36 | Big Data Simplied
7. Which of the following is a cloud-based
data store?
a. Amazon EMR
b. Google Dataproc
c. DynamoDB
d. All the above
8. Which of the following is an MPP platform?
a. Netezza
b. Exalytics
c. Greenplum
d. All the above
9. Which is not the correct acquisition?
a. Oracle acquired Hyperion
b. SAP acquired Business Objects
c. EMC acquired Greenplum
d. IBM acquired Informatica
Short-answer Type Questions (5 Marks Questions)
1. How would you arrive at a definition of
2. Explain the 4 V’s used in the context of
3. Write about the typical sources of BigData.
4. How is data processing in an MPP platform
different from MapReduce?
5. Write a note on Hadoop hybrids explain-
ing their applications.
6. What are the differentiating characteristics
of NoSQL stores?
Long-answer Type Questions (10 Marks Questions)
1. Write an essay on industrial applications of
Big Data.
2. Describe the various methods of Big Data
3. Explain the MapReduce process with an
4. What are the different forms of NoSQL
5. Provide an overview of the product land-
scape in the context of Big Data from
data ingestion through data storage, data
processing, data visualization and finally,
Business Intelligence and Analytics.
M02 Big Data Simplified XXXX 01.indd 36 5/10/2019 9:56:54 AM
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