82 The Truth Comes Out

Logos that try too hard, feel forced, or seem to be a stretch can stand out—in a bad way. Potential customers can spot a brand that’s overpromising from a mile away.

Still, many organizations mistakenly undertake a graphic identity overhaul as a quick and easy way to upgrade their brand image. In the short term, updating a graphic identity can make an impact. A new logo certainly can imply a new or better value proposition, but a new face doesn’t make a new person. Customers will expect to see a brand live up to its updated logo in the long run. Disappointing them may make the hard work of rebuilding a brand image even harder.

Organizations that are truthful in their business positioning and authentic in their brand pursuits neither undersell nor oversell the products and services they offer. For these organizations, a logo is more than a decoration. It’s their flag, their company crest, their reason for getting out of bed in the morning. The rewards greatly outweigh the inherent challenges when designing graphic identities for these organizations.

TOKY Branding + Design
Eric Thoelke, Jamie Banks-George, Geoff Story



Jay Miller


Some graphic identities just seem to ring true. Do you doubt the ultra richness of Bissinger’s frosting? Are you uncertain about what Schmidty’s is all about?

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