
  • A/B subject-line testing
  • Acquisition
  • AdWords
  • Age, and relevance vs. privacy concerns
  • AlchemyAPI
  • Amazon
  • Amazon Prime
  • American Marketing Association
  • Android
  • Apple
  • Application programming interface (API)
  • Arby's
  • Art, marketing as
  • Audience segmentation,. See also Segmentation
  • Authenticity
  • Automated programs:
    • definition of
    • rounding out digital enhancements with
  • Automation:
    • for data capture/hygiene
    • email
    • by Silverpop
    • use of, in campaign creation
  • B2B marketing, see Business-to-business marketing
  • B2C marketing, see Business-to-customer marketing
  • BabiesRUs
  • Basic segmentation rules
  • Batch-and-blast marketing
  • “Batch and blast” marketing
  • Baumgartner, Felix
  • Behavior, as key to marketing
  • Behavioral marketing, reasons for focusing on
  • Behavioral marketing campaigns, examples of
  • Behavioral marketing manifesto
  • Behavioral marketing quotient
  • Behavioral scoring
  • Best Friend Brand(s)
    • Creative Market as
    • definition of
    • Delta Air Lines
    • eBags as
    • GILT Group as
    • prospect nurturing by
    • research on
    • Spotify as
  • Blacklists
  • Branch, Allan
  • Brands and branding. See also Best Friend Brand(s)
    • personal brands
    • and social networks
  • Brand voice
  • Browse abandon:
    • definition of
    • as digital enhancement
    • in marketing campaign
  • Budgeting
  • Buffer
  • The Bulletin
  • Burnett, Leo
  • Business challenge(s):
    • budgeting as
    • data capture and hygiene as
  • Business-to-business (B2B) marketing
    • and acquisition
    • and automation
    • with deep considerers
    • and nurture marketing
    • and path to first purchase
    • and prospect nurturing
    • and segmentation
  • Business-to-customer (B2C) marketing
    • and acquisition of B2C brands
    • and prospect nurturing
  • Business value, adding
  • Buying habits, customers’
  • Buy now links, clicks on
  • Call centers
  • Campaign creation
    • great creative in
    • importance of segmentation of
    • logic and queries in
    • and use of automation
  • Career success
    • and getting promoted
    • and your personal brand
  • Carpet-bombing prospecting
  • Cart abandon:
    • definition of
    • as digital enhancement
  • Cart abandon content
  • Catalog marketing
  • Centralized customer databases
  • Challenging environment(s)
    • documenting in
    • experimenting in
    • planning in
    • small company as
    • working alone as
  • Change(s):
    • leadership
    • making incremental
    • scaling
  • Channels
    • call centers
    • direct mail
    • e-mail
    • mix of, for measurement/optimization
    • mobile applications
    • sales
    • social networks
  • Channel delivery
  • Children's Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)
  • Click-through rates (CTRs)
  • Click-to-open rate (CTOR)
  • Clothing retailers
  • CLV, see Customer lifetime value
  • CMOs:
    • hiring by
    • in marketing reporting structure
    • new
    • role of
  • CMS (Content Management System)
  • College degrees
  • Comcast
  • Communication:
    • fragmentation of, with mobile apps
    • and leading the conversation
  • Company size
  • Completed records, percentage of
  • Constructive dissatisfaction
  • Consumer packaged goods (CPG) companies
  • Consumer Reports
  • Content Management System (CMS)
  • Content strategy
    • for acquisition
    • customer interaction points in
    • definition of
    • with postpurchase campaigns
    • for prospect nurturing
    • responsibility for
    • for retention/loyalty
  • Conversion rate
  • Corporate Executive Board
  • Cost-per-acquisition (CPA)
  • Cost-per-click (CPC)
  • Cost per thousand (CPM)
  • Cost-to-serve models
  • CPA (cost-per-acquisition)
  • CPC (cost-per-click)
  • CPG (consumer packaged goods) companies
  • CPM, see Cost per thousand
  • Creative, great
  • Creative function
  • Creative Market
  • Credit score, as demographic factor
  • CRM (customer relations management)
  • CRM systems
  • Cross-channel activation
  • Cross-sell offers
  • Customers, buying habits of
  • Customer focus
  • Customer IDs
  • Customer interaction points
  • Customer journey mapping
    • acquisition
    • and building new programs
    • current state of
    • and optimizing existing programs
    • path to first purchase
    • path to repeat purchase
    • steps in
    • and understanding stakeholder relationships
    • using data analysis for
  • Customer lifetime value (CLV)
  • Customer relations management (CRM)
  • Customer support, social networks and
  • Dark conversions
  • Data analysis
  • Database marketing managers
  • Data capture and hygiene
    • and business challenges
    • customer ID scheme for
    • dedicated staff for
    • and focus on capture vs. hygiene
    • importance of
    • key tactics with
    • master database for
    • program automation capability for
    • science vs. art of
    • segmentation rules for
  • Data schemas
  • Datasift
  • Deep considerers
  • Deliverability
  • Delta Air Lines
  • Delta SkyDining
  • Delta Sky Miles
  • Demographics
  • Digital marketing
  • Digitas
  • Direct mail
  • Directors:
    • hiring
    • in marketing reporting structure
    • and planning
    • role of
  • Disinterested recipients
  • Documenting, in challenging environments
  • DoubleClick
  • Dove
  • Dunbar, Robin
  • Dyson
  • eBags
  • Efficiency
  • 80/20 rule
  • E-mail
  • Email:
    • mixing, with other channels
    • mobile vs.
    • opening
    • two-touch postpurchase email campaign
  • Email Benchmark Report
  • Email channel
  • Email marketing
  • Email platforms
  • Email service providers (ESPs)
  • Engage 8 (marketing platform)
  • “Engagement” score
  • Enterprise resource planning (ERP)
  • ESPs (email service providers)
  • European Union
  • Events, in-store
  • Executives:
    • and increased sales
    • lack of support from
  • Experimenting, in challenging environments
  • Explicit preferences
  • Facebook
  • Failure, reasons for
  • Families
  • Farris, Paul
  • Federal Trade Commission
  • First-purchase path
  • Fishkin, Rand
  • Flickr
  • Formula One
  • Foursquare
  • Freemium model
  • Gender
  • Getting started
  • GILT Group
  • Gmail
  • Google
  • Google+
  • Google Analytics
  • Google Glass
  • GPS
  • Graco
  • Great Recession of 2008
  • “Grit,”
  • Groupon
  • Harvard Business Review
  • Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPPA)
  • Hertz
  • Hickey Freeman
  • Hilton Honors
  • Hilton Hotels
  • Hiring practices
  • Home ownership, as demographic factor
  • Hoover
  • Hotmail
  • HTML
  • IBM
  • IBM Commerce group
  • IKEA
  • Implicit preferences
  • Inbox, mobile app
  • Incremental changes, making
  • InsideView
  • Instagram
  • In-store events
  • In-store sales
  • Interactive voice response (IVR)
  • Internal support, lack of
  • Internet Service Providers (ISPs)
  • Intuit
  • iOS
  • IP addresses
  • ISPs, see Internet Service Providers
  • IT
  • IVR, see Interactive voice response
  • JavaScript
  • John Varvatos
  • Key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • Kroger
  • Leadership changes
  • Lead generation
  • Lead Generation Cards
  • Leading the conversation
  • LessAccounting
  • Lexus
  • LinkedIn
  • Lists, growing your
  • Listening
  • Logic (in campaign creation)
  • Loyalty, content strategy for
  • Loyalty programs
  • Macy's
  • Managers:
    • hiring
    • in marketing reporting structure
    • role of
  • Managing upwards, see Challenging environment(s)
  • Market dynamics
  • Marketing:
    • art vs. science in
    • definition of
  • Marketing analysts
  • Marketing channels, see Channels
  • Marketing function
  • Marketing Metrics (Farris)
  • Marketing qualified leads (MQLs)
  • Marketing team
    • and data capture/hygiene
    • hiring/grooming managers for
    • key attributes for members of
    • pushing your
  • Master database
  • Measurement and optimization
    • with completed records
    • constructive dissatisfaction with
    • with deep considerers
    • with disinterested recipients
    • key metrics for
    • mixing channels for
    • with raving fans
    • with repeat purchasers
    • and scoring
  • Microsoft Dynamics
  • Mobile applications (mobile apps)
    • email vs.
    • and fragmentation of communication
    • and history of mobile
    • mixing, with other channels
    • notifications with
    • and operating system
    • SMS vs.
  • Mobile platforms
  • Moz
  • Multichannel users
  • Multitouch nurture programs
  • Net Promoter® Score
  • NetSuite
  • New programs, building
  • “Next Six” method
  • Nike
  • Nokia
  • Nordstrom
  • Notifications (mobile apps)
  • Nurture marketing
  • Nussey, Bill
  • Online sales, in-store vs.
  • Operating systems
  • Optimizing existing programs, customer journey mapping and
  • Oracle
  • Outsourced (sitcom)
  • Paid media, mixing, with other channels
  • Path (application)
  • Path to first purchase
  • Path to repeat purchase
  • Personal brand, your
  • Personalization:
    • assessing your marketing
    • in email marketing
  • Pinterest
  • Planning:
    • in challenging environments
    • importance of
  • Point-of-sale (POS) systems
  • Postpurchase campaigns
  • Potential, hiring for
  • Preferences, implicit vs. explicit
  • Presales research
  • Privacy, relevance vs., for young consumers
  • Program enhancement
  • Promoted, getting
  • “Propensity-to-buy” score
  • Prospect nurturing
  • Push notifications
  • Queries (in campaign creation)
  • QuickBooks
  • The Quiet Revolution in Email Marketing (Nussey)
  • Ranking models
  • Raving fans
  • Red Bull
  • Reddit
  • Regression analysis
  • Relentless, being
  • Relevance, privacy vs., for young consumers
  • Repeat-path purchase
  • Repeat purchasers
  • Requests for proposals (RFPs)
  • Research, presales
  • Results, underwhelming
  • Retail sales
  • Retention, content strategy for
  • Return on investment (ROI)
  • Revenue
  • Revenue per transaction
  • RFPs (requests for proposals)
  • ROI, see Return on investment
  • Salaries
  • Sales
  • Salesforce
  • Sales-qualified leads (SQLs)
  • Samsung
  • SAP
  • Satmetrix
  • Scaling change
  • Scoring:
    • of audience segments
    • automation of
    • as functionality
    • and measurement/optimization
  • Search engine optimization (SEO)
  • Segmentation:
    • audience
    • and data capture/hygiene
    • importance of, in campaign creation
  • SEO (search engine optimization)
  • Short message service (SMS)
    • mixing, with other channels
    • mobile vs.
  • SIC (standard industrial classification) codes
  • Silverpop
    • automation by
    • nurture marketing by
    • prospect nurturing by
    • query engine of
    • and SaaS model
  • Simple mail transfer protocol (SMTP)
  • SiriusDecisions
  • SKUs
  • Small organizations, working in
  • SMS, see Short message service
  • SMTP (simple mail transfer protocol)
  • Snapchat
  • Social networks
    • and brand vs. support
    • choosing
    • human touch factor needed in
    • and marketing vs. listening
    • mixing, with other channels
  • Social proof
  • “Social proofing,”
  • Software-as-a-service (SaaS)
  • SPAM
  • Spamhaus
  • Specialists:
    • hiring
    • in marketing reporting structure
    • role of
  • Spotify
  • SQL, see Sales-qualified leads; Structured Query Language
  • Square
  • Stakeholder relationships, understanding
  • Standard industrial classification (SIC) codes
  • Starbucks
  • Starwood
  • Structured Query Language (SQL)
  • Subject-line enhancements
  • Success:
    • career
    • keys to
  • Success rate, assessing your marketing
  • SVPs:
    • hiring by
    • in marketing reporting structure
    • new
  • Target
  • Team, marketing, see Marketing team
  • Technology
  • Technology stack
  • Technology upgrades
  • Time, insufficient
  • “Top-kill” value
  • Tracking, audience
  • Tradeshows
  • Tribal DDB
  • Triggered messages
  • Tumblr
  • Tumi Luggage
  • Twitter
  • Two-touch postpurchase email campaign
  • United States Postal Service
  • University of Oxford
  • UPS
  • Vine
  • Vision
  • VPs. See also SVPs
    • in marketing reporting structure
    • and planning
    • role of
  • Vtrenz
  • Wayne, Lil
  • Website purchase pages, visits to
  • Website visits, data on
  • Web tracking
  • Welcome campaign, as digital enhancement
  • Whiteboard Friday
  • Working alone
  • Xfinity
  • YouTube
  • Zappos
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