Automatic Scaling

Secondly, serverless computing has automatic scaling by default. The routing system in a serverless service like Azure Functions will detect how many requests are coming in and deploy the serverless code to more servers when necessary. It will also reduce the number of servers all the way down to zero, if necessary. This is particularly useful if you are running an advertisement or a publicity stunt of some kind—half-time advertisements in the Premier League final, for example. Your backend can instantly scale to handle the massive influx of new users for this brief period of time, before returning to normal very quickly. It's also useful for separating out what would usually be a large, monolithic backend. Some of the parts of the backend will probably be used a lot more than others, but usually, you have to scale the whole thing manually to keep the most-utilized functions responsive. If each function is separated, automatically scaling it allows the developer to identify and optimize the most-used functions.

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