Big Data Applied
10.1 Introduction
10.2 Big Data and Data Science
10.3 Big Data and IoT
10.4 Big Data and
Recommendation Engines
We have so far perceived the signi cance of data as an
extremely valuable asset in the modern-day enterprise.
We have looked at the various types of data, such as
structured, semi-structured, unstructured and also
explored the variety of such sources of data, both
from within and outside the enterprise. We have gone
through a variety of technical concepts related to
ingestion, storage and processing of huge volumes of
data in various forms. The question that we now seek
to address is, how is this data applied? InChapter1,
we looked at some of the industrial applications
of Big Data. Now, we shall explore some of the cut-
ting-edge technologies and recent trends that  nds
signi cant applications in Big Data. Let us pick the
topmost three technology trends of Big Data that we
use in our everyday lives. Certainly, we are day-to-day
consumers of these technological trends. These trends
re ect in speci c areas, like Data Science, Internet of
Things (IoT) and Recommendation Engines. The ability
to capture, store and process Big Data is the single-most
important enabler for all these technologies and trends,
and it is brie y discussed in this chapter.
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