© Jo Van Hoey 2019
J. Van HoeyBeginning x64 Assembly Programminghttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-5076-1_35

35. AVX

Jo Van Hoey1 
Hamme, Belgium

Advanced Vector Extensions (AVX) is an extension of SSE. Whereas SSE provides 16 xmm registers, each 128 bits wide, AVX offers 16 ymm registers, each 256 bits wide. The lower half of each ymm register is in fact the corresponding xmm register. The xmm registers are aliases of the ymm registers. AVX-512 is a further extension offering 32 zmm registers, each 512 bits wide.

In addition to these registers, AVX extends the SSE instructions and provides a whole range of additional new instructions. After you work your way through the SSE chapters in this book, you will not find it too difficult to navigate the large number of SSE and AVX instructions.

In this chapter, we will first explain which AVX version is supported by the processor, and then we will show an example program.

Test for AVX Support

Listing 35-1 shows a program to find out whether your CPU supports AVX.
; cpu_avx.asm
extern printf
section .data
      fmt_noavx    db      "This cpu does not support AVX.",10,0
      fmt_avx      db      "This cpu supports AVX.",10,0
      fmt_noavx2   db      "This cpu does not support AVX2.",10,0
      fmt_avx2     db      "This cpu supports AVX2.",10,0
      fmt_noavx512 db      "This cpu does not support AVX-512.",10,0
      fmt_avx512   db      "This cpu supports AVX-512.",10,0
section .bss
section .text
      global main
push  rbp
mov   rbp,rsp
      call   cpu_sse       ; returns 1 in rax if AVX supported, otherwise 0
push  rbp
mov   rbp,rsp
;test for avx
      mov    eax,1         ; request CPU feature flags
      mov    eax,28        ; test bit 28 in ecx
      bt     ecx,eax
      jnc    no_avx
      xor    rax,rax
      mov    rdi,fmt_avx
      call   printf
;test for avx2
      mov    eax,7         ; request CPU feature flags
      mov    ecx,0
      mov    eax,5         ; test bit 5 in ebx
      bt     ebx,eax
      jnc    the_exit
      xor    rax,rax
      mov    rdi,fmt_avx2
      call   printf
;test for avx512 foundation
      mov    eax,7         ; request CPU feature flags
      mov    ecx,0
      mov    eax,16        ; test bit 16 in ebx
      bt     ebx,eax
      jnc    no_avx512
      xor    rax,rax
      mov    rdi,fmt_avx512
      call   printf
      jmp    the_exit
      mov    rdi,fmt_noavx
      xor    rax,rax
      call   printf        ; displays message if AVX not available
      xor    rax,rax       ; returns 0, no AVX
      jmp    the_exit      ; and exits
      mov    rdi,fmt_noavx2
      xor    rax,rax
      call   printf        ; displays message if AVX not available
      xor    rax,rax       ; returns 0, no AVX
      jmp    the_exit      ; and exits
      mov    rdi,fmt_noavx512
      xor    rax,rax
      call   printf        ; displays message if AVX not available
      xor    rax,rax       ; returns 0, no AVX
      jmp    the_exit             ; and exits
Listing 35-1


This program is similar to the program we used to test for SSE support, but we have to look for AVX flags now. So, there is nothing special here; you can find more details of which registers to use and what information can be retrieved in the Intel manual, Volume 2, in the section on cpuid.

Figure 35-1 shows the output.
Figure 35-1

cpu_avx.asm output

Example AVX Program

Listing 35-2 is adapted from the SSE unaligned example in Chapter 28.
; avx_unaligned.asm
extern printf
section .data
      spvector1     dd    1.1
                    dd    2.1
                    dd    3.1
                    dd    4.1
                    dd    5.1
                    dd    6.1
                    dd    7.1
                    dd    8.1
      spvector2     dd    1.2
                    dd    1.2
                    dd    3.2
                    dd    4.2
                    dd    5.2
                    dd    6.2
                    dd    7.2
                    dd    8.2
      dpvector1     dq    1.1
                    dq    2.2
                    dq    3.3
                    dq    4.4
      dpvector2     dq    5.5
                    dq    6.6
                    dq    7.7
                    dq    8.8
      fmt1   db     "Single Precision Vector 1:",10,0
      fmt2   db     10,"Single Precision Vector 2:",10,0
      fmt3   db     10,"Sum of Single Precision Vector 1 and Vector 2:",10,0
      fmt4   db     10,"Double Precision Vector 1:",10,0
      fmt5   db     10,"Double Precision Vector 2:",10,0
      fmt6   db     10,"Sum of Double Precision Vector 1 and Vector 2:",10,0
section .bss
      spvector_res  resd   8
      dpvector_res  resq   4
section .text
      global main
push  rbp
mov   rbp,rsp
;load vector1 in the register ymm0
      vmovups       ymm0, [spvector1]
;extract ymm0
      vextractf128  xmm2,ymm0,0    ;first part of ymm0
      vextractf128  xmm2,ymm0,1    ;second part of ymm0
;load vector2 in the register ymm1
      vmovups       ymm1, [spvector2]
;extract ymm1
      vextractf128  xmm2,ymm1,0
      vextractf128  xmm2,ymm1,1
;add 2 single precision floating point vectors
      vaddps        ymm2,ymm0,ymm1
      vmovups [spvector_res],ymm2
;print the vectors
      mov    rdi,fmt1
      call   printf
      mov    rsi,spvector1
      call   printspfpv
      mov    rdi,fmt2
      call   printf
      mov    rsi,spvector2
      call   printspfpv
      mov    rdi,fmt3
      call   printf
      mov    rsi,spvector_res
      call   printspfpv
;load vector1 in the register ymm0
      vmovups       ymm0, [dpvector1]
;extract ymm0
      vextractf128  xmm2,ymm0,0    ;first part of ymm0
      vextractf128  xmm2,ymm0,1    ;second part of ymm0
;load vector2 in the register ymm1
      vmovups       ymm1, [dpvector2]
;extract ymm1
      vextractf128  xmm2,ymm1,0
      vextractf128  xmm2,ymm1,1
; add 2 double precision floating point vectors
      vaddpd        ymm2,ymm0,ymm1
      vmovupd       [dpvector_res],ymm2
;print the vectors
      mov    rdi,fmt4
      call   printf
      mov    rsi,dpvector1
      call   printdpfpv
      mov    rdi,fmt5
      call   printf
      mov    rsi,dpvector2
      call   printdpfpv
      mov    rdi,fmt6
      call   printf
      mov    rsi,dpvector_res
      call   printdpfpv
section .data
        .NL   db    10,0
        .fmt1       db    "%.1f,  ",0
section .text
push   rbp
mov    rbp,rsp
        push       rcx
        push       rbx
        mov        rcx,8
        mov        rbx,0
        mov        rax,1
        movss      xmm0,[rsi+rbx]
        cvtss2sd   xmm0,xmm0
        mov        rdi,.fmt1
        push       rsi
        push       rcx
        call       printf
        pop        rcx
        pop        rsi
        add        rbx,4
        loop       .loop
        xor        rax,rax
        mov        rdi,.NL
        call       printf
        pop        rbx
        pop        rcx
section .data
        .NL  db    10,0
        .fmt db    "%.1f,  %.1f,  %.1f,  %.1f",0
section .text
push   rbp
mov    rbp,rsp
       mov    rdi,.fmt
       mov    rax,4  ; four floats
       call   printf
       mov    rdi,.NL
       call   printf
Listing 35-2


In this program, we use the 256-bit ymm registers and some new instructions. For example, we use vmovups to put unaligned data in a ymm register. We use SASM to view the registers. After the vmovups instructions, ymm0 contains the following:
Here is what it looks like converted to decimal:
{4.1  3.1  2.1  1.1  ,   8.1  7.1  6.1  5.1}

Look at where the values are stored, which can be confusing.

Just for the sake of the demo, we extract data from a ymm register, and we use vextractf128 to put packed floating-point values from ymm0 to xmm2, 128 bits at a time. You could use extractps to further extract floating-point values and store them in general-purpose registers.

New are instructions with three operands, as shown here:
      vaddps ymm2,ymm0,ymm1

Add ymm1 to ymm0 and store the result in ymm2.

The print functions simply load the values from memory into an xmm register, convert single precision to double precision where needed, and then call printf.

Figure 35-2 shows the output.
Figure 35-2

avx_unaligned.asm output


In this chapter, you learned about the following:
  • How to determine CPU support for AVX

  • That AVX uses 16 256-bit ymm registers

  • That the 128-bit xmm registers are aliased ymm registers

  • How to extract values from ymm registers

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