change makes sentences easy to use as a response. Consider what happens if you simply reflect back whatever the user says by switching the pronouns in his or her input. Some examples are shown in Table 12-1.
Table 12-1

Inputs Coupled with Potential Responses



My cat is sick.

Your cat is sick.

I hate my car.

You hate your car.

You are an awful bot.

I are an awful bot.

These aren’t elaborate conversations, but the first two responses are valid English and are the sort of thing your bot can use. The third response highlights that you also need to pay attention to conjugating “am” to “are” and vice versa when using “I” and “you.”

You’ll add the basic pronoun-switching feature as a class method on the WordPlay class. As this feature won’t be chained with other methods and doesn’t need to be particularly concise, you can put it into the WordPlay class rather than continue to add more methods to the String class:
def self.switch_pronouns(text)
  text.gsub(/(I am|You are|I|You|Your|My)/i) do |pronoun|
    case pronoun.downcase
      when "i"
      when "you"
      when "i am"
        "you are"
      when "you are"
        "i am"
      when "your"
      when "my"

This method accepts any text supplied as a string and performs a substitution on each instance of “I am,” “you are,” “I,” “you,” “your,” or “my.” Next, a case construction is used to substitute each pronoun with its opposing pronoun. (You first used the case/when syntax in Chapter 3, where you can also find a deeper explanation of how it works.)

The reason for performing a substitution in this way is so that you only change each pronoun once. If you’d used four gsubs to change all “I’s” to “you’s,” “you’s” to “I’s,” and so on, changes made by the previous gsub would be overwritten by the next. Therefore, it’s important to use one gsub that scans through the input pronoun by pronoun rather than making several blanket substitutions in succession.

If you use irb and require in the WordPlay library, you can quickly check the results:
WordPlay.switch_pronouns("Your cat is fighting with my cat")
my cat is fighting with your cat
WordPlay.switch_pronouns("You are my robot")
i am your robot
It’s easy to find an exception to these results, though:
WordPlay.switch_pronouns("I gave you life")
you gave I life

When the “you” or “I” is the object of the sentence, rather than the subject, “you” becomes “me” and “me” becomes “you,” whereas “I” becomes “you” and “you” becomes “I” on the subject of the sentence.

Without descending into complex processing of sentences to establish which reference is the subject and which reference is the object, we’ll assume that every reference to “you” that’s not at the start of a sentence is an object and should become “me” and that if “you” is at the beginning of a sentence, you should assume it’s the subject and use “I” instead. This new rule makes your method change slightly:
def self.switch_pronouns(text)
  text.gsub(/(I am|You are|I|You|Me|Your|My)/i) do |pronoun|
    case pronoun.downcase
      when "i"
      when "you"
      when "me"
      when "i am"
        "you are"
      when "you are"
        "i am"
      when "your"
      when "my"
  end.sub(/^me/i, 'i')

What you do in this case seems odd on the surface. You let switch_pronouns process the pronouns and then correct it when it changes “you” to “me” at the start of a sentence by changing the “me” to “I.” This is done with the chained sub at the end.

Let’s try it out:
WordPlay.switch_pronouns('Your cat is fighting with my cat')
my cat is fighting with your cat
WordPlay.switch_pronouns('My cat is fighting with you')
your cat is fighting with me
WordPlay.switch_pronouns('You are my robot')
i am your robot
WordPlay.switch_pronouns('I gave you hope')
you gave me hope
WordPlay.switch_pronouns('You gave me hope')
i gave you hope


If you were so cruelly inclined, you could create an extremely annoying bot with this method alone. Consider this basic example:
while input = gets
  puts '>> ' + WordPlay.switch_pronouns(input).chomp + '?'
I am ready to talk
>> you are ready to talk?
>> yes?
You are a dumb computer
>> i am a dumb computer?

We clearly have some work to do!

Testing the Library

When building a larger application or libraries upon which other applications will depend, it’s important to make sure everything is fully tested. In Chapter 8, we looked at using Ruby’s unit testing features for simple testing. You can use the same methods here to test WordPlay. Make sure the Minitest gem is installed. If you need help, review Chapter 8.

You’ll use the same process as in Chapter 8. Create a file called test_wordplay.rb in the same directory as wordplay.rb and implement the following basic structure:
require 'minitest/autorun'
require_relative 'wordplay'
class TestWordPlay < Minitest::Test

Now let’s write some tests.

Testing Sentence Separation

To add groups of test assertions to test_wordplay.rb, you can simply create methods with names starting with test_. Creating a simple test method for testing sentence separations is easy:
def test_sentences
  assert_equal(["a", "b", "c d", "e f g"], "a. b. c d. e f g.".sentences)
  test_text = %q{Hello. This is a test
of sentence separation. This is the end
of the test.}
  assert_equal("This is the end of the test", test_text.sentences[2])

The first assertion tests that the dummy sentence "a. b. c d. e f g." is successfully separated into the constituent “sentences.” The second assertion uses a longer predefined text string and makes sure that the third sentence is correctly identified.


Ideally, you’d extend this basic set of assertions with several more to test more complex cases, such as sentences ending with multiple periods, commas, and other oddities. As these extra tests wouldn’t demonstrate any further Ruby functionality, they’re not covered here, but feel free to try some out!

Testing Word Separation

Testing that the words method works properly is even easier than testing sentences :
def test_words
  assert_equal(%w{this is a test}, "this is a test".words)
  assert_equal(%w{these are mostly words}, "these are, mostly, words".words)

These assertions are simple. You split sentences into words and compare them with predefined arrays of those words. The assertions pass.

This highlights one reason why test-first development can be a good idea. It’s easy to see how you could develop these tests first and then use their passing or failure as an indicator that you’ve implemented words correctly. This is an advanced programming concept, but one worth keeping in mind if writing tests in this way “clicks” with you.

Testing Best Sentence Choice

You also need to test your WordPlay.best_sentence method, as your bot will use it to choose the sentence with the most interesting keywords from the user’s input:
def test_sentence_choice
  assert_equal('This is a great test',
               WordPlay.best_sentence(['This is a test',
                                               'This is another test',
                                               'This is a great test'],
                                                   %w{test great this}))
  assert_equal('This is a great test',
                     WordPlay.best_sentence(['This is a great test'],
                                                   %w{still the best}))

This test method performs a simple assertion that the correct sentence is chosen from three options. Three sentences are provided to WordPlay.best_sentence, along with the desired keywords of “test,” “great,” and “this.” Therefore, the third sentence should be the best match. The second assertion makes sure that WordPlay.best_sentence returns a sentence even if there are no matches, because in this case, any sentence is a “best” match.

Testing Pronoun Switches

When you developed the switch_pronouns method, you used some vague grammatical rules, so testing is essential to make sure they stand up for at least basic sentences:
def test_basic_pronouns
  assert_equal("i am a robot", WordPlay.switch_pronouns("you are a robot"))
  assert_equal("you are a person", WordPlay.switch_pronouns("i am a person"))
  assert_equal("i love you", WordPlay.switch_pronouns("you love me"))

These basic assertions prove that the “you are,” “I am,” “you,” and “me” phrases are switched correctly.

You can also create a separate test method to perform some more complex assertions:
def test_mixed_pronouns
  assert_equal("you gave me life", WordPlay.switch_pronouns("i gave you life"))
  assert_equal("i am not what you are", WordPlay.switch_pronouns("you are not what i am"))
  assert_equal("i annoy your dog", WordPlay.switch_pronouns("you annoy my dog"))

These examples are more complex, but prove that switch_pronouns can handle a few more complex situations with multiple pronouns.

You can construct tests that cause switch_pronouns to fail:
def test_complex_pronouns
  assert_equal("yes, i rule", WordPlay.switch_pronouns("yes, you rule"))
  assert_equal("why do i cry", WordPlay.switch_pronouns("why do you cry"))

These tests both fail because they circumvent the trick you used to make sure that “you” is translated to “me” and “I” in the right situations. In these situations, they should become “I,” but because “I” isn’t at the start of the sentence, they become “me” instead. It’s important to notice that basic statements tend to work okay, whereas questions or more elaborate statements can fail. However, for your bot’s purposes, the basic substitutions suffice and you can remove these tests.

If you were to focus solely on producing an accurate language processor, you could use tests such as these to guide your development, and you’ll probably use this technique when developing libraries to deal with edge cases such as these in your own projects.

WordPlay’s Source Code

Your nascent WordPlay library is complete for now, and in a state that you can use its features to make your bot’s source code simpler and easier to read. Next, I’ll present the source code for the library as is, as well as its associated unit test file. As an addition, the code also includes comments prior to each class and method definition, so that you can use RDoc to produce HTML documentation files, as covered in Chapter 8.


Remember that source code for this book is available in the Source Code area at www.apress.com, so it isn’t necessary to type in code directly from the book.


Here’s the code for the WordPlay library:
class String
  def sentences
    self.gsub(/ | /, ' ').split(/.s*/)
  def words
class WordPlay
  def self.switch_pronouns(text)
    text.gsub(/(I am|You are|I|You|Me|Your|My)/i) do |pronoun|
      case pronoun.downcase
        when "i"
        when "you"
        when "me"
        when "i am"
          "you are"
        when "you are"
          "i am"
        when "your"
        when "my"
    end.sub(/^me/i, 'i')
  def self.best_sentence(sentences, desired_words)
    ranked_sentences = sentences.sort_by do |s|
      s.words.length - (s.downcase.words - desired_words).length


Here’s the test suite associated with the WordPlay library:
require 'minitest/autorun'
require_relative 'wordplay'
# Unit testing class for the WordPlay library
class TestWordPlay < Minitest::Test
  # Test that multiple sentence blocks are split up into individual
  # words correctly
  def test_sentences
    assert_equal(["a", "b", "c d", "e f g"], "a. b. c d. e f g.".sentences)
    test_text = %q{Hello. This is a test
of sentence separation. This is the end
of the test.}
    assert_equal("This is the end of the test", test_text.sentences[2])
  # Test that sentences of words are split up into distinct words correctly
  def test_words
    assert_equal(%w{this is a test}, "this is a test".words)
    assert_equal(%w{these are mostly words}, "these are, mostly, words".words)
  # Test that the correct sentence is chosen, given the input
  def test_sentence_choice
    assert_equal('This is a great test',
                 WordPlay.best_sentence(['This is a test',
                                         'This is another test',
                                         'This is a great test'],
                                        %w{test great this}))
    assert_equal('This is a great test',
                 WordPlay.best_sentence(['This is a great test'],
                                        %w{still the best}))
  # Test that basic pronouns are switched by switch_pronouns
  def test_basic_pronouns
    assert_equal("i am a robot", WordPlay.switch_pronouns("you are a robot"))
    assert_equal("you are a person", WordPlay.switch_pronouns("i am a person"))
    assert_equal("i love you", WordPlay.switch_pronouns("you love me"))
  # Test more complex sentence switches using switch_pronouns
  def test_mixed_pronouns
    assert_equal("you gave me life",
                 WordPlay.switch_pronouns("i gave you life"))
    assert_equal("i am not what you are",
                 WordPlay.switch_pronouns("you are not what i am"))

Building the Bot’s Core

In the previous section, you put together the WordPlay library to provide some features you knew that your bot would need, such as basic sentence and word separation. Now you can get on with the task of fleshing out the logic of the bot itself.

You’ll create the bot within a Bot class, allowing you to create multiple bot instances and assign them different names and datasets, and work with them separately. This is the cleanest structure, as it allows you to keep the bot’s logic separated from the logic of interacting with the bot. For example, if your finished Bot class exists in bot.rb, writing a Ruby program to allow a user to converse with the bot using the keyboard could be as simple as this:
require_relative 'bot'
bot = Bot.new(name: "Botty", data_file: "botty.bot")
puts bot.greeting
while input = gets and input.chomp != 'goodbye'
  puts ">> " + bot.response_to(input)
puts bot.farewell

You’ll use this barebones client program as a yardstick while creating the Bot class. In the previous example, you created a bot object and passed in some parameters, which enables you to use the bot’s methods, along with keyboard input, to make the bot converse with the user.

In certain situations, it’s useful to write an example of the higher-level, more abstracted code that you expect ultimately to write, and then write the lower-level code to satisfy it. This isn’t the same as test-first development, although the principle is similar. You write the easiest, most abstract code first and then work your way down to the details.

Next, let’s look at how you expect the bot to operate throughout a normal session and then begin to develop the required features one by one.

The Program’s Lifecycle and Parts

So far we have focused on verbal descriptions of what we want to do. In Figure 12-2, however, we take a more visual look at the more overall lifecycle of a bot, and the client accessing it, that we’ll develop.

Your entire application will be composed of four parts:
  1. 1.

    The Bot class, within bot.rb, containing all the bot’s logic and any subclasses.

  2. 2.

    The WordPlay library, within wordplay.rb, containing the WordPlay class and extensions to String.

  3. 3.

    Basic “client” applications that create bots and allows users to interact with them. You’ll first create a basic keyboard-entry client, but we’ll look at some alternatives later in the chapter.

  4. 4.

    A helper program to generate the bot’s data files easily.

Figure 12-2 demonstrates the basic lifecycle of a sample client application and its associated bot object. The client program creates a bot instance and then keeps requesting user input passing it to the bot. Responses are printed to the screen, and the loop continues until the user decides to quit.
Figure 12-2

A basic flowchart showing a sample lifecycle of the bot client and bot object

You’ll begin putting together the Bot class and then look at how the bot will find and process its data.

Bot Data

One of your first concerns is where the bot will get its data. The bot’s data includes information about word substitutions to perform during preprocessing, as well as myriad keywords and phrases that the bot can use in its responses.

The Data Structure

You’ll keep the bot’s data in a hash, somewhat like this:
bot_data = {
  :presubs => [
    ["dont", "don't"],
    ["youre", "you're"],
    ["love", "like"]
  :responses => {
    :default   => [
                    "I don't understand.",
    :greeting  => ["Hi. I'm [name]. Want to chat?"],
    :farewell  => ["Good bye!"],
    'hello'    => [
                    "How's it going?",
                    "How do you do?"
    'i like *' => [
                    "Why do you like *?",
                    "Wow! I like * too!"

The main hash has two parent elements, :presubs and :responses. The :presubs element references an array of arrays that contain substitutions to be made to the user’s input before the bot forms a response. In this instance, the bot will expand some contractions and also change any reference of “love” to “like.” The reason for this becomes clear when you look at :responses.


The preceding data structure is intentionally lightly populated to save space for discussion of the practicalities. By the end of this chapter, you’ll have a more complete set of data to use with your bot. This style of data structure was also covered in Chapter 3.

:responses references another hash: one that has elements with the names :default, :greeting, :farewell, 'hello', and 'i like *'. This hash contains all the different phrases the bot will use as responses, or templates used to create full phrases. The array assigned to :default contains some phrases to use at random when the bot cannot figure out what to say based on the input. Those associated with :greeting and :farewell contain generic greeting and farewell phrases.

More interesting are the arrays associated with 'hello' and 'i like *'. These phrases are used when the input matches the hash key for each array. For example, if a user says “hello computer,” then a match with 'hello' is made, and a response is chosen from the array at random. If a user says “i like computers,” then 'i like *' is matched and the asterisk is used to substitute the remainder of the user’s input (after “i like”) into the bot’s output phrase. This could result in output such as “Wow! I like computers too,” if the second phrase were to be used.

Storing the Data Externally

Using a hash makes data access easy (rather than relying on, say, a database) and fast when it comes to choosing sentences and performing matches. However, because your bot class needs to be able to deal with multiple datasets, it’s necessary to store the hash of data for each bot within a file that can be chosen when a bot is started.

In Chapter 9, you learned about the concept of object persistence, where Ruby data structures can be “frozen” and stored. One library you used was called PStore, which stores Ruby data structures in a non-human-readable binary format; and the other was YAML, which is human-readable and represented as a specially formatted text file. For this project, you’ll use YAML, as you want to be able to make changes to the data files on the fly, to change things your bot will say, and to test out new phrases without constructing a whole new file each time.

It’s possible to create your data files by hand and then let the Bot class load them, but to make life easier, you’ll create a small program that can create the initial data file for you, as you did in Chapter 9. An ideal name for it would be bot_data_to_yaml.rb:
require 'yaml'
bot_data = {
  :presubs => [
    ["dont", "don't"],
    ["youre", "you're"],
    ["love", "like"]
  :responses => {
    :default       => [
      "I don't understand.",
    :greeting      => ["Hi. I'm [name]. Want to chat?"],
    :farewell      => ["Good bye!"],
    'hello'        => [
      "How's it going?",
      "How do you do?"
    'i like *'     => [
      "Why do you like *?",
      "Wow! I like * too!"
# Show the user the YAML data for the bot structure
puts bot_data.to_yaml
# Write the YAML data to file
f = File.open(ARGV.first || 'bot_data', "w")
f.puts bot_data.to_yaml
This short program lets you define the bot data in the bot_data hash and then shows the YAML representation on the screen before writing it to file. The filename is specified on the command line, or defaults to bot_data if none is supplied:
ruby bot_data_to_yaml.rb
- - dont
  - don't
- - youre
  - you're
- - love
  - like
  i like *:
  - Why do you like *?
  - Wow! I like * too!
  - I don't understand.
  - What?
  - Huh?
  - How's it going?
  - How do you do?
  - Hi. I'm [name]. Want to chat?
  - Good bye!

Note that as the YAML data is plain text, you can edit it directly in the file or just tweak the bot_data structure and re-run bot_data_to_yaml.rb. From here on out, let’s assume you’ve run this and generated the preceding YAML file as bot_data in the current directory.

Now that you have a basic data file, you need to construct the Bot class and get its initialize method to use it.

Constructing the Bot Class and Data Loader

Let’s create bot.rb and the start of the Bot class :
require 'yaml'
require_relative 'wordplay'
class Bot
  attr_reader :name
  def initialize(options)
    @name = options[:name] || "Unnamed Bot"
      @data = YAML.load(File.read(options[:data_file]))
      raise "Can't load bot data"

The initialize method sets up each newly created object and uses the options hash to populate two class variables, @name and @data. External access to @name is provided courtesy of attr_reader. File.open, along with the read method, opens the data file and reads in the full contents to be processed by the YAML library. YAML.load converts the YAML data into the original hash data structure and assigns it to the @data class variable. If the data file opening or YAML processing fails, an exception is raised, as the bot cannot function without data.

Now you can create the greeting and farewell methods that display a random greeting and farewell message from the bot’s dataset. These methods are used when people first start to use the bot or just before the bot client exits:
def greeting
def farewell
Ouch! This isn’t nice at all. You have access to the greetings (and farewells) via @data[:responses], but selecting a single random phrase gets ugly fast. This looks like an excellent opportunity to create a private method that retrieves a random phrase from a selected response group:
def random_response(key)
  random_index = rand(@data[:responses][key].length)
  @data[:responses][key][random_index].gsub(/[name]/, @name)

This method simplifies the routine of taking a random phrase from a particular phrase set in @data. The second line of random_response performs a substitution so that any responses that contain [name] have [name] substituted for the bot’s name. For example, one of the demo greeting phrases is “Hi. I’m [name]. Want to chat?” However, if you created the bot object and specified a name of “Fred,” the output would appear as “Hi. I’m Fred. Want to chat?”


Remember that a private method is a method that cannot be called from outside the class itself. As random_response is only needed internally to the class, it’s a perfect candidate to be a private method.

Let’s update greeting and farewell to use random_response:
def greeting
  random_response :greeting
def farewell
  random_response :farewell

Isn’t separating common functionality into distinct methods great? These methods now look a lot simpler and make immediate sense compared to the jumble they contained previously.


This technique is also useful in situations where you have “ugly” or complex-looking code and you simply want to hide it inside a single method you can call from anywhere. Keep complex code in the background and make the rest of the code look as simple as possible.

The response_to Method

The core of the Bot class is the response_to method. It’s used to pass user input to the bot and get the bot’s response in return. However, the method itself should be simple and have one line per required operation to call private methods that perform each step.

response_to must perform several actions:
  1. 1.

    Accept the user’s input.

  2. 2.

    Perform preprocessing substitutions, as described in the bot’s data file.

  3. 3.

    Split the input into sentences and choose the most keyword-rich sentence.

  4. 4.

    Search for matches against the response phrase set keys.

  5. 5.

    Perform pronoun switching against the user input.

  6. 6.

    Pick a random phrase that matches (or a default phrase if there are no matches) and perform any substitutions of the user input into the result.

  7. 7.

    Return the completed output phrase.


Let’s look at each action in turn.

Accepting Input and Performing Substitutions

First, you accept the input as a basic argument to the response_to method:
def response_to(input)

Then you move on to performing the preprocessing word and phrase substitutions as dictated by the :presubs array in the bot data file. You’ll recall the :presubs array is an array of arrays that specifies words and phrases that should be changed to another word or phrase. The reason for this is so that you can deal with multiple terms with a single phrase. For example, if you substitute all instances of “yeah” for “yes,” a relevant phrase will be shown whether the user says “yeah” or “yes,” even though the phrase is only matching on “yes.”

As you’re focusing on keeping response_to simple, you’ll use a single method call:
def response_to(input)
  prepared_input = preprocess(input).downcase
Now you can implement preprocess as a private method:
def preprocess(input)
  perform_substitutions input
Then you can implement the substitution method itself:
def perform_substitutions(input)
  @data[:presubs].each { |s| input.gsub!(s[0], s[1]) }

This code loops through each substitution defined in the :presubs array and uses gsub! on the input.

At this point, it’s worth wondering why you have a string of methods just to get to the perform_substitutions method. Why not just call it directly from response_to?

The rationale in this case is that you’re trying to keep logic separated from other logic within this program as much as possible. This is how larger applications work, as it allows you to extend them more easily. For example, if you wanted to perform more preprocessing tasks in the future, you could simply create methods for them and call them from preprocess without having to make any changes to response_to. Although this looks inefficient, it actually results in code that’s easy to extend and read in the long run. A little verbosity is the price for a lot of flexibility. You’ll see a lot of similar techniques used in other Ruby programs, which is why it’s demonstrated so forcefully here.

Choosing the Best Sentence

After you have the preprocessed input at your disposal, it’s time to split it up into sentences and choose the best one. You can add another line to response_to:
def response_to(input)
  prepared_input = preprocess(input.downcase)
  sentence = best_sentence(prepared_input)
Then you can implement best_sentence as a private method:
def best_sentence(input)
  hot_words = @data[:responses].keys.select do |k|
    k.class == String && k =~ /^w+$/
  WordPlay.best_sentence(input.sentences, hot_words)

First, best_sentence collects an array of single words from the keys in the :responses hash. It looks for all keys that are strings (you don’t want the :default, :greeting, or :farewell symbols getting mixed in) and only a single word. You then use this list with the WordPlay.best_sentence method you developed earlier in this chapter to choose the sentence from the user input that matches the most “hot” words (if any).

You could rewrite this method in any style you wish. If you only ever wanted to choose the first sentence in the user input, that’s easy to do:
def best_sentence(input)
Or how about the longest sentence?
def best_sentence(input)
  input.sentences.sort_by { |s| s.length }.last

Again, by having the tiny piece of logic of choosing the best sentence in a separate method, you can change the way the program works without meddling with larger methods.

Looking for Matching Phrases

Now you have the sentence you want to parse and the substitutions have been performed. The next step is to find the phrases that are suitable as responses to the chosen sentence and to pick one at random.

Let’s extend response_to again:
def response_to(input)
  prepared_input = preprocess(input.downcase)
  sentence = best_sentence(prepared_input)
  responses = possible_responses(sentence)
and implement possible_responses:
def possible_responses(sentence)
  responses = []
  # Find all patterns to try to match against
  @data[:responses].keys.each do |pattern|
    next unless pattern.is_a?(String)
    # For each pattern, see if the supplied sentence contains
    # a match. Remove substitution symbols (*) before checking.
    # Push all responses to the responses array.
    if sentence.match('' + pattern.gsub(/*/, '') + '')
      responses << @data[:responses][pattern]
  # If there were no matches, add the default ones
  responses << @data[:responses][:default] if responses.empty?
  # Flatten the blocks of responses to a flat array

possible_responses accepts a single sentence and then uses the string keys within the :responses hash to check for matches. Whenever the sentence has a match with a key from :responses, the various suitable responses are pushed onto the responses array. This array is flattened so that a single array is returned.

If no specifically matched responses are found, the default ones (found in :responses with the :default key) are used.

Putting Together the Final Phrase

You now have all the pieces available in response_to to put together the final response. Let’s choose a random phrase from responses to use:
def response_to(input)
  prepared_input = preprocess(input.downcase)
  sentence = best_sentence(prepared_input)
  responses = possible_responses(sentence)
If you weren’t doing any substitutions against the pronoun-switched sentence, this version of response_to would be the final one. However, your bot has the capability to use some of the user’s input in its responses. A section of your dummy bot data looked like this:
'i like *' => [
  "Why do you like *?",
  "Wow! I like * too!"

This rule matches when the user says “I like.” The first possible response—“Why do you like *?”—contains an asterisk symbol that you’ll use to substitute in part of the user’s sentence in conjunction with the pronoun-switching method you developed in WordPlay earlier.

For example, a user might say, “I like to talk to you.” If the pronouns were switched, you’d get “You like to talk to me.” If the segment following “You like” were substituted into the first possible response, you’d end up with “Why do you like to talk to me?” This is a great response that compels the user to continue typing and demonstrates the power of the pronoun-switching technique.

Therefore, if the chosen response contains an asterisk (the character you’re using as a placeholder in response phrases), you’ll need to substitute the relevant part of the original sentence into the phrase and perform pronoun switching on that part.

Here’s the new version of possible_responses with the changes in bold:
def possible_responses(sentence)
  responses = []
# Find all patterns to try to match against
  @data[:responses].keys.each do |pattern|
    next unless pattern.is_a?(String)
    # For each pattern, see if the supplied sentence contains
    # a match. Remove substitution symbols (*) before checking.
    # Push all responses to the responses array.
    if sentence.match('' + pattern.gsub(/*/, '') + '')
      # If the pattern contains substitution placeholders,
      # perform the substitutions
      if pattern.include?('*')
        responses << @data[:responses][pattern].collect do |phrase|
          # First, erase everything before the placeholder
          # leaving everything after it
          matching_section = sentence.sub(/^.*#{pattern}s+/, '')
          # Then substitute the text after the placeholder, with
          # the pronouns switched
          phrase.sub('*', WordPlay.switch_pronouns(matching_section))
        # No placeholders? Just add the phrases to the array
        responses << @data[:responses][pattern]
  # If there were no matches, add the default ones
  responses << @data[:responses][:default] if responses.empty?
  # Flatten the blocks of responses to a flat array

This new version of possible_responses checks to see if the pattern contains an asterisk, and if so, extracts the correct part of the source sentence to use into matching_section, switches the pronouns on that section, and then substitutes that into each relevant phrase.

Playing with the Bot

You have the basic methods implemented in the Bot class, so let’s play with it asis before looking at extending it any further. The first step is to prepare a better set of data for the bot to use so that your conversations can be more engaging than those with the dummy test data shown earlier in this chapter.

Fred: Your Bot’s Personality

In this section, you’re going to tweak the bot_data_to_yaml.rb script you created earlier to generate a YAML file for your first bot to use. Its name will be Fred, and you’ll generate a bot data file called fred.bot. Here’s bot_data_to_yaml.rb extended with a better set of phrases and substitutions:
require 'yaml'
bot_data = {
  :presubs => [
    ["dont", "do not"],
    ["don't", "do not"],
    ["youre", "you're"],
    ["love", "like"],
    ["apologize", "are sorry"],
    ["dislike", "hate"],
    ["despise", "hate"],
    ["yeah", "yes"],
    ["mom", "family"]
  :responses => {
    :default     => [
      "I don't understand.",
      "Tell me about something else.",
      "I'm tired of this. Change the subject."
    :greeting    => [
      "Hi. I'm [name]. Want to chat?",
      "What's on your mind today?",
      "Hi. What would you like to talk about?"
    :farewell    => ["Good bye!", "Au revoir!"],
    'hello'      => [
      "How's it going?",
      "How do you do?",
      "Enough of the pleasantries!"
    'sorry'      => ["There's no need to apologize."],
    'different'  => [
      "How is it different?",
      "What has changed?"
    'everyone *' => ["You think everyone *?"],
    'do not know'=> ["Are you always so indecisive?"],
    'yes' => [
      "At least you're positive about something!",
    'family'     => ["Tell me about your family"],
    'you are *'  => [
      "What makes you think I am *?",
      "Are you so sure I am *?"
    'i am *'     => [
      "Is it normal for you to be *?",
      "Do you like being *?"
    'i do not *' => ["Why don't you *?"],
    'what'       => ["Why do you ask?", "Why?", "I don't know. Do you?"],
    'no'         => [
      "Fair enough."
    'why does *' => [
      "I don't know why *",
      "Do you already know the answer?"
    'why can't i *' => ["Do you want to *?"],
    'why can't you *' => ["Do you want me to *?"],
    'hates *'   => [
      "Why do you think they hate *?"
    'hate *'    => [
      "Why don't you like *?",
      "Why the dislike of *?"
    'i like *'  => [
      "Why do you like *?",
      "Wow! I like * too!"
# Show the user the YAML data for the bot structure
puts bot_data.to_yaml
# Write the YAML data to file
f = File.open(ARGV.first || 'bot_data', "w")
f.puts bot_data.to_yaml

If you run this with ruby bot_data_to_yaml.rb fred.bot, you’ll end up with a bot data file called fred.bot that contains the necessary data to converse with a basic bot.

The First Real Conversation

Here’s a basic program—we’ll refer to it as basic_client.rb—that can use the Bot class, which reads input from the keyboard and prints the bot’s responses to the screen:
require_relative 'bot'
bot = Bot.new(name: 'Fred', data_file: 'fred.bot')
puts bot.greeting
while input = gets and input.chomp != 'end'
  puts '>> ' + bot.response_to(input)
puts bot.farewell

The full code for bot.rb is provided a little later in the chapter, so if you run into problems, check it out in case the code you have implemented is missing anything.

It’s almost the same as the script we thought of before implementing the Bot class. You used the method names dictated by that program and made it fit. (The completed source for the Bot class is provided in the next section if you want to refer to it.)

Without further ado, give it a try and see if you can have a conversation. Here’s a demonstration run:
Hi. What would you like to talk about?
I don't know
>> Are you always so indecisive?
Yes, usually
>> Great.
I'm sorry!
>> There's no need to apologize.
So why can't you talk to me properly?
>> Do you want me to talk to you properly?
>> At least you're positive about something!
I don't know about that
>> Are you always so indecisive?
Woe is me, why can't I make decisions?
>> Do you want to make decisions?
Everyone does
>> You think everyone does?

The bot works! The conversation might be a little stilted and manipulated to use some of the phrases and words covered by your dataset, but with this basic mechanism, and a dataset extended even further, significantly more complex conversations would be possible. Unfortunately, it’s outside the scope of this book to provide a large dataset.

In the next section, the final code for the basic bot is presented, and then you’ll see how you can extend the bot’s functionality further.

Main Bot Code Listing

This section makes available the full source code to the Bot class, bot.rb, including extra documentation that RDoc can use. Also included is the source to a basic bot client that you can use to converse with a bot on a one-on-one basis using the keyboard from the command line.


You will also need the WordPlay class we wrote earlier.

As this code is commented, as opposed to the examples so far in this chapter, I recommend you at least browse through the following code to get a feel for how the entire program operates as a set of parts.


You can also find these listings available to download in the Source Code/Download area of www.apress.com/.


Here’s the source code for the main Bot class :
require 'yaml'
require_relative 'wordplay'
# A basic implementation of a chatterbot
class Bot
  attr_reader :name
  # Initializes the bot object, loads in the external YAML data
  # file and sets the bot's name. Raises an exception if
  # the data loading process fails.
  def initialize(options)
    @name = options[:name] || "Unnamed Bot"
      @data = YAML.load(File.open(options[:data_file]).read)
      raise "Can't load bot data"
  # Returns a random greeting as specified in the bot's data file
  def greeting
  # Returns a random farewell message as specified in the bot's
  # data file
  def farewell
  # Responds to input text as given by a user
  def response_to(input)
    prepared_input = preprocess(input.downcase)
    sentence = best_sentence(prepared_input)
    reversed_sentence = WordPlay.switch_pronouns(sentence)
    responses = possible_responses(sentence)
  # Chooses a random response phrase from the :responses hash
  # and substitutes metadata into the phrase
  def random_response(key)
    random_index = rand(@data[:responses][key].length)
    @data[:responses][key][random_index].gsub(/[name]/, @name)
  # Performs preprocessing tasks upon all input to the bot
  def preprocess(input)
  # Substitutes words and phrases on supplied input as dictated by
  # the bot's :presubs data
  def perform_substitutions(input)
    @data[:presubs].each { |s| input.gsub!(s[0], s[1]) }
  # Using the single word keys from :responses, we search for the
  # sentence that uses the most of them, as it's likely to be the
  # 'best' sentence to parse
  def best_sentence(input)
    hot_words = @data[:responses].keys.select do |k|
      k.class == String && k =~ /^w+$/
    WordPlay.best_sentence(input.sentences, hot_words)
  # Using a supplied sentence, go through the bot's :responses
  # data set and collect together all phrases that could be
  # used as responses
  def possible_responses(sentence)
    responses = []
  # Find all patterns to try to match against
  @data[:responses].keys.each do |pattern|
    next unless pattern.is_a?(String)
    # For each pattern, see if the supplied sentence contains
    # a match. Remove substitution symbols (*) before checking.
    # Push all responses to the responses array.
      if sentence.match('' + pattern.gsub(/*/, '') + '')
        # If the pattern contains substitution placeholders,
        # perform the substitutions
        if pattern.include?('*')
          responses << @data[:responses][pattern].collect do |phrase|
            # First, erase everything before the placeholder
            # leaving everything after it
            matching_section = sentence.sub(/^.*#{pattern}s+/, '')
            # Then substitute the text after the placeholder, with
            # the pronouns switched
            phrase.sub('*', WordPlay.switch_pronouns(matching_section))
          # No placeholders? Just add the phrases to the array
          responses << @data[:responses][pattern]
    # If there were no matches, add the default ones
    responses << @data[:responses][:default] if responses.empty?
    # Flatten the blocks of responses to a flat array


This basic client accepts input from the user via the keyboard and prints the bot’s responses back to the screen. This is the simplest form of client possible:
require_relative 'bot'
bot = Bot.new(name: ARGV[0], data_file: ARGV[1])
puts bot.greeting
while input = $stdin.gets and input.chomp != 'end'
  puts '>> ' + bot.response_to(input)
puts bot.farewell
Use the client like so:
ruby basic_client.rb <bot name><data file>

You can find listings for basic web, bot-to-bot, and text file clients in the next section of this chapter, “Extending the Bot.”

Extending the Bot

One significant benefit of keeping all your bot’s functionality well separated within its own class and with multiple interoperating methods is that you can tweak and add functionality easily. In this section, we’re going to look at some ways we can easily extend the basic bot’s functionality to handle other input sources than just the keyboard.

When you began to create the core Bot class, you looked at a sample client application that accepted input from the keyboard, passed it on to the bot, and printed the response. This simple structure demonstrated how abstracting separate sections of an application into loosely coupled classes makes applications easier to amend and extend. You can use this loose coupling to create clients that work with other forms of input.


When designing larger applications, it’s useful to keep in mind the usefulness of loosely coupling the different sections so that if the specifications or requirements change over time, it doesn’t require a major rewrite of any code to achieve the desired result.

Using Text Files As a Source of Conversation

You could create an entire one-sided conversation in a text file and pass it in to a bot to test how different bots respond to the same conversation. Consider the following example:
require_relative 'bot'
bot = Bot.new(name: ARGV[0], data_file: ARGV[1])
user_lines = File.readlines(ARGV[2])
puts "#{bot.name} says: " + bot.greeting
user_lines.each do |line|
  puts "You say: " + line
  puts "#{bot.name} says:" + bot.response_to(line)

This program accepts the bot’s name, data filename, and conversation filename as command-line arguments, reads in the user-side conversation into an array, and loops through the array, passing each line to the bot in turn.

Connecting the Bot to the Web

One common thing to do with many applications is tie them up to the Web so that anyone can use them. This is a reasonably trivial process using the WEBrick library covered in Chapter 10:
require 'webrick'
require_relative 'bot'
# Class that responds to HTTP/Web requests and interacts with the bot
class BotServlet < WEBrick::HTTPServlet::AbstractServlet
  # A basic HTML template consisting of a basic page with a form
  # and text entry box for the user to converse with our bot. It uses
  # some placeholder text (%RESPONSE%) so the bot's responses can be
  # substituted in easily later.
  @@html = %q{
<form method="get">
<h1>Talk To A Bot</h1>
<b>You say:</b><input type="text" name="line" size="40" />
<input type="submit" />
  def do_GET(request, response)
    # Mark the request as successful and set MIME type to support HTML
    response.status = 200
    response.content_type = "text/html"
    # If the user supplies some text, respond to it
    if request.query['line'] && request.query['line'].length > 1
      bot_text = $bot.response_to(request.query['line'].chomp)
      bot_text = $bot.greeting
    # Format the text and substitute into the HTML template
    bot_text = %Q{<p><b>I say:</b> #{bot_text}</p>}
    response.body = @@html.sub(/\%RESPONSE\%/, bot_text)
# Create an HTTP server on port 1234 of the local machine
# accessible via http://localhost:1234/ or
server = WEBrick::HTTPServer.new( :Port => 1234 )
$bot = Bot.new(name: "Fred", data_file: "fred.bot")
server.mount "/", BotServlet
trap("INT"){ server.shutdown }
Upon running this script, you can talk to the bot using your web browser by visiting or http://localhost:1234/. An example of what this should look like is shown in Figure 12-3.
Figure 12-3

Accessing the bot web client with a web browse

Alternatively, you could create a CGI script (called bot.cgi, or similar) that could be used with any web hosting provider that provides Ruby as a supported language:
#!/usr/bin/env ruby
require_relative 'bot'
require 'cgi'
# A basic HTML template creating a basic page with a forum and text
# entry box for the user to converse with our bot. It uses some
# placeholder text (%RESPONSE%) so the bot's responses can be
# substituted in easily later
html = %q{
<form method="get">
<h1>Talk To A Bot</h1>
<b>You say:</b><input type="text" name="line" size="40" />
<input type="submit" />
# Set up the CGI environment and make the parameters easy to access
cgi = CGI.new
params = cgi.params
line = params['line'] && params['line'].first
bot = Bot.new(name: "Fred", data_file: "fred.bot")
# If the user supplies some text, respond to it
if line && line.length > 1
  bot_text = bot.response_to(line.chomp)
  bot_text = bot.greeting
# Format the text and substitute into the HTML template
# as well as sending the MIME header for HTML support
bot_text = %Q{<p><b>I say:</b> #{bot_text}</p>}
puts "Content-type: text/html "
puts html.sub(/\%RESPONSE\%/, bot_text)

You also need to make sure you upload the bot.rb, wordplay.rb, and bot data file(s).

Bot-to-Bot Conversations

As well as letting users interact with the bot, you can let bots interact with each other! Because it only takes a single method on the bot instance to elicit a response, you can pipe responses back and forth between two bots with just a few lines of code:
require_relative 'bot'
fred = Bot.new(name: 'Fred', data_file: 'fred.bot')
chris = Bot.new(name: 'Chris', data_file: 'fred.bot')
r = fred.greeting
10.times do
  puts "#{fred.name} said: " + r
  r = chris.response_to(r)
  puts "#{chris.name} said: " + r
  r = fred.response_to(r)
This could result in the following conversation (it will vary due to the randomness of some of the multiple responses available in the data files):
Fred said: Hi. What would you like to talk about?
Chris said: Why?
Fred said: What?
Chris said: I don't know. Do you?
Fred said: What?
Chris said: Why do you ask?
Fred said: I don't understand.
Chris said: Tell me about something else.
Fred said: Tell me about something else.
Chris said: Tell me about something else.
Fred said: I'm tired of this. Change the subject.
Chris said: What?
Fred said: Why?
Chris said: Tell me about something else.
Fred said: I don't understand.
Chris said: What?
Fred said: Why do you ask?
Chris said: What?
Fred said: Why?
Chris said: Huh?

It’s not the greatest conversation ever seen, but it’s certainly entertaining to see two ersatz therapists getting along with each other. Of course, if you manage to develop two bots that actually have an engrossing conversation, you’ll be on the path to artificial intelligence stardom!

The key problem with your bot’s data is that none of the default data contains any keywords that can be picked up by other phrases, so both bots are locked in a loop of throwing default phrases at each other. That’s why it’s important to extend the basic set of data if you want to use the bot for anything that looks impressive!


In this chapter, we looked at developing a simple chatterbot, developed a library along the way, produced tests for the library, worked with storing our bot’s vocabulary in an external file, and looked at a number of ways to extend our project with databases or by hooking it up to a website.

This chapter marks the end of the second part of this book, and you should now have enough Ruby knowledge to pass as a solid, yet still learning, Ruby developer. You should be able to understand the majority of Ruby documentation available online and be able to use Ruby productively either professionally or for fun.

Part 3 of this book digs a little deeper into Ruby’s libraries and frameworks, from Ruby on Rails and the Web to general networking and library use. Chapter 16, which looks at a plethora of different Ruby libraries and how to use them, will be particularly useful to refer to as you develop your own programs, so that you don’t reinvent the wheel too often!

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