About Xavier Oliver…

One day over lunch with a friend at the Laie bookshop and café in Barcelona, we were sharing our views on the world of communication when she asked me if I had met Xavier Oliver.

“You haven’t?” she said, utterly surprised. “I’ll have to introduce you!”

In my professional sphere – the world of communication – I had heard a lot about Xavier Oliver Conti, and it had become clear to me that he was one of the “big men” in advertising (and here I mean “big men” as defined by Catalan writer Josep Pla: “This idea of ‘big men’ does not have any serious derogatory meaning. It indicates a certain voluminosity in the figures who are referred to as such.”)

I see Xavier’s “voluminosity” in his knowledge, his experience and his role as a teacher. I have worked intensely in marketing and communication for many years, in large and small businesses, in personal projects and in joint ventures. It has been, however, through working with him that I have really learned about communication and brands from a human standpoint. It has brought out the best in me, pushing aside preoccupations and stereotypes that I had been carrying imperceptibly.

When we finally did meet, though neither of us realized it, common goals tied us together: to help people and organizations express themselves in a different way; to work toward connecting people with brands, caring for them and trying to build a better world; and to focus on people and learn something new every day.

We were both at a point in our careers in which we knew we wanted to offer our experience to the world of brands and communication, and we wanted to do it in a new way. We thus began building our own shared philosophy based on our experiences and the projects we have developed together.

We believe in the immense human capacity to dream, to make those dreams a reality and to generate followers. And we enjoy helping companies look further afield to discover these ideals and express them, share them and tell their stories.

Let the building go on!

Elisenda Serra Masip

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