
The authors would like to extend their grateful thanks to Marvin Andronicus, Hal Barwood, Ashley Beitel, Chris Bennett, Eric Bethke, Jane Booth, Darryl Brock, Chip Bruce, Al Chang, Kevin Clark, Ben Cowley, Peter Crowther, Lydia and Barry Dobyns, Lura Dolas, Corvus Elrod, Judith Savina Falstein, Bill Fulton, Lee Gilmore, Russ Glaser, Brian “Psychochild” Green, Joe Greenstein, Joe Hewitt, the members of International Game Developers Association’s (IGDA) Game Accessibility Special Interest Group (especially Mark Barlet, Kasey Bryant, Kevin Bierre, Barrie Ellis, Eelke Folmer, Giannis Georgalis, Reid Kimball, Richard Van Tol, Stephanie Walker, and Thomas Westin), Kevin Jones, Kevin Keeker, Shiela Kim, Raph Koster, Jeremy Liew, Becca Lowenhaupt, Ron Meiners, Steve Meretzky, Jerry Michalski, Rand Miller, Cliff Nass, Patricia Pizer, Jeff Pobst, Kent Quirk, Ben Rattray, Brian Robbins, Noah Schaffer, Charlene Saulter, Christopher Schoenherr, Michael Sellers, Jenny Singleton, Ann Smulka, Michael Steele, Mark Terrano, Gordon Walton, Richard A. Watson, Elisabeth Watson, Roderick Woodruff, Will Wright, and Adria Smiley.

The editors would also like to offer grateful thanks to Moby Games ( for their invaluable record of videogame details, the Wikipedia ( for similar information, and the Killer List of Videogames (, for their comprehensive list of arcade games, which were used extensively in referencing videogame titles in this book.

Finally, the authors would like to offer eternal thanks to game developers everywhere without whom a book like this would be utterly meaningless.

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