Activity: Creating a Function That Stores User Detail


You will need Visual Studio installed, with Azure development workload.


Creating a personalized application for users.


Create a function that stores user details.

Steps for Completion

  1. Create a new function, called PostUser, using the HttpTrigger template. If you are competent in another language, like JavaScript or F#, you can try creating it in that language.
  2. Create a new model called User. Think about what properties you'd like to include, but as a minimum, you will need an email address and a unique identifier (these can be the same property).
  3. Modify the function to decode a JSON-formatted request into this model.


You have a function ready to store user details.

Refer to the complete code placed at Code/Serverless-Architectureswith-Azure/Lesson 3/BeginningAzureServerlessArchitecture/Models/.

Before the transactions have taken place: User.cs:

After the transactions have taken place: PostUsers.cs:

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