
Excellence Found

What is the greatest invention of all time? In our view, it isn't the wheel, it is the organization: people working together toward a common goal. Organizations can achieve feats that go far beyond anything that individuals can accomplish alone. As each successive generation finds better ways of working together, it performs at levels that could barely have been imagined a few decades earlier. And when there are improvements in the effectiveness of our organizations—whether they be private enterprises, governments, public agencies, charities, community groups, political parties, or religious bodies—these gains translate into benefits for society as a whole. Innovations such as mass production, public transport, space travel, the internet, and the mapping of the human genome are all products of human organizations.

When we wrote the first edition of Beyond Performance almost a decade ago, we emphasized what it takes to lead and manage an effective organization (a “healthy organization”). We then outlined the change management needed to get there (the “Five Frames of Performance and Health”). In this, the second edition, we've chosen to flip the emphasis. Why? Well, quite frankly, because you—our readers who lead organizations—told us to! We've received countless e-mails, phone calls, and personal outreaches indicating that struggling change programs had been unlocked by applying the Five Frames of Performance and Health. Further, new change programs that employed the Five Frames of Performance and Health as their change methodology from the outset were delivering results far beyond expectations.

The feedback seemed almost too good to be true, based on the history of the field of change management. As many readers will no doubt be aware, in 1996, Harvard Business School professor John Kotter published one of the best-selling books on the topic, Leading Change. In it, he reported that only 30 percent of all change programs succeed and offered an eight-step process for managing change. The popularity of his work triggered an explosion of thinking on the topic. In the 15 years that followed, over 25,000 books were published, hundreds of business schools built change management into their curricula, and many organizations created change management functions. By 2011, when the first version of Beyond Performance was published, one would have expected success rates to be much higher. The facts, however, were clear: multiple studies, including our own, had shown that the odds of leading a successful change program remained unchanged: just 30 percent.1 The field of change management, despite its prolific output, hadn't changed success rates.

Before we go on, we want to be clear that we are not intending to say that all of the work done by many brilliant people wasn't good and helpful. In fact, it's possible that maintaining 30 percent success rates in a rapidly changing external environment is proof that the state of the art has been continually advanced, and it's also possible—and even likely—that the two variables are intrinsically linked (the more change programs succeed, the more the overall pace of change in the world at large increases). Our goal wasn't to unravel these complex dynamics at play, however, it was simply to offer a better way. Why? Well, put it this way: If we needed to get to London from New York for an important meeting and upon boarding the plane the pilot said, “Welcome aboard, there's a 30 percent chance we'll make it as far as London today…,” we certainly wouldn't stay in our seats and discuss why—we'd disembark and catch a different flight with better odds!

Flipping the Odds of Success

Almost five years after Beyond Performance was written, we felt enough time had passed that we could test whether the positive messages we were hearing reflected a broader reality. We conducted a global survey of 1,713 executives who had been part of at least one large-scale change program in the past five years. The sample represented a full range of regions, industries, company sizes, functional specialties, and tenures. The results spoke for themselves: 79 percent of those organizations who fully implemented the recommended Five Frames of Performance and Health methodology reported change success.2

We were obviously thrilled to see these results. First and foremost, however, we credit them to the determined leaders of the change programs in question—having a process and tools laid out is one thing; getting the job done is entirely another. As London Business School professor and influential management thinker Gary Hamel said, “Changing things at scale is never easy: the endeavor is always complex, perilous, and gut-wrenching.”3 William C. Taylor, the co-founder of Fast Company, agrees: “The truth is, the work of making deep-seated change in long-established organizations is the hardest work there is.”4

We also attribute the results to the many members of McKinsey's Global Leadership and Organization Practice, whose work and insights shaped our methodology. We also add to our acknowledgments the experience and research of innumerable leaders around the world and throughout history whose thinking has informed our methodology—within the Five Frames there are numerous tools and approaches that we in no way claim to be our own. We have endeavored to be students of all that has come before us, and as such, the results are also a validation of what in many ways is our life's work. Both of us have been part of the group that has directed the research that led to this book since its inception almost 20 years ago, and have spent our careers applying the approaches as consultants to organizations around the world. True to Malcolm Gladwell's perspective on what it takes to become an expert, by this time in our careers we've both done our 10,000 hours of practice!5

If you are a leader who wants to beat the dismal odds and successfully make change happen at scale, this book is for you. If you also want to improve how your organization is managed and led so that it has the capability to continuously change to stay ahead of the competition, this book is also for you. What's more, the concepts, approaches, and tools apply to any human system, whether a public company, family-owned business, professional services firm (we at McKinsey & Company take our own medicine!), public sector body, activist group, nongovernment organization, or social enterprise. They also apply to virtually every type of change program, whether related to a company-wide transformation, marketing, sales, technology, operations, finance, risk, culture, talent, and so on.

How can it apply so broadly? Simple: At the end of the day, organizations don't change, people do. Take the people away and the life-blood of the organization is gone, leaving only the skeleton of infrastructure: buildings, systems, inventory. If a change program requires people to think and behave differently, the Five Frames of Performance and Health is proven to be the best approach available to leaders.

What Sets This Book Apart

The central premise of our work is that leaders should put equal emphasis on the health elements of making change happen as they do the performance elements. While these will be described fully in the chapters to come, a simple analogy to a manufacturing company helps explain in brief. The performance elements of a change program relate to the changes that need to be made to improve how the company “buys, makes, and sells”: how will it buy its raw materials, make them into products, and sell them into the market more efficiently and effectively? The health elements, on the other hand, relate to the changes that need to be made to how it “aligns, executes, and renews”: How does it align the full organization on a shared direction, execute the work that needs to be done with minimum internal friction (e.g., from politics, bureaucracy, silos, and so on), and rapidly adapt and renew itself in response to an ever-changing environment?

In answering these questions, there are at least five things that set this book apart.

  1. Research and rigor behind the recommendations. The world of management is rife with opinion and conjecture. In writing this book, we don't just draw on our own experience as management consultants, but ensure that our arguments are as objective and fact-based as possible. That isn't to say that there aren't plenty of other business books out there that do have a strong research base. One of the best-selling and most influential business books of all time, Tom Peters and Robert Waterman's In Search of Excellence: Lessons from America's Best-Run Companies, was based on a study of 43 of the Fortune 500 list of top-performing companies in the United States. Another highly influential bestseller, Jim Collins and Jerry Porras's 1994 book Built to Last, analyzed patterns among 18 successful companies. This book, however, draws on a far broader array of evidence. The first edition of Beyond Performance already represented the most extensive research effort ever undertaken in the field of ­organizational ­effectiveness and change management, and this edition has been fully updated with almost another decade's worth of data including:
    • Data from over five million Organizational Health Index survey respondents from more than 2,000 organizations across the globe.
    • Data from five biennial McKinsey Quarterly Five Frames of Performance and Health–related surveys sent to our 32,000-member Global Survey Panel.
    • Data and learning from more than 1,000 clients served by McKinsey on engagements specifically related to performance and health.
    • In-depth reviews of more than 900 top-tier management books and articles from academic journals.
    • Data from McKinsey's “Wave” implementation tracking software solution that has been used by over 600 clients globally.
    • More than 150 change leaders' seminars, each bringing together 20 to 40 leaders from different industries for two days to share their experiences and insights.
    • In-depth, one-on-one interviews with over 30 CEOs and other senior executives who shared their personal experiences of leading change and driving performance
    • Close working relationships with five eminent scholars who helped to challenge and augment our findings
  2. Comprehensiveness and pragmatism of the tools. Many leaders have told us this is what they value most. It allows them to bring the same degree of rigor, discipline, and measurement to managing the “soft” side of change as they have for the “hard” aspects. Whereas in our first edition, we provided a mix of concepts and practical steps, here you'll find a clear and specific roadmap for putting equal emphasis on performance and health. We walk you step-by-step through how to set your change aspirations, assess how ready your organization is to change, develop a powerful plan to move your organization from where it is today to where you want it to be, master what it takes to implement this plan successfully, and transition from being in change-program mode to a state of continuous improvement. Every aspect of leading change is covered in depth, with specific tools, methodologies, and real-life examples that make it easy to quickly distill what the most important and practical implications are for your organization. We've also incorporated learnings from various advances in the field of management from the past 10 years, for example, agile, big data and analytics, and digital transformations.
  3. Uniqueness of the solutions. Many companies have analyzed how Southwest Airlines delivers low-cost air travel, the Ritz-Carlton sets standards in customer service, Apple drives continuous innovation, or Netflix creates a culture of empowerment. And yet, few, if any, are able to replicate their success based on these analyses. Instead of suggesting you copy what other organizations do, we provide a robust process by which you can find the right answer for your organization given its context: its history, the capabilities and passions of its people, its external environment, and its aspirations. The answer will be unique to your situation and one your competitors can't copy (or attempt to copy at their peril). In short, we help you create the “ultimate competitive advantage.”
  4. Proof that the approach works in practice as promised. We've already shared the data that shows using the Five Frames of Performance and Health methodology flips your odds of change success, moving them from 30 to 79 percent. The facts also indicate that you'll deliver on average 1.8 times higher impact from your change efforts than otherwise.6 Furthermore, companies who use the methodology, not just to deliver a successful change program but to become top quartile in their overall organizational health, deliver on average 3 times higher total returns to shareholders (TRS), 2.2 times EBITDA margin, 1.5 times growth in net income/sales, and on that order of magnitude, higher results on every comparable measure we've been able to test across industries (a total of 15 so far).7 As Sir William Castell, former chairman of the Wellcome Trust, puts it, “Healthy organizations get things done quicker, better, and with more impact than unhealthy ones.”8
  5. Increases an organization's ongoing capacity for change. This is much more than a book about change management. By applying the Five Frames of Performance and Health in your change program, you are not just increasing your odds of success, but also fundamentally increasing your organization's capability and capacity to continuously improve after your change program objectives have been achieved. Gary Hamel put it well in his foreword to our first edition, “Beyond Performance is far more than a guide to leading a successful change program. It's a manifesto for a new way of thinking about [how] organizations … become, fundamentally, pro-change.”9 It's not just about getting ahead; it's about staying ahead.

Why It Matters

That the pace of change in business is on an ever-increasing trajectory isn't new, but it is most certainly true. Consider how long an average company from the S&P 500 stays in the index. In 1958, it was estimated to be 61 years; in 1980, 25 years; and in 2011, 17 years.10 A S&P 500 company in this decade is being replaced once every two weeks, which translates to roughly 75 percent of today's firms being superseded by newcomers in the index in the next 10 years.11 There are only 60 companies today that appear on the original list of 500 when it was first compiled just over 60 years ago. Sixty years from now it's unlikely any of the companies that exist today will remain in prominence. Yes, we are saying the likes of Amazon, ExxonMobil, Berkshire Hathaway, and so on are all at risk. Seem hard to believe? No doubt the employees and customers of companies such as Blockbuster, Compaq, Kodak, Circuit City, Enron, General Foods, Pan Am, WorldCom, Digital Equipment ­Corporation, Lehman Brothers, Arthur Andersen, and British Leyland, during their prime, felt just as invincible.

Need more convincing? Let's go back to Peters and Waterman's In Search of Excellence and Collins and Porras's Built to Last. It's revealing to look at what has become of these “excellent” companies. Ten years after the latter was published, 20 percent of the companies featured in these books no longer existed, 46 percent were struggling, and only 33 percent remained high performers.12 Not all of these changes in standing can be attributed to the companies themselves, of course. As Chris Bradley, Martin Hirt, and Sven Smit point out in their book, Strategy Beyond the Hockey Stick, a portion of business results are driven by macroeconomic forces, industry attractiveness, and sheer luck.13 But they are also driven by what leaders choose to do and not do (in particular, what Bradley, Hirt, and Smit refer to as “big moves,” all of which require exceptional change management to deliver the desired impact) and the way they lead, which are things under every leader's control. While the homage to Charles Darwin's findings that says, “The fittest win out at the expense of their rivals because they succeed in adapting themselves best to their environment” (i.e., they make change happen), may have become something of a cliché in management literature, that's only because of how right it is when it comes to success in the business world.

If we look beyond the world of commerce to society at large, the ability to make change happen at scale has never been more important. In the political process, for instance, leaders committed to change continue to attract unprecedented levels of public engagement. When we wrote the introduction to our first edition, we noted how leaders around the world had run on platforms such as “Change we need,” promising massive overhauls of public sector practices and outcomes. Almost a decade later, little has changed. In the United States, the winning election narrative promised to “make America great again” in as sharp and acerbic a tone as the country had ever seen.14 In France, Sarkozy's successors, François Hollande in 2012, and Emmanuel Macron in 2017, both focused on large-scale change in their respective campaigns: “le changement,” or the change and “en marche” or moving forward.15 In Malaysia, the new prime minister Mahathir Mohammed vowed to make changes that will fight corruption and unite the country.16 Virtually everywhere you turn, you'll see similar messages. In Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau ran on the promise of bringing “real change” to the ­country.17 In New Zealand, Jacinda Arden promised “a government of change.”18 In Mexico, President Andrés Manuel López Obrador won in a landslide victory with promises of great reform.19

Outside politics, nongovernmental and not-for-profit organizations continue to tackle key cross-border challenges such as sustaining the environment and helping the developing world break the cycles of poverty, ­corruption, and inadequate education. Meanwhile, numerous factors continue to drive widespread change globally: the historic shift in economic and labor force growth from the developed to the developing world, the rise of global energy demands with an uncertain supply source, the rapid expansion of the global consumer class, changes in global demographics with an aging world population, the rise of new networks of hitherto unimaginable complexity for communication and trade, the increasingly urgent challenge to balance economic growth with environmental sustainability, and the race to increase productivity through accelerated technology and the knowledge economy.20

The way we respond to these business and societal challenges will have a profound effect on all our futures. What are the odds of their being successful? And what will be the consequences if they aren't? What will be the social costs? And who will bear them?

Our Greatest Hope

If this book helps you lead a more successful change program, our writing it has been worth it. If it goes further, and helps you create an organization whose capacity to continuously change enables it to thrive long into the future, we'll be delighted. If this book helps people make faster progress in tackling the major social and political issues of our time, it will have achieved more than we could have hoped for.

The reason why we wrote it, however, goes much deeper. According to Gallup, roughly 1.3 billion people work for a full-time employer (i.e., they are part of an organization of some sort).21 These people spend half or more of their waking hours at work. In their remaining time outside of work, they are spending fewer and fewer hours pursuing traditional activities involving family, community, or religious institutions than ever before (in political scientist Robert Putnam's parlance, they are “Bowling Alone”).22 Taken together, this means the workplace is taking on an increasing role as a source of identity, belonging, and meaning for us as a human race.

Workplaces that are characterized by any or all of competing agendas and conflict (no alignment on direction), politics and bureaucracy (low quality of execution), and where work is “just a job” (low sense of renewal), aren't just unhealthy for sustainably delivering bottom-line results—they are unhealthy for the human soul. As the Japanese proverb goes, “Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.”

Healthy organizations, however, unleash human potential and uplift the human spirit. They inspire (aligning on a big, important goal), they create a sense of belonging (executing as one team), and they foster creativity and innovation (through a sense of renewal). Paraphrasing motivational speaker Joel Barker's riff on the aforementioned Japanese proverb, healthy organizations “connect vision with action to change the world.”

If this book's contents make their way into management practice at a scale that meaningfully reduces the frictional cost of human progress—that'd be our dream come true!

We don't claim to have all the answers, but at this point in our research efforts, we're more confident than ever that we do have insightful (beyond common sense) and pragmatic (readily applicable) advice, methodologies, and tools that work. They are battle tested and proven in practice. They will help you lead more successful change programs and simultaneously create a healthy organization that is able to continuously adapt and therefore thrive long into the future. With the benefit of another decade of research and practice under our belts, we have observed so many successes in so many industries and from so many different starting points that we have no question change program success and sustained excellence are within reach for virtually any organization.


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