
• A •

AAT Australia, 18

abnormal expenses, 28, 367

abnormal income, 24, 367


applying for, 93

defined, 367

lookup service, 111

verifying, 111

absorption costing, 227, 367

accessing accounts remotely, 75

accident compensation (ACC), 166, 173

non-resident employees, 173

registering for, 14, 166

what it is, 216

account classifications, 37, 367

account types, 37


communicating with, 308, 309, 313

reconciling figures, 309312

sending data to, 75, 307308

accounting cycle, 8

accounting equation, 4043, 367

accounting fees, 26

accounting software

access restrictions, 90

archiving data, 69

choosing, 7383

developing skills in, 322

double-entry bookkeeping, 5051

incremental installation, 87

inventory, 224

opening balances, 292

overview of products, 7881

payroll software, 177, 183

pros and cons, 73

setting up, 8487

versus spreadsheets, 79

AccountRight. See MYOB


choosing, 134136, 145, 152154

customising, 85

accounts list. See chart of accounts

accounts payable. See also Aged Payables report

defined, 34, 367

reconciling, 277, 310

tidying up, 270271

accounts receivable. See also Aged Receivables report

debiting, 47

defined, 32, 367

keeping tidy, 269

ratios, 300, 360, 367

reconciling, 277, 310

accrual accounting

explained, 5155

for GST, 94, 274

matching principle, 255

pros and cons, 53, 127128

sales, 144, 287, 297


defined, 367

future expenses, 254

reversing, 256

versus provisions, 254

accumulated depreciation, 33, 367

acid test ratio, 301, 367

activity statements. See Business Activity Statements

adjusted tax value, 237, 367

adjustment notes. See credit notes

adjustments. See also general journals

end-of-year, 309312

for personal expenses, 108

advice, understanding legal limits of, 344

Aged Payables report

generating, 268271

reconciling, 279

understanding, 129

Aged Receivables report

generating, 268271

reconciling, 279

understanding, 154155

allocation accounts

for income, 145

for payments, 134136

for receipts, 152154

allocation errors, spotting, 282

allowances for employees, 171, 176, 180

alternative holidays, 181

annual withholding declaration, 218, 368

apportioning personal expenses, 107, 137

assets. See also capital acquisitions

debiting, 41

defined, 23, 32, 33, 231, 291, 368

depreciating, 223, 236240

historical cost, 291

intangible, 33, 291

keeping records for, 68, 291

reconciling against schedules, 241

recording purchase of, 232

recording sale of, 233235

recordkeeping for, 242

use of personal assets, 235

useful life of, 236

versus expenses, 230231

Association of Payroll Specialists, 175

associations for bookkeepers, 17, 18, 171, 330, 331

ATO online portal, 62, 210, 218

audit trail tracking, 283


doing your own, 281283

surviving, 106108, 356

techniques for, 290

AUSkey, registering for, 218

auspicing, 357, 368

Australian Bookkeepers Network, 18, 330, 336

Australian Business Number. See ABNs

authorisation procedures, 132, 133, 356

average cost (inventory), 227

average daily pay, 181

average weekly earnings, 180, 368

awards (for employees)

checking, 164, 21922

defined, 368

• B •

backing up

archiving data, 315

client data, 347

devising a strategy, 89

end-of-year, 303, 315

explained, 89, 368

in the cloud, 77, 88

payroll, 182, 218

point-in-time, 88, 306

what data to copy, 89

bad debts, 158

balance date, 95, 368

Balance Sheets

checking, 356

defined, 8, 368

reconciling against accountant’s, 310

understanding, 291293

what accounts to include, 3136

why they always balance, 43

bank accounts

checking, 265267

debiting and crediting, 45

opening balances, 189, 190

reconciling, 187199, 266

bank feeds

accuracy of, 194

defined, 368

error rates, 116

for credit card transactions, 130, 133

for micro businesses, 119

guarding against inaccuracies, 196

how they work, 12, 120

reconciling accounts using, 191, 193194

reducing data entry, 8, 75, 246

use in trust accounting, 358

bank fees

allocating, 26, 134, 246

GST, 99, 106, 107

bank loans. See loans

bank reconciliations

by hand, 191

explained, 187199

opening balances, 188

reports, 189, 190, 195, 368

troubleshooting, 196198

using accounting software, 190

what accounts to reconcile, 188, 199

when using bank feeds, 191, 196

bank rules, 75, 82, 120, 149, 368

bank statements, 116, 117

BAS. See Business Activity Statement

BAS Agent registration

experience required, 335336

figuring out whether you need to, 334335

fines for not registering, 334

importance of registration, 322

qualifications required, 17, 18, 335336

using someone else’s, 336

what you’re not allowed to do, 344

BAS service, defined, 334, 368

BAS statements. See Business Activity Statements

batch files, supplier payments, 133

billable hours, 325326

bonuses, 174, 176


defining responsibilities for, 165, 219, 243, 355

qualifications required, 15, 1719

training courses, 1819, 175, 222

typical profile of, 321


associations, 17, 18, 171, 330, 331

calendars, 69

industry changes, 331

legal framework, 333347

life cycle, 8

setting routines, 1113

breaks (employees), 170

browser-based software, 73, 7476, 7881, 182, 199

budgets, 65, 84, 240, 287, 353

Business Activity Statements. See also GST

authority to prepare, 334

capital acquisitions, 98, 232

checking against Balance Sheet, 273276

configuring tax codes for, 102105

deadlines, 70

defined, 368

ensuring accuracy, 104

input-taxed transactions, 99

late lodgement, 60

locking data, 307

lodging online, 62

recording payment of, 273

reporting payroll on, 210

what to include, 99100

business plan, creating, 323

Buyer-Created Invoices, 110

• C •

calculating GST, 9697

Calxa, 353

capital acquisitions. See also assets

attaching receipts to transactions, 118

defined, 33, 369

hire purchase, 249

reporting purchase of, 98

what tax code to use, 103

car limit, 249, 369

cash. See also petty cash

not banked, 144

not declaring, 160

payments made using, 271

versus profit, 294296

cash disbursements ledger, 22, 121123

cash receipts, 117, 138, 141

cash-based accounting

adjusting for tax, 55

debits and credits, 53

explained, 5155

for income, 287, 297

GST, 54, 94, 274

versus accrual-basis, 126

when it works well, 52

cashbook balance, 188189, 369


managing, 6162

reporting for, 295, 369

casual employees, 176, 180, 181

categorising transactions, 21, 2237

Certificate IV courses, 18, 322

Certificate of Earnings, 218

chart of accounts

defined, 23, 369

designing, 29, 31, 3637

importance of, 24

tax codes, 104

using templates, 36

chattel mortgages, 252, 369


12-step health check, 265283

employees, 164165

end-of-year, 304305

inventory, 230

Tax Invoices, 109

child support, 204

clearing accounts, 199, 217, 266

clients, building your base, 327

cloud (the)

defined, 369

storing data in, 69, 315, 347

cloud accounting

accountants and, 308

advantages of, 11, 7475

archiving source documents, 116

backing up, 88

defined, 74, 369

disadvantages of, 7677

hybrid solutions, 79

internet outages, 76

micro businesses, 11, 119

mobile invoicing, 12

petty cash, 142

privacy concerns, 77

trends, 331

unsubscribing, 69, 89, 347

Code of Professional Conduct

acting honestly, 337

acting lawfully, 338

applying tax laws correctly, 344

competent services, 341

complying with tax laws, 337

confidentiality, 340

conflicts of interest, 338340

defined, 337, 369

definition of reasonable care, 343

ethical dilemmas, 160

professional development, 342

sharing information with third parties, 308

supervising others, 342

collective agreements, 221

commissions, 26, 255


chart of accounts structure, 36

defined, 369

divisional reporting for, 30

formation expenses, 33

recordkeeping requirements, 68, 110

registering name of, 14

tax payments, 136, 154

competent services, defined, 341

confidentiality, protecting, 340, 347

conflicts of interest, 338340

contra accounts, 156, 369

contract bookkeeping. See starting your own bookkeeping business

control accounts, 276281, 310, 369

controlled monies accounts, 358

cost centres

analysing, 2931, 287, 352

defined, 369

cost of sales, 23, 25, 288, 369

council rates, 106

courses for bookkeepers, 1819, 175, 222

CPE requirements (for BAS Agents), 342

credit applications, 364

credit cards

customer payments using, 147

filing receipts, 66

reconciling accounts, 188, 199

recording transactions, 34, 130, 133

credit limits, 158

credit notes, 157, 271

credit policy, 359, 369

credit reference reports, 364

creditors. See accounts payable

credits. See debits and credits

CRM software, 83

current assets, 32, 370

current liabilities, 34, 370


debt collection, 359366

deposits from, 269

filing invoices, 66

opening balances, 86

reporting for, 154155

sending statements, 363

• D •

data (accounting)

archiving, 315

copying, 308

protecting, 77, 8890, 346

storing online, 69, 315, 347

data entry, automating, 120


incorrect, 267

setting a closing date, 306

starting accounting software, 85, 86

supplier payments, 129


fringe benefits, 69

GST (Australia), 60, 70, 95

GST (New Zealand), 60, 71

PAYE, 63, 64

PAYG, 69, 70

payment summaries, 70, 218

superannuation, 6364, 69, 70, 211

debits and credits. See also double-entry bookkeeping

expenses, 47

explained, 4050

cash versus accrual, 5153

general journals, 50

inventory, 47

sales transactions, 4647, 151

debt collection

ACCC guidelines, 365

activity logs, 363

cost of debts, 361

protocols for, 364

statistics, 361

tips, 359366

debtors. See accounts receivable


bookkeeping for, 174

child support, 204

employees, 174

salary packaging, 204

default funds for super, 168, 211, 370

deleting transactions, 129, 158, 160, 198


adjusting on sale of asset, 230, 234235

calculating, 236240, 242

cut-off points, 231

diminishing value, 237

explained, 223, 236, 370

journalling, 239240

pooling method, 233, 238239

prime cost, 237

schedules, 232, 234, 241, 370

simplified rules, 231

desktop-based software, 73

detail accounts, 29

diminishing value depreciation, 236238, 370

director’s loan accounts, 28, 153

disbursements ledger, 22, 121123


fringe benefits, 212

GST, 156

prompt payment, 156

distributions, recording, 36

dividend income, 36, 153, 262264

double-entry bookkeeping. See also debits and credits

accounting software, 5051

explained, 3943

GST, 4849

sales, 46

theory into practice, 4349

Dropbox, 69, 308

dues and subscriptions, 27

Dun & Bradstreet, 361

• E •

earnings certificates, 64

EFTPOS transactions, 130, 133, 147

electronic document systems, 132

electronic payments, 67, 87, 132133

emailing accounting data, 308

employee fraud, preventing, 172

employee pays

signing for, 12

employees. See also leave, wages

allowances, 176, 180

benefits, 213

casual, 176, 180, 181

checklist, 164165

deductions, 174

expense claims, 212

hiring, 63, 64, 165170

minimum pay, 219

pay slips, 185

paying, 12, 170177, 184

Employer deductions form (IR345), 64

Employer monthly schedule (IR348), 64

employment agreements, 164, 183, 221222

Employment Relations Act, 221


adjustments, 267, 313

backing up, 315

checklist, 304305

payroll, 217219

reports, 305306

what happens, 303, 314

engagement letters

defining your services, 344

definition of competence, 342

ICB template, 345

protecting yourself, 338

specifying limits of your advice, 346

writing one of your own, 345346

entitlements (employees). See also leave

alternative holidays, 181

annual leave, 178, 179

calculating in Australia, 178179

calculating in NZ, 180181

checking, 170

journalling provisions for, 256258

medical certificates, 171

recordkeeping, 182

relevant daily pay, 181

sick leave, 178, 179, 181


defined, 23, 35, 289, 370

understanding, 292293

equity accounts

companies, 36

partnerships, 35

sole traders, 35

estimated useful life, 236

ethical dilemmas, 160, 341

exempt transactions, 100, 101, 104

expenditure, 354, 370

expense accruals, 254, 370


analysing, 26, 288

debiting, 41

debits and credits, 47

defined, 23, 26, 370

matching to income, 55

recording, 121125

versus expenditure, 288

export sales, 102, 104

• F •

Fair Work Australia, 186, 220

Fair Work Information Statement, 164

file size limits, 308

files, attaching to transactions, 67

filing fees, 106, 135

filing systems

bank statements, 116

invoices and receipts, 6667, 117118

financial statements. See also Balance Sheets, Profit & Loss reports

analysing, 297301

defined, 65, 370

ensuring accuracy of, 266283

GST on figures, 287

reporting inventory, 226

Trading Statements, 226

understanding, 16, 285

fines, non-registration, 334

first in/first out, 227, 228, 370

fixed expenses, 25, 370

floats, petty cash, 138

foreign currency, 83

formation expenses, 33, 370

franchises, 255, 328

franked dividends, 262, 371

fraud, preventing, 355

fringe benefits tax

deadlines, 69, 71

defined, 212, 371

limits of advice you can give, 344

recordkeeping for, 212213

future-dated transactions, 268

• G •

gain on sale of assets, 235

garnishee orders, 204, 371

general journals

accruals, 254

defined, 371

end-of-year, 310

explained, 243244

figuring out debits and credits, 50

GST, 51, 244

income in advance, 260

leave provisions, 256258

prepayments, 253

repeating, 253

general ledger, 371

goals, setting for your business, 330

Goods and Service Tax. See GST

goodwill, 34, 291, 371

GovReports, 62, 218

grant acquittal reporting, 355, 371

gross profit

calculating margins, 288, 371

defined, 288, 371


accruals basis, 54, 94, 127

adjusting for personal spending, 106, 259

bad debts, 158

budgeting for, 6162

calculating, 9697, 124

cash basis, 54, 94

chattel mortgages, 252

checking tax codes, 271273

common mistakes, 106

deadlines, 60, 70, 71, 95

discounts, 156

double-entry bookkeeping, 4849

exempt transactions, 101, 104

financial reports, 287

general journals, 51, 244

hire purchase, 248, 249, 252

how it works, 92

hybrid basis, 95

input-taxed sales, 99

late lodgement, 60

non-reportable transactions, 103

receipts journal, 144

reconciling liability accounts, 271, 273276

refunds, 273

registering for, 14, 9395

reporting for, 59, 94, 97100

sale of assets, 234

setting up tax codes, 101105

transactions with no GST, 99101, 102

zero-rated transactions, 100, 104

GST returns (New Zealand)

checking against Balance Sheet, 273274

ensuring accuracy of, 104

filing online, 62

late lodgement, 61

locking data, 307

recording payment of, 273

• H •

header accounts, 29, 289, 371

hire purchase

GST, 106107, 249, 252

recording a new debt, 35, 248249

recording payments, 135, 250251

historical cost, 240, 291, 371

hobby businesses, 13

holiday leave. See entitlements (employees)

Holidays Act, 221

home office expenses, 27, 259

hourly rates. See rates

hybrid basis, GST, 95, 371

• I •

ICB Bookkeepers’ Survey, 321, 325, 327

identifying point of difference, 329

importing goods

selecting accounts, 26

tax codes, 104

imputation credits, 262, 371


analysing, 24, 2931, 287

crediting, 41

defined, 23, 371

dividends, 262

matching against expenses, 260261, 355

miscellaneous, 152154

recording, 143147

Income & Expenditure report, 354, 371

income tax deadlines, 70, 71

industrial relations

Australia, 220221

New Zealand, 221222

industry trends, bookkeeping, 331

injury cover, 216217


credits, 371

purchases, 99, 103, 371

sales, 102, 371

Instalment Activity Statement (IAS), 371

Institute of Certified Bookkeepers, 18, 330, 341


allocating, 27, 135

allocating claims, 153

employees, 164

GST on, 106

journalling prepayments, 253

professional indemnity, 17, 336

workers compensation, 64, 166167, 214215

intangible assets, 33, 372

interest expense

allocating, 27, 246, 249, 252

and GST, 99

journalling, 246

interest income, 102, 153

internal controls, 372

internet. See cloud accounting

Intuit. See QuickBooks Online


absorption costing, 227

accounting software features, 83

calculating profits, 226227

debits and credits, 47, 225226

reconciling, 229230, 277, 279281

recording purchase of, 128, 136, 224225

recording sale of, 225226

valuation methods, 224, 227228

invoice basis, GST, 94, 372

IR345 form, 209

IR348 form, 209

IRD numbers, 14, 93

ir-File service, 209, 372

• J •

Jim’s Bookkeeping franchise, 328

job costing, 83

job reporting, 30, 287, 352

journal entries. See debits and credits, general journals

• K •

KiwiSaver. See also superannuation

creating accounts for, 27

deadlines, 71

deductions, 164, 209, 372

employer contributions, 169, 209, 372

enrolment deadlines, 64

explained, 168, 204

info packs, 164, 169

• L •

labour, charging for, 25

land tax, 106

larger businesses, bookkeeping for, 130

last cost (inventory), 227, 228, 372

last in/first out (LIFO), 227, 228, 372


defined, 251, 372

recording payments, 135, 251

residuals, 251

stamp duy, 251

leave. See also entitlements

journalling leave provisions, 256258

leave loading, 176, 372

recordkeeping for, 183

legal framework, bookkeeping profession, 333347

legal liability, 321, 336

letter of demand, 365

letter of engagement. See engagement letters

letters for debt collection, 365

liabilities. See also loans

crediting, 41

current, 34

defined, 23, 372

non-current, 34

understanding, 292

liable earnings, 217


GST on, 106, 107, 244, 245

reconciling against statements, 188, 199, 246

recording interest, 246

recording payment of, 246

recording receipt of, 45, 153, 244245

locking periods, 306

loss on sale of assets, 235

• M •

Macintosh computers

accounting software for, 79, 82

sending data to accountants from, 307

management reporting, 65, 123, 145


absorption costing, 227

chart of accounts, 25

choosing software for, 83

marketing your bookkeeping business, 323

matching principle, 55, 255, 372

medical certificates, 171

Medicare exemptions, 173

membership dues, 357

merchant fees, 26, 106, 107, 134

micro businesses, bookkeeping systems for, 910, 118

minimum pay, 219, 220, 221

Minimum Wage Act, 221

miscellaneous accounts, 28, 288

miscellaneous expenses, 135

miscellaneous income, 152154

mistakes, spotting, 282

mobile invoicing, 12

motor vehicle expenses

apportioning, 259

fringe benefits, 213

hire purchase, 248251

insurance, 27

reporting for, 27, 135

multi-user software, 75

myIR Secure Online, 62

MYOB software

cost centre analysis, 30, 352

end-of-year, 314

income analysis, 287

overview of product family, 78

payment gateway, 133

reconciling bank accounts, 193

reconciling super, 208

recording receipts, 152

starting a new year, 314

tax codes, 102, 105, 272

viewing debits and credits, 50

MYOB Essentials, 78, 89, 306

MySuper, 168, 211

• N •

National Employment Standards, 220

NDIS scheme, 357

net profit, defined, 372


to build business, 328

with other bookkeepers, 18, 352

new businesses, choosing software for, 82

new equipment, allocating, 135

non-current assets, 33, 372

non-current liabilities, 34, 372

non-profit organisations

accountability, 355

bookkeeping for, 351358

budgets, 353

chart of accounts, 31

choosing software for, 84

cost centre reporting, 352

journalling income in advance, 260

leave provisions, 258

membership dues, 357

payroll, 355

reporting for, 353355

trust accounts, 357

non-registered suppliers, 107

non-reportable transactions, 103

non-taxable transactions, 100, 101

NZ Bookkeepers Association, 18, 330

• O •

office expense, reporting for, 27

online backups, 69, 315, 347

online lodgement, 62, 210, 218

Opening Balance Clearing account, 190, 191

opening balances

accounting software, 292

bank accounts, 189, 190, 197

entering, 86, 87

payroll, 208

troubleshooting, 197, 198

ordinary time earnings, 175, 373

ordinary weekly pay, 180, 373

other expenses, 28, 367

other income, 24, 367

overdrafts, 34

overheads. See expenses

overseas travel, 106, 107, 213

owner’s contributions, 153

owner’s drawings, 28, 35, 373

owner’s equity, 35

• P •

Pacioli, Luca, 40, 43


chart of accounts, 35

defined, 373

drawings, 28


on data archives, 315

permission levels, 90

protecting client data, 307, 347

retaining, 182

pay slips, 185

templates for, 186

what they have to include, 164, 185

PAYE tax

calculating, 64, 173, 174

deadlines, 71

defined, 204, 373

non-residents, 173

paying, 209

reconciling, 207208, 217, 277

reporting for, 205, 217

PAYG instalment tax

deadlines, 70

defined, 204, 373

PAYG withholding annual report, 63

PAYG withholding tax

calculating, 173, 174

deadlines, 70

defined, 204, 373

non-residents, 173

paying, 63, 205, 209, 210, 217, 273

reconciling, 205208, 277, 281

payment summaries

deadlines, 6370

generating, 218219

payments-basis accounting, 51, 94


legal obligations, 1415, 163168

maintaining confidentiality, 90

reconciling liability accounts, 204211, 277

software, 82, 177

training courses, 175, 222

year-end procedures, 217219

payroll tax, 164, 204, 212, 213214, 373


late GST lodgement, 60

late super payments, 211

non-registration as BAS Agent, 334

periodic method (inventory), 224, 226, 373

perpetual method (inventory), 224, 229, 373

personal assets, use of in business, 235

personal leave. See entitlements

personal spending

adjusting for GST, 100, 106, 107, 259

apportioning, 137, 259260

bookkeeping for, 28

company directors, 135, 260

separating, 68

sole traders, 35

tax code for, 102

petty cash

balancing, 140

different systems, 137

using a tin, 138140

when there is no tin, 141

plant and equipment, 33

point of difference, 329

point-in-time backups, 88, 306

pooling method for depreciation, 233, 238239


allocating, 253

defined, 32, 373

incorrect, 268

prime cost depreciation, 236, 237, 373


client information, 340, 347

cloud accounting, 77

debt collection, 364365

Privacy Act, 166, 347

professional associations, 17, 18, 171, 330, 331

professional development, 342

professional indemnity insurance, 17, 336

profit versus cash, 294296

Profit & Loss reports

accrual basis, 127

cash basis, 297

checking for errors, 283

comparing against last year, 297

explained, 8, 289

formatting, 289

matching against accountant’s, 310

understanding, 285289

versus cashflow reports, 293296

what accounts to include, 2429

profitability, analysing, 2931

prompt payment discounts, 156

protecting data, 8890, 306, 346


defined, 254, 374

depreciation, 240

for doubtful debts, 158

purchase orders, 129, 132

• Q •

qualifications for bookkeepers, 15, 1719, 322, 335336

quick ratio, 301

QuickBooks Online

account numbering, 37

compared to others, 78, 80

cost centre analysis, 30, 352

income analysis, 287

reconciling bank accounts, 193

recording receipts, 152

tax codes, 105, 272

• R •

rate of return, calculating, 327

rates (hourly)

deciding what to charge, 324327

survey results, 325


accounts receivable, 300, 360

acid test ratio, 301

stock turnover ratio, 300

reasonable care

definition of, 343

ensuring you meet standard of, 343344

Receipt Bank, 118


attaching to transactions, 67, 118

cash payments, 141

filing, 117

recording, 146

Recipient Created Tax Invoices, 110

Reckon Accounts

accountant’s copy feature, 308

account numbering, 37

cost centre analysis, 30, 352

history of product, 80

tax codes, 102, 272

Reckon One, 80

recognition for prior learning (RPL), 336

reconciling. See also bank reconciliations

accounts payable, 276

accounts receivable, 276

assets, 241

bank accounts, 13, 187199, 266

end-of-year adjustments, 309312

GST, 273276

inventory, 229230, 279, 281

loans, 246

payroll liabilities, 204208, 281

using spreadsheets, 194

wages, 217

when using bank feeds, 193194

recordkeeping. See also filing systems

archiving data, 69, 315

assets, 242

employee entitlements, 182183

for fringe benefits, 212213

how long to keep records, 68, 182

payroll, 182186

retaining data, 89

systems, 6669, 116

timesheets, 171


from suppliers, 152

GST, 92, 95, 273

to customers, 157

registering as a business, 1314

registering for GST, 14, 9395

relevant daily pay, 181, 374

reminder letters, 362

remote access of accounts, 75

remote services, growth of, 331

repairs and maintenance, 135

reports. See also financial statements

Aged Payables report, 269271

Aged Receivables report, 269271

Balance Sheets, 43, 291293

bank reconciliations, 195, 267

Business Activity Statements, 246

end-of-year, 305306

general ledger detail, 282

GST, 59, 246

Income & Expenditure report, 354

inventory, 229, 230

non-profit organisations, 354

Profit & Loss reports, 127, 285289, 297

receivables reconciliation, 278

saving as PDFs, 66

Statement of Cashflow, 295

what to print when, 6566

residuals (leases), 251, 374


bookkeeping systems, 11

chart of accounts, 25

retained earnings, 36, 374

• S •

SAAS, 75

salary packaging, 204

sales. See also income

accrual accounting, 144, 297

cash accounting, 297

debits and credits, 46

deleting, 158, 160

journal, 144, 374

recording, 11, 145

savings accounts, 199

SBR-enabled software, 218

scope of services, 343

security and cloud accounting, 77

separation of duties, 356

service businesses, 25

settlement discounts, 156

SGC charge, 204

shoebox accounting, 910, 118

sick leave. See entitlements

sole traders, 35, 374

source documents

defined, 356, 374

explained, 116

filing, 357

speed and cloud accounting, 76


accrual accounting, 126

as a bookkeeping tool, 79, 123125

protecting data, 306

receipts journal, 144

reconciling accounts, 194

wages calculations, 184

staff amenities, 135

stale transactions, 266, 374

stamp duty, 106

Standard Business reporting, 62

Standard choice form, 164, 168

starting a new year. See end-of-year

starting your own bookkeeping business

advantages of, 320

creating a business plan, 323

deciding what to charge, 324327

disadvantages of, 320

identifying your point of difference, 329

looking for clients, 327

planning for the future, 331

qualifications required, 322

skills required, 322

Statement of Cashflow report, 295, 374

stock turnover ratio, 300, 374

stocktakes, 228229

student loans, 173, 204

subaccounts, 29, 374


insurance, 164, 215, 217

payments to, 136

sundry expenses, 28, 135


calculating, 175

creating accounts for, 27

deadlines, 70, 211

departed employees, 211

explained, 204

on BAS statements, 100

ordinary time earnings, 175

paying, 136, 168, 209, 210211

penalties for late payment, 211

reconciling, 205208

SGC charge, 374

Standard choice form, 164, 168

subscribing to a fund, 167

threshold, 167

Superannuation Guarantee Charge (SGC), 211, 374

SuperStream, 168, 210, 374

supervising another bookkeeper’s work, 342

supplier accounts

authorising, 356

checking, 110

correcting, 129

filing, 67, 117, 118

managing, 132

opening balances, 86

paying, 12, 126, 132, 133

reporting for, 129

suspense accounts, 288

• T •

tax (employees). See also PAYE, PAYG, payroll tax

declaration forms, 63, 64, 164, 165

rebates, 166

tax advice, what you can say, 344

Tax Agent Services Act, 334, 337

tax code declarations, 164, 165, 374

tax codes (for GST)

calculating GST, 123

checking for errors, 271273

linking to accounts, 104

setting up, 101105

tax file numbers, 166

Tax Invoices

checklist for what to include, 109

claiming GST, 107

Recipient Created, 110

requirements, 109

verifying, 111

tax payments

allocating, 136

on Profit & Loss reports, 294

tax planning, 314

Tax Practitioners Board, 337, 375

Taxable Payments report, 63, 70, 215216

termination pay, 174, 176, 180, 183

third parties

monies held, 337

sending information to, 308


checking, 172

recordkeeping, 171

tools, allocating purchase of, 136

trade creditors. See accounts payable

trade debtors. See accounts receivable

Trading Statements, 226, 375

trading terms, 360

training courses. See courses


defined, 375

deleting, 129, 158, 160, 198

future-dated, 268

miscellaneous, 288

prepaid, 268

spotting errors, 282

stale, 266267

transferring funds, 44, 102


allocating, 28, 136

maintaining a diary, 213

trial balance, defined, 8, 375

true bank balance, defined, 195

trust accounting, 357

trusts, chart of accounts, 36

turnover threshold (for GST), 93

• U •

uncleared transactions

accounting for, 189, 190

bank reconciliations, 189, 190

defined, 375

errors, 267

stale cheques, 266

Unearned Income account, 261

unfranked dividends, 262, 375

union fees, 204

unsubscribing from cloud software, 69, 89

upgrading, and cloud accounting, 75

• V •

variable expenses, 25, 375

• W •

wages. See also employees

allocating, 136

allowances, 171

bonuses, 176

calculating, 170

checking rates, 171

employee breaks, 170

fractions of hours, 171

leave loading, 176

minimum, 164

reconcililng, 217

recording correctly, 184

reporting for, 210

wholesalers, 83

Withholding declaration forms, 166

work in progress, 32, 375

workers compensation insurance

deadlines, 64

explained, 166167, 375

reporting for, 214215

superannuation on, 176

writing off

bad debts, 158

small amounts, 270

written-down value, 241, 375

• X •


account classifications, 37

asset management features, 240

attaching receipts to transactions, 67, 118

backing up, 306

Bank Reconciliation Summary report, 194, 195

bank rules, 75, 120

category tracking, 352

cost centre reporting, 30

General Ledger Exceptions report, 283

grouping accounts, 29

overview, 80

publishing reports, 306

reconciling terminology, 187, 193

tax codes, 102, 272

unsubscribing, 89

• Y •

Yodlee service, 194

YouSendIt, 308

• Z •

zero-rated transactions, 100, 107

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