66 Brand Bibles

When some people think “bible,” they think rulebook. Others think of it as a book of inspiration. Most people who read it tend to find a little of both.

Imagine these two modes—rules and inspiration—separated into two different books. That’s what most organizations do when they want to document their brand. Brand guidelines contain the dos and don’ts of a brand. Brand bibles capture its spirit and promise.

Brand bibles trace their roots back to the elaborate annual reports companies began producing in the 1970s. At that time, well-known designers helped companies seize an opportunity presented by their SEC-mandated annual financial reports. If done well, these documents could communicate something to stockholders beyond earnings. Designers recreated the front-door experience for investors, seeking buy-in through corporate cheerleading.

Years later, as companies moved their financials online, a new generation of designers encouraged companies to continue publishing the promotional part of their annual reports for internal use. The brand bible was born. Since companies no longer refresh their brands in annually produced reports, these brand bibles became more precious.

1. Terex
Matt Huss, Sven Seger, Doug Sellers, Johnny Lim, Luma Eldin, Alex Kroll

2. Emblem Health
Jenifer Books, Sven Seger, Young Kim, Michelle Matthews, Luma Eldin, Frank Oswald

3. Service Source
Erik Cox, Greg Galle, John Bielenberg



These brand bibles enlist bold claims and metaphorical imagery to move primarily internal audiences to realize the potential of their brands.

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