57 Transparent Brands

Entering the social media landscape means understanding how a company should interact in a social environment—on a deeper level than what the logo looks like on Twitter. In a crowd of individuals, how does a company hold up in terms of social relevance? Is it a wallflower or the life of the party?

We’d submit that half of what goes on today in the brave, new world of social media could be characterized as an experiment. The trick might be recognizing that the other half will likely change the world.

In this area, companies need even more diligence about clearly conveying intent, being genuine, and not overpromising. Slip up in any of these areas, and the social consequences can be detrimental to a brand reputation—and hard to correct.



In the old communication model, many interactions were not captured.

Courtesy: People Design Photos: Jeremy Frechette



The social media model creates digital links between groups of people. Many of these links existed already; now that they’re quantifiable, what opportunities do they represent for brands?

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