Working collaboratively can be intrinsically rewarding, but with a book project like this one, the list of people you want to thank can become unwieldy. That said, we’ll do our best here to remember everyone.

First of all, we would like to thank our colleagues at People Design for their enthusiastic support of this project. Thanks, everyone, for your feedback, your flexibility, and your willingness to humor us as we wallpapered the studio with submissions for the book. Special thanks to: Andy Weber for developing Vicki Post, for tackling production design; Gina Caratelli, for taming the wall of assets. And Diana Racek, for keeping us on track through it all.

We’d also like to thank Emily Potts, David Martinell, and all the folks at Rockport Publishers. We appreciate the opportunity, and the freedom to run with it in our own way. Your patience and professionalism helped make this a better book.

We were blown away by the response we received for our call for entries, and we’re grateful to all the talented designers who submitted their work for our consideration.

Thanks to our image-makers—Jeremy Frechette, Terry Johnston, Dean Van Dis, Sue Mann, and Jody Williams—for helping us in a pinch. And to those wise individuals who contributed sidebars—Mary Bonnema, Leatrice Eiseman, Bruce Hansen, and Chuck Saylor—thank you for lending your expertise to this project. We were especially honored to have had a chance to talk printing for what turned out to be one last time with our friend Bruce, who passed away a few weeks after our interview with him.

Thanks to Shelly and Sugar for giving up a few weekends with Curt so we could hit our deadlines. Finally, thanks to Bruno, Toki, and Lulu, for helping us keep things in perspective.

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