Deploying an Azure Function

An Azure Function is obviously geared towards being hosted on the Azure cloud, rather than locally or on your own computer. Visual Studio comes with a complete suite of tools to deploy and manage Azure services, and this includes full support for Azure Functions. The azure-functions-core-tools CLI that you downloaded to provide a local debug environment also has a set of tools for interacting with Azure Functions in the cloud, if you prefer CLIs. We will focus on using Visual Studio, but we will mention some of the equivalent methods in the CLI.

It is possible to run Azure Functions on your own servers, using the Azure Functions runtime. This is a good way to utilize the sunk cost that you have already spent on servers, combined with the unlimited scale that Azure offers (if demand exceeds your server capacity). It's probably only worth it in terms of cost if you have a significant amount of unused Windows server time, because this solution inevitably requires more management than normal Azure Function deployments.

To deploy to Azure, you will need an Azure login with a valid Azure subscription.
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