36 My Brand

As personalization moves from luxury to expectation, it will no longer serve as a brand differentiator. Leaders in the brand identity space will need to consider the role personalization plays.

It’s not likely that all aspects of a customer experience will need to enable personalization. Careful consideration of the customer needs and the brand promise will help define the hallmarks of the brand identity. Whether personalization plays a prominent or secondary role is a strategic choice made by brand managers. As with identity programs, an understanding of the brand identity foundation will help determine how design can best help express a value proposition.

One thing is certain: Consumers like personalization and they’re not giving it back. One-size-fits-all solutions will no longer hold up for brands looking to take the lead in their respective industries.

1. Jones Soda
Pamela Lee, Dave Mason, Victor John Penner

2. On Point
Brian May, Monty Wyne, Chris Enter, Nick Turner

3. Chapter Eight 10 Associates
Jill Peel, Michael Freemantle



Whether or not brand identities should meet the growing expectation for greater personalization remains a matter of customer need and brand appropriateness.

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