Alex Libby
Beginning SVGA Practical Introduction to SVG using Real-World Examples
Alex Libby
Rugby, Warwickshire, UK
ISBN 978-1-4842-3759-5e-ISBN 978-1-4842-3760-1
Library of Congress Control Number: 2018955493
© Alex Libby 2018
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This is dedicated to my family, with thanks for their love and support whilst writing this book.


Beginning SVG is for people who want to learn how to create and manipulate SVG content in the browser quickly, natively, or by using third-party tools such as Snap.js.

Originally released back in 2001, it has only gained real-world acceptance within the last few years, as an easy-to-edit, convenient format for displaying scalable content without loss of quality. Over the course of this book, I’ll take you on a journey through using the format, showing you how easy it is to create and edit reusable shapes and text, using the format. We’ll cover such diverse topics as animating content, creating custom filters, optimizing it for efficiency – right through to some real-world examples that you can use as a basis for future projects. This book will provide you will a solid grounding in using SVG as a format, with lots of simple exercises to help you develop your skills using SVG as a format.

Beginning SVG is for the website developer who is keen to learn how to use SVG to quickly produce dynamic visual effects in the browser, without the need to use or learn packages such as Adobe Illustrator. It’s ideal for those in Agile development teams, where time is of the essence, and the pressure is on to deliver results rapidly. It’s perfect for those developers who want to focus on producing great effects or content but who don’t want to have to rely on using lots of external resources, or others to style content such as images when it can easily be done in the browser.


Writing a book can be a long but rewarding process; it is not possible to complete it without the help of other people. I would like to offer a huge vote of thanks to my editors, but in particular Nancy Chen and Louise Corrigan, and with Zach Inglis as technical reviewer – all three have made writing this book for Apress a painless and enjoyable process, even with all of the edits!

My thanks also to my family for being so understanding and supporting me while writing – it requires a lot of late nights alone, so their words of encouragement (and also from Nancy and Louise) have been a real help in getting to the end and producing the finished result that you now have in your hands.

Table of Contents

Part II: In More Detail
Part III: Putting SVG to Use

About the Author and About the Technical Reviewer

About the Author

Alex Libby

is a Digital Ops / MVT developer, working for a global distributor based in the United Kingdom. Although Alex gets to play with different technologies in his day job, his first true love has always been with the open source movement, and in particular experimenting with front-end frameworks and libraries. To date, Alex has written a host of books on subjects such as jQuery, HTML5 Video, SASS, and PostCSS. In his spare time, Alex can often be found putting on shows at his local theater, or out and about on his bike (and with his camera).


About the Technical Reviewer

Zach Inglis

is a web design and developer hybrid. He started teaching himself design and programming 19 years ago and hasn’t looked back since. As one-half of design agency Superhero Studios ( ), Zach takes care of web and print design, branding, and business strategy for a wide range of large and small clients. Zach was also co-organizer of HybridConf, an inclusive conference dedicated to bridging the gap between design and development.

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