16 | Big Data Simplied
Data is managed by a modern enter-
prise as an asset that drives competitive
Data can be leveraged to derive predictive,
actionable insights for the business.
Data is being captured from a huge num-
ber of sources including mobile devices,
machines and social media interactions.
These sources produce data in huge vol-
umes and in different forms.
There is a need to adopt new technologies
to capture, curate and consume New Data
‘New’ data must also be correlated with
existing ‘Traditional’ data in an organiza-
tion to maximize business benefits.
The new paradigm of data management is
being driven by factors like the explosion
in volumes and varieties of data, afford-
able hardware, open source software and
dedicated communities for development
of the same, and changes in the nature of
enterprise applications and expectations
from data.
The different types of data are structured,
unstructured and semi-structured data.
Structured data can be accommodated in
relational databases and are relatively easy
to query and analyse.
Unstructured data can be in a variety of
formats, like text, image, video, pictures
and are more complex to analyse even
though when 85% of the modern data
ecosystem comprises of unstructured data.
Semi-structured data is presented often in
XML or JSON formats or in NoSQL data-
bases and it comprises of tags and metadata
that can be programmatically rendered to
more structured formats.
Multiple-choice Questions (1 Mark Questions)
1. Data in a modern enterprise is
a. Of high volume
b. Of wide variety
c. Generated at high speed
d. All the above
2. What is not true about ‘New’ data?
a. Data is highly trusted.
b. Data can be leveraged for predictive
c. Data can provide all-round intelligence
of customers.
d. Data is in different forms.
3. Which of the following statements is true?
a. Sensors are getting cheaper.
b. Storage is getting cheaper.
c. Smart devices are being used more.
d. All the above
4. NULL means
a. A value of ‘0’.
b. A value of spaces.
c. The word ‘NULL’.
d. An empty cell.
5. The ‘I’ in ACID stands for
a. Incomplete
b. Indefinite
c. Irreversible
d. Isolated
6. Which of the following is not true?
a. Structured data can be generated by
humans and machines.
b. A sequence of pictures is structured data.
c. Unstructured data can be tagged.
d. A contract document is an example of
unstructured data.
M01 Big Data Simplified XXXX 01.indd 16 5/10/2019 9:56:20 AM
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