26 Narrative Applications

Programs are all about context, and each place the identity is expressed reveals an opportunity to extend a narrative.

If a graphic identity is the cover of a novel, program elements are the chapters. The first experience with an identity program provides the exposition. As an audience experiences an identity program, consider the sequence, length, and character of each beat in the story.

Consider the where and how of use. Is a sign near the bathroom an opportunity for humor, a reminder of basic hygiene, or both? Is a website intended to surprise or comfort? If there’s a television in a lobby broadcasting the news, which channel is it on?

1. Smokey Bones
Chris Robb, Mark Unger, Kevin Taylor, Mark Unger, Gordon Weller, Kevin Harrel

2. Eco Act
Professioni Creative IED
Corina Patraucean

3. Chokolate mmm

4. Bunchism



Program materials help fill in the details of the brand story.

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