
We would like to acknowledge all the incredibly hard-working folks at McGraw-Hill Education, especially Lisa McClain and Claire Yee. We would also like to thank Sean McKeough for his help in editing the technical material in this book and providing valuable and timely response to our work.

—Joseph J. Bambara and Paul R. Allen

A very special thanks to my lady, Hillary Brower, and my co-author, Paul R. Allen, especially for his friendship and for being a great partner no matter what we try. Thanks to my family, who are always there when I need them.

—Joseph J. Bambara
Port Washington, New York

As always, a very special thank you to my family for being a source of strength, support, and ideas. Evelyn, thank you for encouraging me to write “the latest last book.” I won’t be writing another … at least for a couple of years! A very special thank you to my co-author, Joseph J. Bambara, who first introduced me to blockchain and then correctly predicted that we would write about it one day!

—Paul R. Allen
New York, New York

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