54 Walk the Talk

Whether an organization invests up front in its graphic identity, or gets away with a cheap logo and carelessly slaps it on everything possible, a strong brand identity is hard to fake.

Brand identity taps into what an organization does, how it behaves, or who it is—or is trying to become. The graphic identity and identity program exist to enhance or describe the brand identity. They should all add up to a coherent whole. This takes work, practice, expertise, trial and error, and perseverance.

Everyone understands the importance of being frugal. Whether an investment is advisable or wasteful changes by audience or market. What remains constant is the need for organizations to have a sense of self as they make financial and operational decisions about their identity. A company’s actions must match its words. If they don’t, every dollar spent to communicate its brand promise has been wasted.

Harvard Design School
Hahn Smith Design
Nigel Smith, Alison Hahn, Sara Soskolne



Don’t say you have unparalleled resources and a global perspective unless you do. Of course, it’s very likely that Harvard does, but beware of hyperbole.

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