Introducing NoSQL | 115
5. Most NoSQL databases support automatic
__________, meaning that you get high
availability and disaster recovery.
a. Processing
b. Scalability
c. Replication
d. None of the above
6. Which of the following are the simplest
NoSQL databases?
a. Wide-column
b. Key-value
c. Document
d. All the above
7. NoSQL database is used mainly for han-
dling large volumes of ______________
a. Unstructured
b. Semi-structured
c. Structured
d. All the above
8. Apache Cassandra is a massively scalable
open source _______ database.
a. SQL
b. NoSQL
c. NewSQL
d. All the above
9. Cassandra uses a protocol called _______
to discover location and state information.
a. Goss
b. Intergos
c. Gossip
d. None of the above
10. ________ stores are used to store infor-
mation about networks, such as social
a. Key-value
b. Wide-column
c. Document
d. Graph
Short-answer Type Questions (5 Marks Questions)
1. What are the different types of NoSQL
2. What is Key-Value Store DB? Explain with
an example.
3. What is Document Store DB? Explain with
an example.
4. What is Column Store DB? Explain with
an example.
5. What are the different types of data model
in NoSQL?
6. What is CQLSH and why is it used?
7. What are clusters in Cassandra? What is a
YAML file in Cassandra?
8. What do you mean by replication factor in
9. What is Gossip Protocol? Please explain.
10. What are partitions and tokens in
Cassandra? Please explain.
Long-answer Type Questions (10 Marks Questions)
1. Compare NoSQL and RDBMS in terms of
data format, scalabity, querying and storage
2. What is NoSQL and what are the features
of NoSQL?
3. When should I use a NoSQL database ins-
tead of a relational database? Please explain.
4. Name some features of Apache Cassandra.
Please explain scalability, fault tolerant and
flexible data storage in Cassandra.
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116 | Big Data Simplied
5. Give the name of some components of
Cassandra and please explain each compo-
nent in brief.
6. How does Cassandra write data? Please
explain it with a diagram.
7. What is a keyspace in Cassandra? How is
a keyspace created in Cassandra and what
are the parameters used?
8. What do you mean by replication Strategy?
Please explain simple and network topol-
ogy strategy.
9. What is the use of Coordinator Node
in Read operation in Cassandra? Please
explain with a diagram.
10. Explain the concept of compaction in
Cassandra. Please explain minor and major
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