In art terms, abstract art is a non-figurative, non-objective form of art. It expresses external reality and uses colors, shapes, forms, or gestural marks to represent art in a modern sense.
A flat hand tool used to apply even pressure on the back of printmaking paper. It also helps to pull ink from the linoleum block into the paper effectively.
Bench Hook
A simple device that fits over the edge of a workbench or table with a guarding hook to hold a workpiece in place when you carve mounted hard linoleums.
A material with a flat surface that can be carved with tools in printmaking. There are a number of different types of wood, linoleum, and rubber carving blocks available.
A hand tool with a roller used to apply ink on the block. It helps form a thin, even layer of ink on the block. Brayers are available in many different sizes, diameters, and widths.
The process of rubbing a baren or wooden spoon over paper to transfer ink from the block.
The number of prints struck from one plate, usually at the same time. Typically, there are two types of editions: limited editions, which have a fixed number of impressions, and open editions, which are unlimited.
A tool with a concave blade (usually V- or U-shaped) used for cutting and carving away areas of block surface.
Inking Plate
Inking plates are used for mixing and rolling out inks with a brayer. The surface should be smooth, flat, and clean to get the finest quality print.
In negative blocks, all the lines are carved away. Uncarved areas will keep the ink and lines will show the paper color.
A particular design to be repeated for decoration.
In positive blocks, all of the surface is carved away except for the lines. Uncarved lines will keep the ink and carved areas will show the paper color.
An original work of art from a carved block.
Reduction Print
A multicolor print in which separate colors are printed from the same block at different stages. In most cases, the lightest color of the design is printed first, and then the block is reduced by carving away until the last stage is printed.
The process by which a printmaker will line up more than one color within a single print, so that all colors and shapes align in the right place.
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