Lack of Low-Level Control

Finally, there is the issue of a lack of low-level control. If you are writing a low latency trading platform, then you may be used to accessing networking ports directly, manually allocating memory, and executing some commands using processor-specific code. Your own application might require similar low-level access, and this isn't possible in serverless computing. One thing to bear in mind, however, is that it's possible to have part of the application running on a server that you have low-level access to, and background parts of it running in a serverless function.

If an Azure Function isn't executed for a while, the function stops being deployed and the server gets reallocated to other work. When the next request comes in the function needs to deploy the code, warm up the server and execute the code, so it's slower. Inevitably, this leads to latency when the functions are triggered again, making serverless computing somewhat unsuitable for use cases that demand continuous low-latency. Also, by its very nature, serverless computing prevents you from accessing low level commands and the performance benefits that they can give. It's important to emphasize that this doesn't mean serverless computing is unbearably slow; it just means that applications that demand the utmost performance are unlikely to be suitable for serverless computing.

Overall, there is a clear benefit to using serverless computing, and particularly, Azure Serverless, especially if you use some of the tips detailed in the weaknesses section. The benefits are strong for both the developer and the business.

The serverless framework ( can help with vendor lock-in by making your serverless functions cross-cloud.

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